17478862? ago

This article is also interesting: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2817.htm

(Normally I take everything on this website with a huge pinch of salt but the info. seems legit.)

17472486? ago

It seems to be that they were not prepared for the level of investigation that came up.

Or maybe they were and pulled everything down to prevent investigation. The effect is the same. Censoring truth, whatever it is.

17471550? ago

All on orders from the oil driven M uzzies.

17470010? ago

Carpet Bomb NZ with the video. Any open platform in the country

17473470? ago

How? Mail dvds to random addresses?

17474256? ago

No post on random NZ websites. Just copy paste a link to a archived video everywhere on local NZ webpages. Construction websites, floral, anywhere there's a comment bar. Specifically NZ based webpages.

17470265? ago

The full video is easily downloaded on the Torrents, just search for Christchurch

17470635? ago

I was just saying to post it to any NZ based websites. Anything that let's someone post something that NZ people have access too.

17468882? ago

Today in the Netherlands we had a Turkish man shoot people in a tram in Utrecht. 3 killed and 9 in bad shape, i hope they make it. The police got the shooter and he's a known criminal. i just watched the whole 17 minute video in NZ on www.theync.com it made me feel sick to the bone. I just don't understand why someone is so fucked in the head to do this and kill innocent people that cant fight back, the video quality isn't that good but it looks pretty sickening real.

I don't care about your skin color or believe, either way the Turkish man and the guy responsible for the NZ massacare shoot be hung ! please forgive the typo.

Greetings from the Netherlands. WWG1WGA

17472686? ago

I posted this yesterday that the suspect "would be known to police." Every....time. Without fail. Now what is the message here?

17487425? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3105493 'what a cluster fuck'

17467840? ago

They should leave flash drives everywhere with what the muzzies did to those 2 girls. Then lead right into Brenton Wick 1.

17467660? ago

They dont want people to see the special effects of the shells disappearing. I think it was BS like the Boeing.

17467834? ago

This Ethiopian Airlines 737 MAX 8 flew from A to B, and then the next day flew from A to B again, without returning from B to A.


17467478? ago

There must be something about that video they really don't want you to see.

17480582? ago

White people successfully fighting back against moslems

17469246? ago

my feeling its the entire story, his background story is not real. The killer himself is full of disinfo and misdirection, whole PewDiePie is a shit posting distraction. He was overseas a long time in strange places how did he fund all that travel? Whats all the weird music, guy was very cold he was said to be in touch with other groups? Programmed to Kill? Also the spam attack on voat by dormant accounts and the effort to get 4chan banned

17479396? ago

It was False Flag (not to be confused with 'fake event'). Q has confirmed this here. https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/5741016.html#5741764

Pedosta was in NZ, and left just days before the attack. His official reason for being there was literally there to tell them to start changing laws and legislation because of the incoming crisis of certain social media (including 8chan).

He actually used the pizzagate shooter as the main reason for this need to change, then fucking literally days later, the next "8chan" shooter appears. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1q6TEqVAAACCGg.jpg:large

PG started on 8chan.

More sauce: https://twitter.com/BurnedSpy34/status/1106402543121260554

Edit: New Q confirming 8chan is the target of this FF. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D1q6TEqVAAACCGg.jpg:large

17470412? ago

Do you know if it was "illegal " before this or did they just start arresting people? I just started looking into this last night. Crazy shit

17466345? ago

🔥🔥They don't want people to learn it was a CGI movie🔥🔥


17467541? ago

whats the timestamp in the vid where the texting is?

17466002? ago

What are they hiding?

17469334? ago

Have been digging on this since thursday straight through more or less.

They are scared we will out them on the training op that was going on at the same time. It drew all the local cops to the highschool in the north of town so perp could get to second mosque, shoot it up, and then make his get away through the south of town.

He was stopped by two officers from a different town that just so happened to be on training at a hospital.

Check out the sauce on the newzealand thread on 8ch: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/4664577.html#5759128

17467730? ago


17481718? ago

Why do you clowns keep posting this image? The carpet in that image is beige - in the attack it was green.

17483211? ago

Did you know three Mosques were targeted for the movie?



17470174? ago

That texting image is dog shit Anon.

17469159? ago

are there camera experts that have posted on this? i could understand some artifacts from compressed video, but you can see details on the ground/sidewalk, but cannot see the casings? that is odd if that is undoctored video.

what camera was it? was it a phone camera broadcasting live? can you get a gopro to broadcast live now.

17467227? ago

Cool... where's the blood?

17483279? ago

It was to be added in post-production.

17465729? ago

Would be a good time for everyone in NZ to to post/print/watch everything and force the government to shit themselves!

17467524? ago

can they arrest everyone? would they try?

17467589? ago

It would expose them

17470195? ago

Anon, it HAS exposed them.

17465561? ago

Censorship only creates opportunity for conspiracy theoris to arise.

17472811? ago

18 Anomalies at Christchurch Mosque Massacre, Jamie McNicol from The Sentinels of Truth. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3104198

17466512? ago

But with enough censorship you cant share them.

Or so they think.

17465408? ago

The rants and livestream happened on facebook, youtube but ban facebook? shut down facebook? NO !!! They are also watching kiwifarms and want names, IPs and emails from internet forums. NZ blocked 4Chan, the Australian ISPs DNS block Voat/8ch/4chan, they block the IP addresses too try to unperson people from the internet.

17467547? ago

That's the most batshit crazy aspect about this....it's so bloody obvious, too!

17465816? ago

Precursor and stress test for us.

17479568? ago

Voat.co is now blocked in Australia and NZ. Started today, implemented simultaneously by all the top ISPs in the country.

Users are greeted with this page or similar. https://www.vodafone.com.au/temporarily-unavailable