17496214? ago

The left loves identity politics.

17481878? ago

Facebook live-streamed the event. Facebook should be regulated or disbanded.

17479755? ago

The shooter didn't even post on Voat or Q's 8Chan. He said he shit-posted on /pol/. You can't remove the free speech on the millions of people for the actions of one.

17474860? ago

This sounds like AOC logic!

17473808? ago

The goal is to take out the communication platform of Trump to his base. They will use any FF or event to achieve it. THe deep state globalist cabal is running out of time and is desperate. Take out Trump's platform and they have leverage.

17470316? ago

Are subways FULL of people talking about how awesome fucking kids is? If that was the case, I could see the analogy. But as it stands, the chans are full of bigotry and share a part of the responsibility for radicalizing a murderer.

17476329? ago

So is your head and the kinks you have but we don't cut your head off. What a communist fool you are. BAN EVERYTHING OFFENSIVE BAN EVERYTHING!!!!!!

Ever read the bill of right you fucking loser?

17468608? ago

What kind of car was that that enabled all those murders? Where did he get the petrol?! Who made him those evil shoes?? Why on earth did the musicians make murder entertainment, and who are the wicked cunts?! I don't know who provided that road and just let anyone travel on it, but that's gross neglect! Why the fuck did facebook allow the show?!

17467618? ago

Does anyone else remember that last Friday the report was that two mosques were attacked by different gunmen? No one was injured in the second mosque because a man at the mosque had a gun and fired at the gunmen driving them away. Three people had been arrested - the gunman who allegedly killed 50 people and the two men who attempted to attack the second mosque. I remember reading in the comments here that it's pretty hard to force new anti-gun laws when it was an armed citizen who saved the people at the mosque from harm. Now the story is consistently that two mosques were hit, and I quote, "... just one shooter at this sight." The news is making it sound as if the alleged killer was at both mosques. What do you think? Was the orginal newsstory inaccurate or are 'they' trying to scrub the facts in order to enact gun control?

17467824? ago

Both, all three, multiple objectives at once, shut down 8ch, voat, Q, everything. They would kill way more than 50 innocents to achieve the objective of stopping their exposure

17467976? ago

Did you read posts: Trudeau and government in Holland are using NZ as a reason to further control their countries re: gun and Internet control?

17469047? ago

This is their red letter day to try and push confiscation anywhere they still have them. Didn't see but will look. Workfagging

17467067? ago

Fags.....all of them.

17466317? ago

to be fair subway should shutdown for what they did to sub sandwiches.

17466146? ago

They do NOT want us to know our rights, the constitution, their government issued money scheme, that withholding wages as income tax is illegal or what is going on around us; around the world.

Just like the elite said before they killed LaVoy Finicum, "We have to nip this in the bud, before they educate the public."

17469563? ago

Rockefeller said it best.

I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.

17469448? ago

Exactly. and RIP LaVoy. Glad to see that he has not been forgotten.

17466107? ago

Notice they never mention FB, Twitter, Youtube or MSM sites.

17487535? ago

Jack Posobiec hosting AMA on REDDIT https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3105471

17468104? ago

We all know why. We are getting valuable information out to the public. Information that is life changing, that they don't want us to know. You see there are only a few people at the top and they try and keep it that way. It is all about greed and power.

17466464? ago

And it was livestreamed on FB