17447331? ago

The jig is up for this false flag. The video was a production. The following debunks the video released of the killing. When he first enters the mosque there is a barefooted guy crawling away that he terminates and is laying dead in a angle. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifo.png The shooter then goes to the back room for a minute and a half or something like that and when he comes back out the guy is still laying there dead. https://magaimg.net/img/7ifp.png BUT the guy is no longer barefoot, he now has on blue socks.

I feel this cannot be reasonably explain unless you admit it was a studio production. nobody is going to have put socks on someone that's shot while the shooter is a room away shooting more people. and so were supposed to believe that he went and got on his socks, came back to the same exact spot, and same exact angle and die again?

Add to that this suspicious video of a mosque preparing for a false flag. https://www.facebook.com/laurelgertie.tulsa/videos/126289368450848/

and the video where the shells appear to disappear. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HQC-ZxqaVs&feature=youtu.be It doesn't make this crime much smaller, but it does prove they seem to be trying to pull off a mind f@@k.

17445778? ago

Good find

17440708? ago

Written on one of his rifles is 732 Tours. Looked it up. It was a battle in October, year 732 between muslims and the Franks during the muslim invasion of western Europe. Frank forces led by charles Martel, who's name is also written on the rifle. Some historians believe he saved Christendom by winning this battle.

17437618? ago

Fake News is gonna Fake News.

17437100? ago

He said that he's a fascist, who hates communists and antifa. He said that he likes Trump but doesn't like his policies. He's a third positionist.

17436208? ago

This is all a setup to ban us and our movement. Do not look at it any other way.

We need to shine the light on the truth NOW before the media does more damnage. The MSM needs to be tried for Sedition bordering on Treason. Either way, their shit needs an enema.

God, please melt down the entire MSM complex, make them only tell the truth, research, and report. No bias.

God, if that doesn't work, you have my permission to silence those that continue spreading lies.

We no longer are asking, we are demanding the truth be told.

17436056? ago

Shooter was Nazbol. Nationalist Bolshevik. Symbolism on vest and gun are Nazbol logos. They are self described ethno-nationalists and socialist economic advocates. They consider themselves fascists and communists. The manifesto supports this completely, referring to both sides.

17438846? ago

NewZealand attacker #Tarrant stayed in #Turkey for 43 DAYS in 2016. Before the Attempted #Coup and right after. Why?How was it financed? What was he doing in Turkey during this extended stay?! https://voat.co/v/8chan/3101213 Revealed: Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect ... 'extended period in country' 7-yr tour of warzones. Brenton Tarrant, 28, left home to travel across Asia, Europe and the Middle East https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3099180 Wearing burkas and praying towards Mecca five times a day is as Kiwi as rugby and Haka! https://voat.co/v/politics/3100766/17433981

17436242? ago

The best corrupt money can buy. Fuck the Rothschilds and Fuck all the Bankers.

17434775? ago

Anyone find it odd this happened in a 5 eye country and the guy mentions Trump? Also calls Candace Owens out and she is leading the Blexit charge? I think this was a FF event aimed at trying to prevent DECLAS and exposing the 5 eye countries.

17589096? ago

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17435496? ago

He was joking about pewdiepie and Candace Ovens

17435090? ago

That's exactly what this is. With everything about to happen in regards to what Q has been saying, they are trying to change the narrative. No better tried and tested formula than a FF event.

17445788? ago

Words right outa my mouth

17435740? ago

yes! this is EXACTLY why I've been playing the original version of X-Com lately....to get ready for all the FF alien attacks!! ;) Seriously....been feeling nostalgic, thought I'd give it a whirl....graphs really bite for these days, but the game itself is still a nice strategy game.

17438555? ago

Wow. Such intensive training. You are such a hero. swoon throws up fucking mememe generation.

17434658? ago

You didn't mention his race, OP.

Why not?

17438507? ago

Because they showed his picture...

17433804? ago

((( Republicrats / the 2 party system )))

17434661? ago

Shooter is white.

17435398? ago


17435545? ago

^ Contradiction shill

17435721? ago

Whites good. Muzzies bad

17435979? ago

^ Low IQ. Baby bottle good, loud birds bad.

17436058? ago

^ Multicult doesn't work, cuck. Look what happened to Europe, America, and NZ

17436259? ago

Multi-culturalism does not, multi-LAWS does not work.

The EU is in conflict because of multi-laws. Same actions are legal and illegal depending who does them.

Individuals are responsible for their own actions.

America is most multi-cultural country in world, and it is most prosperous and powerful.

You shills are panicking.

17436332? ago

You're the ALL.CAPS BQQMER. You're the only idiot here defending giving our nations away.

17436477? ago

You are afraid of me.

Rent free.

17436621? ago

ALL CAPS BQQMER....and no one gives a shit

17436717? ago


17433431? ago


"One of the terrorists managed to escape the country hours after Friday noon. The fifth attacker has defected to Israel with the help of unknown aides."


but 'white nationalism' wink, wink.

17433904? ago

Fake news. No sources at all. Just.made up.

17436918? ago

yep, I'm over it

17434482? ago

Whatever you gotta tell yourself 🤣