17445891? ago

bruh I have the vid and this is it this proves the whole thing is faked and a studio production.

17445731? ago

Yeah this is not a hoax there's blood it's just shitty quality recording.

Now call me a shill for disagreeing with you.

17459780? ago

The shooting was real. No hoax. But how many shooters? The video exposes multiple accomplices. But yet the official narrative is 1 shooter.

17509210? ago

The video shows NO accomplices lol what are you smoking dude?

17445962? ago

I agree regarding the low quality recording. This seems to be intended. It must be hard to find such a lousy camera today. And the "LIVE4" logo (a gopro broadcasing system) also looks blurred, even though this doesn't depend on camera quality. I would expect much more blood on the wall, the carpet and on the shooter. But I won't call you a shill for a different opinion.

17444776? ago

I don’t know what to make of it. From the 6:50 angle the bottoms of the hallway corps feet are red and the tops aren’t visible. On the second pass the tops are seen as solid blue

17443322? ago

Yes! "What is my brain seeing that I'm not?"

17442923? ago

Wow!!! A better one I just found is when he comes in for the first time, then there was already a Magazine on the ground!!! WTF

He comes back and picks it up later!!!

Someone said that was the real magazine with the real bullets shooting at dummies. So he comes in and it's all special effects like the movie. Then picks up the real magazine and shoots real bullets.

Luckily I screenshot it for you all as proof. https://imgoat.com/uploads/9adc1e107f/206883.jpg

17445463? ago

Link is dead

17451230? ago

Look for original video and roughly 6:30 and 8:30, give or take 25 seconds on each spot.

It's hard to see but there was a clip there before he went in.

Perhaps one of the reasons they lowered the quality of this "live" video so much.

17631983? ago

I have the video, it's there he even looks down at it on his way in, then picks it up on his way out. IT's decorated like all his other pieces. I've looked it over and over and there is no way that would be there normally.

17674261? ago

I'm guessing they did the video using editing techniques similar to that of movies like hardcore henry and edited a bit, which is why people were already in the corner and why a clip would already be there and the quality of the video was so low, as well videos being taken down as opposed to videos like this typically being on multiple sites with no issue.

Hard to say whether this was real or not, but it definitely seems edited some how.

17442259? ago

Read Rawles's books. He could see the war on Christianity coming. He predicted this trouble out of NZ.

17441379? ago

I'm not discrediting this at all. But why tf would he change his socks anyway,? Like was his socks wet and he was like fuck that I need some dry socks. Or was he just like "fuck I've been shot, oh hell nah I wont be caught dead in these red socks, luckily I always keep another pair of blue socks on me" Mad world man, It amazes me that I still get surprised at the shit I see.

17441333? ago

Anons tracking the DS set up of death narrative faster than the DS can cover and delete. Thus, they must attempt to shut off 8 chan researchers even though it was You tube that allowed the video to stream to start with. So they do more gun grabbing talking points immediately in a VERY highly restricted gun country. If good guys had guns like in Israel, the bad guy or guys would have gone down very swiftly, and far less shots would have found a victim. London now tracking and registering knives? Yet they cant stop vehicles from running into crowds because then they would have to confiscate all cars. So how many more times will they take down a plane or activate a psychotic shooter to try to stop the light from shining on their great evil? As many times as they can get away with to accomplish their world domination.

Human suffering is a great joy in their lives, so death is their means to power, and eventually they plan to kill 2/3 of the world off to maintain us as their feeders. Humanity is wide awake Thank Q. Dark to light within 24 hours of any attack. The Parkland school attachment to this specific Mosque was a really stupid narrative that rang 1000 bells to anons, and then Podesta traveling there just prior to the shooting rang 1000 more bells, add the fact that the shooter was def not alt right like MSM pushed, but visited mostly Muslim loving areas in his travels, loving Pakistan the most? Then once again the conflicted multiple shooters vs one shooter stories from eye witnesses just like in Las Vegas. We will not be silenced. The truth has set us free. You are already exposed world wide. First America, then the world.

17619742? ago



Wiki : Several academic commentators to have studied the ONA express the view that the name "Anton Long" is probably the pseudonym of the British neo-Nazi activist David Myatt, although Myatt has denied that this is the case. From the late 1970s onward, Long authored a number of books and articles propagating the Order's ideas, and in 1988 it began production of its own journal, Fenrir. Through these ventures it established links with other neo-Nazi Satanist groups around the world, furthering its cause through embracing the Internet in the 2000s.

The ONA promotes the idea that human history can be divided into a series of Aeons, each of which contain a corresponding human civilization. It expresses the view that the current Aeonic civilization is that of the Western, but claims that the evolution of this society is threatened by the "Magian/Nazarene" influence of Judeo-Christian religion, which the Order seeks to combat in order to establish a militaristic new social order, termed the "Imperium". According to Order teachings, this is necessary in order for a Galactic civilization to form, in which "Aryan" society will colonise the Milky Way. It advocates a spiritual path in which the practitioner is required to break societal taboos by isolating themselves from society, committing crimes, embracing political extremism and violence, and carrying out an act of human sacrifice. ONA members practice magick, believing that they are able to do so through channeling energies into our own "causal" realm from an "acausal" realm where the laws of physics do not apply, with such magical actions designed to aid in the ultimate establishment of the Imperium. The ONA Dark Goddess Baphomet has been described as having "strong parallels" with the Hindu Goddess Kali. According to Senholt, "the ONA has produced more material on both the practical and theoretical aspects of magic, as well as more ideological texts on Satanism and the Left-Hand Path in general, than larger groups such as the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set has produced in combination [which] makes the ONA an important player in the theoretical discussion of what the Left-Hand Path and Satanism is and should be according to the practitioners" '

17440881? ago

Let me guess, all the victims are named Mohammed and no one else in New Zealand had ever heard of them except the other Mohammeds from the same mosque...

17440854? ago

Has anyone seen this one? Magically disappearing cartridges! https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=89&v=9HQC-ZxqaVs

17632013? ago

That one was well debinked the shells are there, just the whitewashing and low quality make it look like they dissapear but they are definitely there you have to look very closely and you can see them.

17440842? ago

Israel colors... ...

17445446? ago

Oy vey

17440788? ago

I saw the video, and I honestly didn't see any blood or tissue or brains or anything. LATER there are small amounts of blood seen, but, come on. Way too little blood. Weird

17440621? ago

I think they deliberately edited the footage for another layer of distraction. Even the manifesto is designed to enrage people.

17450710? ago

Was it live or was there a tape delay? Consider the fact he's "live"streaming via Facebook.....not exactly friends of freedom over there.

17440522? ago

There is something very fishy all around.

When so many people are saying the same thing. No wonder they want this video blocked.

Deleted and forgotten about, they fucked up big time. Now they know we know.

17441441? ago

Spends time with Turkish and Paki Hotel. In Eastern Europe, Balkans, a Stone Temple in London he is a member of the Masonic Forum in Canberra, capital of Australia? Turkey, Bosnia, India, Asia, Pakistan the muslims are friends to him, visited these places in the past few years. North Korea, Pakistan, Montenegro, Serbia, Dubai, Ukraine, Bulgaria, France, Poland.Turkey, Bosnia,.. first 2 would put him on a watch list? ' You are not going for the golf courses visiting these spots. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3101342/17440926 Does anyone know under what statute this can be penalized? I am curious what else could be illegal in NZ'

17440415? ago

Here’s another video to be archived for the collection - commenter discusses lack of blood, bodies already lying down, and guy on cell phone at the end.


Archive offline

17442607? ago

You can see clothing moving where he shoots. Unless those are dummies he’s actually shooting. You can see movement not just clothing where he aims. The quality is pure garbage for sure.

17443076? ago

Yes, I agree that I also saw some impacts but only on the pile of “bodies”- impossible to say for sure if those were even bodies there. The main pile was there before/as the shooter entered the room.

17443190? ago

Well I just watched another longer video. I truly wish I hadn’t have seen it. He goes around giving head shots to the people on the ground. Then he goes back outside. Shoots a women in the head as she’s crying “Help me. Help me.” You can see a chunk of her hair and scalp fly off. I think I’m done for the day.

17460373? ago

I just saw the full video myself. I read somewhere (?) that some of the people thought they were participating in a staged event that then turned real - and they were true victims. Based on what I could see - pre-staged body piles, minimal reaction, no casing shells, no smoke or dust, etc - that explanation isn’t ruled out. Like most everyone else, I dont know what to believe yet -I only know that open and full inquiry is right, as is transparency.

17451266? ago

chunk of scalp fly off with no blood at all?

Are you retarded?

17445364? ago

The lady in the street?

17447472? ago


17440193? ago

I have not seen the original video and would like to see for myself what has been discussed these past days. Anyone has a link to the original?

(archive, 8ch or he likes, FB etc are taking all down)

17441521? ago

Thanx, but OP has already responded. :)

17440470? ago

Check out the brighteon link I posted above your comment

17440658? ago

ThanQ, I saw it - but that was not the original. OP posted a link, though.

17440450? ago

In that comment it's linked: https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3100831/17433140. Right click the mp4-link, select "save as" and wait some minutes. It's on a slow but relatively safe site.

17440664? ago

Thanks Patriot, got it (and yes, it was a slow dl).

17440154? ago

Nice work! This is the same sort of inconsistencies Dave McGowan noticed in the Boston bombing hoax. Fake blood, clothing rips with no blood underneath, people changing clothes and positions after "dying". RIP Dave. http://centerforaninformedamerica.com/boston-1/

17442831? ago

I think they forgot the fake blood here ... hrrm. Not a drop to be seen anywhere as far as I can tell.

17439782? ago

Whether this was a real shooting or not is almost beside the point. The globalists waste no time in implementing their Stasi-like Gulag measures to take away all means of self-defense and free speech and thought from their host country's population. The point is to make sure they don't get away with leaving us gagged and defenseless.

17441789? ago

Seen a post about Shriners and Jesters and now something about a CLOWN ? 'Yep. It is clowns and certain ..... Areas, (north of Iran) and I havent had but a sip of coffee and I cant remember its name. Has a lot of cabal symbolism in its archteture. As I said Im just getting my feet on the floor. And from the looks of it, it had to have been set up by the clowns. And there was the airline also, ...boy Im brain dead this morning. Lol. That was shuttling obamas money and red cross money. Also have you noticed everyone is shutting down any coverage on the NZ shooting? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3099149/17441362 NZ is prosecuting people for just talking about it online. This should tell us a lot. Btw we live in Asia. Im 12 hours ahead, its morning here.'

17441222? ago

They should hire Spielberg or Stanley Kubrick next time? They make better Special FX ? https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3101503 Actor will add to a conspiracy i guess

17439604? ago

usually CIS will have covers on hands and feet to preserve any evidence. Could this have been the case?

17440197? ago

I always find it hilarious when they want to preserve random evidence when they know exactly who the shooter is.

17439574? ago

From Jim Stone's website;

UNCONFIRMED: Christchurch shooting fake For however long it lasts, take a look at this video on Twitter. No context is given, however, it appears someone who "died" is in the same position he was in when he "died" and he's texting. The background on this was that it was claimed to be a video taken before the shooting, where they were practicing with the "crisis actors".

I am skeptical, but I also can't save this like I can other videos and there has to be a reason why they are criminalizing having the original - perhaps they don't want people cross examining things. So for what it's worth Give this twitter video a look, I am a little bit skeptical but it does look like this could really be something.


17440580? ago

That carpet is white-ish, the one in the video is green.

17439982? ago

You can save it whith this online service (no account, nothing to install): https://www.savetweetvid.com/

17441439? ago

Nothing to see here move along!

17440932? ago

You can see them. They first go right of fence post then they go left and bounce down sidewalk by edge of fence.

Focus on where he pulled out of at start of video. Right behind schindlers lifts in the mini industrial park. By interpol coffee.

17441742? ago

Shindlers lifts... sure sounds like a mossad Shindlers List psyop FF

17441229? ago

Why would they fake it? It'd be cheaper just to kill the muzzies, it's not like (((they))) value life.

Why would they fake it?

17443365? ago

Because they put money into training them? Crisis actors can and are used over and over until they get recognized.

17445794? ago

Why train them in the first place when you could just kill them?

Or train them and go live fire, lol. Like they give a fuck about training someone for a few months.

17440921? ago

Then why do I see some of them landing over near that pillar? It's amazing how many internet experts show up to volunteer their expert opinions whenever something happens. smh

17441234? ago

Kikes tho

17440692? ago

Huh? Looks like vga!?

17440644? ago

The leap from the video to Milo is ridiculous. The upside down signal is white supremacy. Right side up is trumps “ok” and “precise” sign.

17440548? ago

Eco-friendly ammo?

17439814? ago


17439160? ago

I don't think he was barefoot, but rather was wearing slippers with reddish soles.

17441530? ago

That wouldnt explain where his shoes went

17439378? ago

That could be an explanation, the picture quality is very poor. He hat invested a lot of money and time for preparation but used a very outdated camera (resolution 648x360?).

I found no picture of the first scene with any blue color a the side of his feet.

17440953? ago

What model gopro do you think it was.

You can see a reflection when he gets back into car in car window

17441704? ago

No idea. But i searched for some examples of gopro videos taken in mosques. All much more detailed:



https://youtu.be/x8RTLd0cJ9M?t=45 (a 360° picture, you can move around there)

17445762? ago

Keep in mind he was streaming over mobile bandwidth which likely can't handle HD video conistently.

17446129? ago

Ok, this may be a reason. I don't know the bandwidth in that region. Normally I'd expect a better connection. The streaming seemed to be important for him so he would have optimized the quality if there's nothing to hide.

17438765? ago

Where's the blood?

17451290? ago

Yeah, the woman outside supposedly had a chunk of her head blown off and there doesn't seem to be any blood.


17440323? ago

Even after several short distance shots on this guy at 7:04 the wall remained white as snow and he wasn't covered with blood himself.

17443013? ago

actually thats a really good point! Should be blood everywhere

17440294? ago

I agree. There should have been massive amounts of blood. As crude as it sounds, an AR15 would have been literally blowing chunks of flesh off. Yet very little blood- if any.

17445773? ago

Not necessarily.

17447209? ago

5.56 would def leave spatter due to penetration

17438899? ago

They didn't want to soil the carpet. That was the precondition for the movie shooting permit.