17477751? ago

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away...

17473684? ago

I don't think this is an either/or scenario. I think there were some people who were definitely shot. There seems to be enough information to indicate there were also crisis actors who pretended to be shot but weren't. Am a shooter. This guy is good. Definitely trained well. Trained well enough, in fact, that he could hit the desired targets and only pretend to hit the ones who weren't supposed to be killed. There's some indication that this was a Terrorist Recruitment center. This Mosque has been in the news before. Dang, I can't find it, the mockingbird media is almost in lockstep in their headlines on this shooting. (Try it, do a search on this mosque and all you get is parroted paragraphs... same same same. )

Anyway, I think as with all things the DS does, there's enough death here for plausible deniability. They can say, "see? not a FF!" But having Pedo Podesta there, having the connections between what he posted and what the gunman posted, the very new account on the Chans, the oddly specific naming of certain people who've been a thorn in the DS side... it all points to some fuckery. We don't need to be divided on this, just keep sharing what we find!

17483086? ago

You're panicking.



17474927? ago

Agreed.Never stop seeking the truth.

17472894? ago

whats the sauce on that screenshot it does not look like any of the footage i have seen. Note the white dude with glasses on the floor da fuk. No sauce im calling fake on this for now.

17483308? ago

cheers for the link +1

17472417? ago

The video wasn't fake. The killings were real. The shooter was a deep state asset. The people in the mosque are really dead. The innocents lost their lives. The purpose was multi prong. Disenfranchise, slander and deplatform Q, distract from Q revelations about the DS, cause civil unrest by providing fuel for the fire of Muslim extremists, encourage copycats, stoke international warfare and clamp down on gun rights in NZ where the cabal plans to flee.

It was a deep state operation. Terribly sad attack and terribly sad response in Utrecht. This will continue until the people responsible are brought to justice. Shooter may have MK affect, we do not have enough info to verify. Delta programming

17483095? ago



Wake up you're watching movies of Satanists to control you

17473193? ago

Aus is heavy into cabal Satanism. Disappeared for years, travel in NK / Pak makes highly likely fodder. Shriners / Masons highly active extension on the continent. There are undoubtedly many many bodies buried in the outback

17475271? ago

Nz has entire backwoods towns where everybody's in on it. Can't remember names from top of head. It's really out of control. They had a hari Krishna cult section if I remember correctly and it was all oriented around pedo . I think they did tunnels into the mountains as a bunker.

17475552? ago

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17475517? ago

Foreign affairs Sri Lanka? A Twin? General authority Mormon? he spent about 20 years in the Criminal Investigation Branch and five years as Matamata-Piako and immigration? and Dame Annette Faye King https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104420/17475460 'So they are in NZ and Ian S. Ardern? Jacinda Ardern left Mormon church to support LGBT rights?'

17478062? ago

Thank you for the jumping off points.

17477800? ago

I think it's a cult magnet because it isn't so easy to just "leave" you have to spend a significant amount of resource to get on /off the island and until recently it was known as a backwater track country even if the local landscape is impressive. Ultimately most / all cults and pseudo organizations boil down to a drug / pedo / poly / megalomania craze. It also ends up synonymous to a psy op test bed for whomever can gather deluded followers. Any place with a significant flower power culture is the same but it can be most especially prevalent in a place isolated away from public attention. It has to be a huge Intel hotbed for that reason. The landscape allowed for enormous and remote off grid projects if elite cultists decided they wanted a far off hidey hole. Digging nz tax records and NGO patterns with celebrities and power CEOs property may yield fruit. Dig time

17540204? ago

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17471615? ago

I have the video, I've watched it several times after posts like these. I can't see any evidence of a hoax. Shell casings are all over the green carpet where you can see them due to the contrast. The camera is low res probably due to his desire to live stream. He dropped his mags on the ground and picked them up later. People are bleeding out everywhere. This has to be a post by someone trying to discredit and mislead. The shooting was a Mossad FF event. The Mosque has been used to recruit Jihadis in the past. The video is real and the people are dead.

17483103? ago

You're not a very good liar.


Crisis acting smells like this.


17489097? ago

I don't get your point, many shooting victims in the Las Vegas FF event and countless other tragedies were texting after they were shot or injured. How is texting indicative of anything other than contacting someone? I would certainly text my dear wife if I were shot and still alive. There is no evidence of this being fake that I've seen yet and plenty of evidence that it was all too real.

17472199? ago

As real as it gets when you stop applying ridiculous Hollywood standards to what happens in a real shooting.

17483337? ago

As fake and gay as it gets when accompanied by video of the crisis actors:


17472266? ago

Agreed. This was probably a 5.56 which will not make "bullet holes" in the wall that are visible nor will blood be gushing out like in a video game or Hollywood movie.

17473215? ago

High velocity from close range likely went right through without doing much tissue damage and spraying blood and tissue everywhere.

17472070? ago

good try guys. there is so much strangest in that video like the bodies being in the corner already...

17472310? ago

I suppose you would just walk down the hallway? Where would you run to if someone was coming down the hall shooting and killing people? Would you run into the room where you see people getting shot? There was no exit at the back of the Mosque so where would you go as you are trapped like fish in a barrel.

17475114? ago

Maybe try and overwhelm the SINGLE gunman.

17476586? ago

Someone did, he was killed.

17501575? ago

More than one should have tried.

17505223? ago

Hard to make that judgment under those circumstances. Very hard. It's the only logical thing to do as the shooter would be overwhelmed. However, of all of the mass shootings, I am aware of, that hasn't happened. Heck, in Sandyhook, the sheriff was afraid to go in. Either that, or he was told to stand down.

17506420? ago

It would be hard.It's just crazy to me with not many options 3 or more men wouldn't try and rush him or something.

17472658? ago

jump out the window bitch.

the folks on the left weren't even shot yet... and still they didn't move..

there is a guy under the bench that never gets shot.


17469401? ago

On the NZ event

The “shooting” was a HOAX. Use critical thinking and watch the video objectively.

1) Why doesn’t he shoot anyone outside the mosque as he enters?

A shill says: “because the mosque was his target!!!”

I say: the strobe gun was loaded with blanks or “simunition” and random passers by didn’t know that. Only those inside the mosque did, and that was the entire purpose of using the strobe on that gun — as a visual confirmation to the actors inside that this gun is the “blanks” gun.

2) Why were there piles of bodies in the corners of the room as soon as he entered? Why did none of those huddled bodies try to escape through the doorways at the same corners of the room?

A shill says: “because they were terrified!!!”

I say: it was a movie set, and this “shooting” was a movie with stage props and lots of fake bodies, or mannequins.

3) Why did he spend so long shooting at nothing outside the mosque? Why did he return to his car to switch weapons?

A shill says: “because he was crazy!!! to reload!!!”

I say: to give the actors a chance to be checked by medical crew, and to allow sufficient time to replace certain actors with mannequins for the “coup de grace” shots for the final scene.

4) Why did he switch weapons?

A shill says: “because he was a crazy white supremacist with too many guns!!!”

I say: the second AR was loaded with actual projectiles to increase “realism” for the final scene. Notice the change in sound, and how much more carefully he aims it.

5) Why did some bodies produce a bloody mist and others did not?

A shill says: “because In real life that’s what happens, I should know, I am an expert!!!”

I say: blood packs were either not installed on every mannequin for budget reasons, or some of them failed to discharge when shot.

6) Why were the lady’s shoes on the sidewalk as he leaves the mosque?

A shill says: “because she was just shot!!!”

I say: this is a CLASSIC hoax marker. Shoes seem to be symbolic to the organisers of these events. Shoes off can be found at almost every “mass shooting” and “terror” event. Look it up!

7) Why did the first couple of shotgun rounds in the car appear to do nothing to the car’s windshield despite shooting straight through it?

A shill says: “because the video is too poor quality to see the damage!!!”

I say: those shotgun shells were also “simunition” or similar stage prop ammunition. Strong enough to sometime damage windows at point blank range (especially weaker side glass), but not all of the time.

8) Why was the video such poor quality?

A shill says: “because he live streamed it!!!!”

I say: to make it harder to analyse after the event.

There are many more discrepancies and anomalies for this phoney fake show. See how many you can spot yourself ;)

17472973? ago

People like yourself with no knowledge of firearms shouldn't make speculation about firearms. The video confirmed to me that the killings were real. Further review confirmed the killer was DS possibly Mk Delta.

  1. He doesn't shoot the few people outside the mosque because he doesn't want to give the others inside a chance to escape after hearing shots.

  2. When people hear gunfire they freeze like deer. Only people with training under stress make any kind of movement other than crawling into a corner like they did. Basal brain. Fight or flight. Fetal position.

  3. He shot at people down the street from the mosque. He brought two rifles and likely decided his first was malfunctioning too much.

  4. Because he had multiple malfunctions with ammunition feed on his first rifle.

  5. Because blood isn't like Hollywood movies and TV shows. "Blood packs" has been making the rounds as a parroted narrative all over the web today. Doesn't explain hydrostatic shock.

  6. Because you take your shoes off before you go into a mosque.

  7. Because windshield glass is designed to not completely fragment when it's punctured for similar reasons of debris hitting your windshield from the outside of the car.

  8. Because Livestream on a cell network is often poor quality.

17477961? ago

✅ because they were terrified!!! ✅ because I am an expert!!! ✅ because the video was poor quality!!!

And a few I missed originally. Not bad! Shill confirmed.

17472163? ago

Pure evil exists. Stop acting like it doesn’t.

This is a shill narrative just like flat earth. Created to make us look retarded. I’m not retarded. Don’t be retarded.

17475309? ago

No ones saying evil doesnt exist.

17476014? ago


17501682? ago


17501777? ago

Projecting and slow. Mentally too! Noice try feg.

17470471? ago

Here's my take: the first person to see him was at the beginning of the walk to the mosque, about 6:30. He goes on about a 7 minute rampage, returns to his car (which BTW the trunk of was left wide open with other weapons that were lying in plain view), gets another gun, returns to the scene, goes on about a 3 minute rampage, then walks (not runs) back to his car, casually gets in, and drives away. At no point did you hear sirens in the distance, see police cars in route, much less already at the scene, and the same for ambulances. You can't tell me that in 11 minutes, no one was notified. Would love to know the actual response time.

17471621? ago

This article was published about the response time...

Also, although I did not fully look at the sequence of events or the facts of the case, I do know that where I come from, there is a mother who is waiting anxiously for the recovery of her son who is still in intensive care unit and the state government where she comes from has arranged to fly over to NZ CC to assist in watching out for his recovery.

Have project deadline to meet, thus not able to do much more...

17470290? ago

The first thing I do before running away from an emergency is take my shoes off.

17472068? ago

It's a mosque, moron. Their shoes would have been off when the shooting started.

17469224? ago

follow this guy in the green/yellow/blue jacket from the supposed 2nd mosque video...

8 sec in

28 sec writhing on the floor

31 seconds

1:17.... walking around fine

17488299? ago

Did they replace the carpet immediately after the shooter went through? Where is this carpet in the original video?

17483114? ago

Video with sound of crisis actors:


17470491? ago

The shooters and the video of the second mosque attack have completely disappeared of the Internet and news cycle

17469162? ago

I especially like the self sealing walls and the silenced, and inordinately smokey, shotgun.

17469017? ago

Wrong carpet.

17483122? ago

This is leaked video of crisis actors


Crisis actors = FAKE 'SHOOTING'

17468952? ago

Hes checking for a (you) from Q.

17468356? ago

The shell casings remind me of airplane noses that smash through steel buildings.

17520959? ago

she left the church in 2005 (when she was 25) because the church's views on gay people conflicted with her own. She now describes herself as 'agnostic'. https://old.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/71vfsl/tonight_new_zealand_may_elect_an_exmo_prime/dne3ru4/

17468317? ago

Qtards are panicking

17483148? ago









17472260? ago


17467957? ago

Are we sure this pic is from the NZ shooting?

17467607? ago

How about the dead guy leaning on the wall with a hole in his head?

17483173? ago


You mean guys like these pre-CGI?



17483252? ago

I will say the the mosque in the video in question was not the same mosque that Tarrant videoed.

17483306? ago

Three Mosques were targeted for the movie script.


17483410? ago

Well regardless, Q confirmed that the true target of the "attacks" was anons/Patriots on 8 chan, and that Tarrant was/is funded/controlled behind the scenes.

17483571? ago

Yes, that's why immediately after the commie fucks are trying to shut down Voat, 4ch and 8ch

17483780? ago

I believe that this whole mosque thing was supposed to happen in Broward. I think that the gunman was able to approach the mosque locked ,loaded, and strapped under the pretext that he had offered security/ gun training to the members inside. NZ = Broward IMO.


17467110? ago

I can't speak to the casings, but if I were shot and bleeding out I'd sure try to text for help or to tell my loved ones something.

17483327? ago



17469607? ago

There's no blood on the floor, with dead people all around him. And if there were actually a shooting that took place, you couldn't wait, until you were at the hospital, or in the ambulance? You're going to text on the floor surrounded by the dead? I don't know. My cousin was in a mall shooting, and raced out to her car. She sat there in shock, for an unknown amount of time.
She texted her husband at dinnertime, because she couldn't drive. I doubt you'd be texting anyone like this guy was. The shock, would keep you from thinking clearly.

17472268? ago

If I were shot and immobilized and thought I might be dying, yes, I would use the communication methods at my disposal.

The rest of your points are red herrings that I won't be distracted by.

17472635? ago

I hope you're right, because it would ease, and comfort your loved ones. Shock can have/has a pretty dramatic effect on the mind. It can immobilize even the physically uninjured.

17468963? ago

Naw. He checkin Q posts.

17468410? ago

Yeah he's bleeding out and everyone's walking around while he texts instead of stopping the bleeding, makes sense.

17468116? ago

Uh. You sure you wouldn't, IDK, try and stop your bleeding so you can SEE them again? LOL. Cmon shillious maximus

17467184? ago


17467333? ago

Haha what? If I were in a similar situation, that's what I would do.

17483274? ago


Video of crisis actors on tape:


Would you sit up, then lie down, then stand up?

Fake and gay

17488707? ago

You know what? I honestly don't know what I'd do in that situation, other than try to reach out for help. And neither do you.

If you want to present hard evidence to make your case, that's great. But what you're doing is overlaying your subjective interpretation of the situation and guessing as to the person's motives. This is just plain stupid.

Would I sit up, lie down, then stand up? I don't know, depends on the situation. But by itself it's not evidence. It's your conjecture, and conjecture like that is exactly why we get labelled as nutjobs.

17467867? ago

yep everyone texts, all the time, rain or shine but they would (without a doubt) be texting and calling someone...

17466745? ago

What timestamp of the video are you talking about?

where is this supposed texting?

17469756? ago

I see the timestamps but no idea where to find the video

17470029? ago

Then how did you see it to begin with?

17466698? ago

Bullet casings don't disappear. Even if he was firing blanks you still have cases. Think it's simply an artifact of a low resolution digital camera.

17472049? ago

no. the casing would be visible on the ground, if anything the ones in the air would be hard to see, be we see them.

17466803? ago

You shills are panicking, glorious!

The other equally small items are visible. Bullet casings don't just disappear.


Crisis actor TEXT'ing?





17472179? ago

Your response exposes you. Shill.

It’s called video compression faggot.

17483225? ago




Other objects same size don't disappear.

Fake and gay.

Video of crisis actors caught on video:


17468844? ago

No it’s true, the casings are there but not in all footage. It depends on the resolution on the source material.

17483265? ago

Casing don't disappear in real life


Here is a video of NZ mosque crisis actors

17468251? ago

^ Qtard is panicking

17483266? ago

^ Anti-Q panicking shill is PROJECTING

17472061? ago

lol you get for autodownvotes from the anti-q squad for commenting on these posts.

17467002? ago

So what is your explanation? The casings eject from the weapon hit the ground and then go? Where exactly?

17467927? ago

They are scrubbing that scene of disappearing shells hard from the internet because its way to fucking obvious. They must have hired some NASA peeps for this because it's absolutely 100% FAKE. The shells don't even look like they are coming out of the gun, to begin with, after about 5-6 shots the shells start ejecting towards a wall it never hits. THEY TOTALLY DISAPPEAR IN MID-AIR! It's a fucking joke, the whole thing was a fucking staged event to try and go after the Chans. They are going after the Chans folks that's what this whole op was about. It's why Podesta the Molesta was there right before this shit happened.

17467864? ago

Show me a screenshot of the point in the video where the casings hit the ground.

17469698? ago

God you're a fucking idiot.

17472738? ago

You got him spouting flat earth because he got nothing. It's sad and funny all at the same time isn't it friend.

17471707? ago

You can't, can you? Go in Christ my brother.

17472234? ago

Doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Just means you don’t understand video compression. Sad. Must be hard having such a low IQ.

While I have you here can I ask you what your thoughts are on the moon landing and if we live on a flat plane or not?

17473825? ago

Other objects of equal and smaller size are visible in the video.

17467020? ago

CGI programmers fucked up.

17467077? ago

So, riddle me this Batman. If it's all CGI, then why do they need crisis actors?

17467207? ago


Ever seen a behind the scenes video on movie making?

17467384? ago

So if it was all fake with actors and fake blood the works... Wouldn't be far easier to use blanks and blood packs and it would all look real? But no, we have supposed crisis actors texting after the attack, but the firearm was CGI including the cases, which disappear. Any 2nd year movie student could pull off a better fake. Did it ever occur to you that somebody wounded might text or call a loved one?

17467905? ago

if they, ds, have this much riding on a (ff?) shooting they wouldnt cgi it... they know their actors in hwood, paid millions, cant act.

17469682? ago

I'm not implying the DS faked this you idiot, I'm disputing that Q-Tards saying this is faked!