17455319? ago

Perhaps the insane leftist/Globalist was speaking during the shooting and slipped and said something he shouldn't have?

17450496? ago

Livestreamed Video of Deadly Shooting Attack on Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand – Best Gore https://www.bestgore.com/murder/livestream-video-deadly-shooting-attack-mosque-christchurch-new-zealand

17450504? ago

Dig anons. Watch the rear view mirror. Pro camera angle but impossibly shitty quality. Military grade attachments. This was planned.

17447127? ago

Reasons they might not want people studying the video (with timestamps so you can look it up yourself):

1- The magazine sitting on the floor.

The mag that "teleports" in-between frames to a place on the floor in front of him at 06:54 (both hands on his weapon at that time; he didn't throw it), which he then goes back to pick up at 08:33. As it's decorated in white to match his weapon, it's clearly his.

2- The red/blue/red/blue feet.

06:49 Red footwear guy...
08:42 becomes blue footwear guy, and...
10:38 is red footwear guy again (with blue socks) but...
11:40 changes to blue again.

All the times we see red are from the same angle (entering the building), and always blue from the opposite angle (exiting), suggesting blue or red footwear may just be more visible from a given camera angle. But 10:38 clearly shows red feet/shoes with blue ankles, while 08:42 clearly shows blue feet, so the "trick of the camera angle" idea make no sense.

17443698? ago

Lol. Yes, it's a hollywood movie. When I first saw it, I thought it was real. Day later, real anons digged that it's fake. Wasn't live at all.

Now they want to suppress the video. Sounds like China censorship to me.

This is the guy going into the moss, you see there's already a magazine there. He later picks that same magazine up.


So he comes in with fake, then picks the real mag and shoots dummies.

There should be mass blood, bullet holes etc, nadda!

17443427? ago

I think they just don't want to discourage Muslims from immigrating there, or other places that openly oppose them.

17443100? ago

What's on this video that they don't want seen?


17438960? ago

Something else is troublesome. We can see the video. We can’t see the perps face. But they are selling the manifesto hard. Anyone have the ability to document search the verbiage in the manifesto to see if it’s been published elsewhere?

17438717? ago

No Blood Splatter + Crisis Actors = False Flag

17438035? ago

Well, basically they don't want you to see how easy it is. Also we are not allowed to rejoice in any victory over any enemy. We are supposed to lay down and die.

17437655? ago

What they dont want us to see is the professionalism of the shooter, as though he was a trained Vet with years of combat experiance.

17437471? ago

It will stir great feelings inside of white men and inspire them. That's why.

17436728? ago

What is New Zealand to the cabal? Why was Podesta there?

The cabal is hunting safe refuge. New Zealand westernized enough to be comfortable and yet small enough to control the government with bribe money. What does the cabal puppets need desperately right now? A safe haven where they can influence the government enough to not be extradited back to face their crimes. What do they not need? An armed population and a population full of Muslims would not be to their advantage in their sanctuary. The shot at Q, 8chan, voat is just icing on the cake for them.

17455470? ago

There should be info out there somewhere as to who has been buying property, what enhancements to the properties have been done - maybe even aerial photos of before and after. New companies forming, contractors working, etc.

Anyone gaining citizenship? If so, doesn't NZ require that you have X amount of money in order to immigrate there? If this is true, then there has to be documentation somewhere - citizenship records/numbers, etc.

17438412? ago

Many hyper wealthy elites were building large bunkers in New Zealand for many years.

17440715? ago

It is one of many places they intended to weather out the end of the world (worldwide nuclear holocaust) that they engineered for us.

17449856? ago

I've this from Alex Jones' documentary 'Strategic Relocation' some years back.

17461037? ago

AJ is a clown. But the clowns sometimes speak truth. In a book one of Q’s tripcodes directed us to, “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Cooper, the author alleged that one of the more incriminating JFK tapes somehow went public. A CIA operative took 1000 copies to a NYC street corner and started hawking them.

“That’s not a JFK tape, that was sold by that guy on the corner in NYC, look I have one too!”

“That’s not truth, it comes from Infowars and they are crazy.”

C_A spookery.

17436632? ago

The whole deal was done to wipe the chan.

Simple test:

How many chanmemes did he reference?

Any autists will be able to answer.

17436486? ago

It is what is not on it. Blood!

17436318? ago

Watched the video multiple times and wrote a submission on Friday with my observations.


17435742? ago

Notice how they refuse to show the shooters face in any videos? How are we to authenticate that the person they claim to have is the same person from the video?

17435632? ago


17436192? ago

"Point blank" is the range at which you don't have to compensate for bullet drop.

For military issue M855 ammo (5.56 NATO), and a 16" barrel, that range is approximately 240 yards, assuming the rifle was sighted in at 36 yards, muzzle velocity is 2800 feet/sec and the target has a 10" vital zone.

17439355? ago

Poimt blank as in 5 feet or less. He was directly on top of these people shooting them in their heads.

17600588? ago

That's simply not what that phrase means.

17435070? ago

I understand they also are trying not to let his manifest proliferate too much. I just read snippets the other day, but it shows the guy to basically be the opposite of who they are trying to say he is. The snippets relevant to certain conservative and Anon entities look like they were copy/pasted in as after thoughts at the late direction of some handler.

17434685? ago

They don’t want you to watch it because it “documents in clear, graphic form why the 2nd Amendment says in clear English: SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.”

Which is why EVERYONE should:


17434597? ago

Nice... but videos of Christians being hacked to death by muslims are OK...

17434397? ago

Why has nothing been said about the people who shot up the Second Mosque????????

17434371? ago

I heard New Zealand is going to ban White Paint Markers to deter copycats.....

17434331? ago

It's easy to find on The Piratebay, just search for Christchurch

17434097? ago

It's from start to finish?

Count every bullet fired, cross-reference the video footage with reports of amount of people shot, etc?

17433458? ago

Maybe they are blurring because for a second you kind of see him in his rear view mirror, I watched quickly on phone but he almost looked like a red head? Almost didn’t look like the photos we have seen published. Something about his body type in the court doesn’t look right compared to photos.

17433442? ago

YouTube BROKE their sort by date filter to help censor this! See my post https://voat.co/v/QRV/3100918

17432908? ago

The deep state "conspiracy theory" up in smoke if that video is analyzed

17432854? ago

I did not see any blood patterns. Blood should have been sprayed all over the walls from bullet exit and pools of blood should have formed under the bodies. Also blood should have been coming out of mouth/nose of the victims. Also why no head wounds or skulls blown wide open? Why no close up shots, why shooting at a distance from targets? To assure kill, you get close to finish them off. I call bullshit.

17432917? ago

You need to get your eyes checked or watch a higher res version, don't be a retard

17432848? ago

Is there a possibility of 'More" than one shooter? Hidden from common view, but the videos may show other hiding shooters. Just a thought?? Never trust these sick people.

17432777? ago

The Shooter was cool and trained: his breathing was measured and controlled, he took defensive positions to reload, he was cool headed enough to return to collect a dropped Mag. This was not the actions of some loon. He was Australian who travelled to NZ (not sure how long he was there), he acquired a mass of firearms and ammo (difficult to do as a citizen never mind a tourist or temporary resident)

17434796? ago

I'm wondering about the "gun ban" in Australia if NZ has it too. Sure works well doesn't it??

17440630? ago

NZ gun laws are similar to Aussie laws. pretty strict. You generally cant get a basic A license without being a Farmer, doing hunting or belong to a gun club. Even then that only entitles you to a rifle (bolt action) & certain shotguns. Ive seen articles where the shooter had an A class license so he used an AR-15...?? You absolutely cannot own/use a semi auto weapon on an A class license. Getting a license to have a semi auto rifle (E Class) in NZ or AU is extremely strict. There are very special/strict reasons & conditions that need to be met to have one. Even owning a handgun you need to have the appropriate class license & you need to be part of a shooting club completing competitive/club competion shoots every year. The amount of handguns you can own is determined by how many competition shoots you complete a year - ie to own 2 handguns you need to compete in 10 comps. Ive heard that one of the accomplices was stopped because some random person had a gun on them. That sounds weird to me, but then again I dont know the full details of how they happened to have a gun.. In AU & NZ, you absolutely cannot walk around with a gun. You can only travel with a gun if you are going to a range or some other valid reason to travel with it. You absolutely cannot just keep a gun in your car just because. Even when you are travelling with a gun, it usually needs to be locked in a case or put in a place where you cannot reach it (if you are in the car). Ammo has to be kept boxed/locked & in a separate place to the gun. So sound fishy that this person who intervened had a gun 'on' them.

17442099? ago

Thank you for the info you do have it's way more than I knew!

17433138? ago

He was in NZ for 3 months.

17432911? ago

Funny it's NZ...a five eye country DECLAS could expose.

17432532? ago

Remember that picture of Podesta with the 14 on his hand? Now look at the rifle used.

17432399? ago

They’ve been blurring the shooters face as well!

17432179? ago

Some Wonder if this was a more sophisticated Jim Jones stunt.

17432113? ago

Qtards are living up to their name again... the things legit... they don't want you reading the manifesto and watching the video incase you kill more of their precious unarmed invaders.

17433167? ago

There's a difference between FF and Hoax.

17433215? ago


17432504? ago


17432487? ago


FF doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

17432666? ago

But meh Q didn't predict it... must be FF!!! Low IQ Qtard

17432728? ago

Q doesn’t predict newfag. Noice try though.

Get gud.

17432640? ago

Idiot... give me your best evidence it's FF then otherwise fuck off with your pathetic shilling

17432756? ago

Go learn what a false flag actually is and then come back and talk to me 👋🏻

17432838? ago

Yeah no proof just flimsly one liners... definitly in QRV... WAGAAGAGAGAGAGAGA

17432743? ago

Don’t be stupid. It’s obvious.

17432776? ago

LOW IQ QTARD. It's fucking legit give me evidence it's not which is better than, they are already dead when he walks in, and he went to pakistand therefore he has been mind controlled... give me evidence you are so sure.

17433103? ago

We agree that the shooting is legit. The idiots saying it was staged are wrong. Some even say they can’t see any blood.

Many shills pushing this lie.

17433176? ago

The manifesto is legit... fuck the MSM take on it... that's why he didn't mention jews outright in the manifesto otherwise MSM would have jumped on it like a jew on a sheckel to discredit him. Read the manifesto the guy is legit and did a good job.

Too many people shilling that it's fake / FF etc... I've read the manifesto front to back and looked at all the evidence... this was 100% legit.

17433268? ago

It was made to be believable.

17433259? ago

The manifesto was designed for the sheep to consume. At least you know where you belong now though! Baaaaaahhhhhh! 🐑💤

17433290? ago

Says someone still following Q about 6 months after anyone with an independent train of though left it... mkaayyyyy there Qtard clam down.... your Shepard will post for you soon

17433309? ago

Why are you here? I don’t follow anyone. Q is directly working with Trump. Fact.

Lmfao you shills are hilarious!

17433365? ago

Because I was reading endless comments in here like "They were already dead when he walked in" and "He traveled... I've never left muh state of texas befur... 100% mossad FF".

Someone has to point out the fucking obvious that it was legit.

17433411? ago

We agree 💯 there! 👌🏻

I watched the entire video and it made me sick. Pure evil. The children hiding in the corner holding onto the adults when he went in for the double taps. It was real.

17433452? ago

The Danger of the Invader

If you were to kill sixty armed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, you would be hailed a hero, given your nations highest civilian honours, paraded before the media and the adoring public. But kill sixty unarmed invaders having shown the will and the intent to bring harm to your nation and people, and you will be considered a monster, dragged through the streets, ridiculed, attacked,your character assassinated in every way it can be and finally tried in court and imprisoned for the rest of your life.

But here’s the real kicker, the unarmed invader is far more dangerous to our people than the armed invader. We can fight the armed invader, we know how, we have the ability, we have the soldiers and arms to do so. But the unarmed invader, we have no real idea on how to deal with them, we are unable to attack them or fend them off in any meaningful way.

Both would seek to destroy our nation, both would seek to displace and replace our people, both would seek to destroy our culture and nationhood. But only one has the ability and only one has shown to be effective at doing so.


17433245? ago

You’re wrong. Sorry.

17433088? ago

FF doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Nobody knows WHY the shootings happened(don’t forget there was another one). Motives aren’t clear.

Who said anything about mind control? Are you denying the shadow war that goes on in the world everyday? Are you aware of the the details of the Vegas shooting? What about the fact the CIA Controlled NK before Trump? Q says NK was deep state controlled and a trafficking hub.

The evidence I have that this was a political act carried out by a pawn is circumstantial. Q warned of FFs. The fact the shooting lasted 17 mins(stream) almost like that was the plan. He did everything possible to connect himself to the Chan’s, White men, Q and our movement. Coinincidences? Possibly. But I highly doubt it after witnessing everything over the past year. His trips to foreign countries is just a small hint.

Most of all I trust myself! I Question everything! I trust my intuition.

17433141? ago

I question everything too... this attack is legit though... the shills are spreading crap to demoralize people. Read the manifesto ffs... why is it so fucking hard for many of you to accept someone was pissed off with being invaded and fought back... Q will say some cryptic nonsense and you'll take it as gospel though... unbelievable

17433227? ago


🔔💥 🔫🎅🏿

17433201? ago

The manifesto could easily be fabricated. So you’re in the same place as me. Intuition. We disagree.

FFS he said “Subscribe to PewDiePie”! This is like the white supremacist/kkk leader endorsing the opponent of the person they support. Are you aware of how long the MSM(Deep state) has been trying to destroy Felix? They failed miserably! Our enemies see him as a threat because he’s redpilling the younger gen at an incredible rate!

17433265? ago

Read the fucking manifesto ffs... he blames spyro the dragon 3 for turning him into an ethno-nationalist. You all have no concept of a sense of humour... he killed the invaders and trolled everyone whilst doing it... a living hero of a meme... high IQ and having fun doing it. Because he made a pop culture refrence you all believe its some MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL MUH WEATHER CONTROLLED HARRPP ANTARTIC LIZARDS MADE HIM DO IT SAVE ME OH DEAR CULT OF Q.

Guy was 100% legit and is a fucking legend end of.

17433294? ago


17433289? ago


It was ALL designed! They wanted you to think what you’re typing right now! You are endorsing him! That’s not by chance.

Like you know what high IQ is. 🤣

17433324? ago


17433356? ago


I’ve been talking to you since Q was first targeted. You are ALL the same. I’ve been a lurker for years. You have no idea what you’re talking about and you’re SAD for being here at all. SAD!

17433399? ago

It's all by design... you had no free will in saying that... like he had no free will to write his thoughts in a manifesto and do what he believed was right. Trust the plan.


17433420? ago


17433510? ago


17431914? ago

Its about control. The event happened, its done. Now comes the narrative and control. Conspiracy theories aside this entire event (whether a FF or not) will be used to advance the agenda. Its not what's in the video, its about controlling what they want you to view and what not to view. Today its the NZ video, tomorrow can be anything.

17440874? ago

it was a false flag stop lying and redirecting these peoples energy and efforts towards your goals.

false flag goats. ignore posts calling for.... anything but arressting the actors.

17435817? ago

I also think it’s fear. There’s only 1 religion that has regularly reacted violently the past few decades when they get angry. Muslims went from being oppressed post 9-11 to now being able to demand what food is in grocery stores and even what rule of law is used. How did that happen? People shitting themselves everytime a Muslim gets angry because they know the real threat of violence is around the corner. The NZ prime minister tweeted her apology of the massacre, to which ISIS predictably replied there would be retaliation attacks.

17440633? ago

This is precisely why you don't apologise to these fucks - they are going to be violent anyway. The only correct response is to say "And we will do more of it, if you don't fuck the hell off!"

17436381? ago

mohammedans are doing the dirty work for jews.

17435295? ago

Know that "Conspiracy theory" is a CIA created term to discredit anyone not believing in the official narrative.


I'm sick of the LIES and the layers of LIES on top of LIES.

This was a FF and the ongoing NZ censorship makes it even more obvious.

17437920? ago

The only conspiracy theories that turn out to be false are the one's planted by the C_A to discredit

17434715? ago

...and a red flag to anyone wanting freedom. It's being eroded and has been for decades :(

17431962? ago


17431780? ago

Here's a good question. Why did the doorman at the mosque greet him as "brother"? Where's the security camera video from the mosque, or is this the only mosque in the entire world without security cameras?

17433881? ago

Because he didn't. He's really going to greet a white guy with a machine gun, as "brother" and usher him in? They always trip themselves up in the details of their false narrative.

17434262? ago

Hot microphone caught the words said by the doorman. Perhaps the mosque had a gun-training/security session planned for the evening. Perhaps Tarrant had already gained the trust of the mosque members beforehand(infiltrated/cased-out). Terrant walked right past a parking attendant standing at the driveway entrance to the mosque car-park before opening fire in the doorway of the mosque. The whole shooting reeks, but still was a senseless act of cruelty IMO.

17433003? ago

He was isis I trained

17433262? ago

He went to Pakistan, so not isis, but maybe Al Qaida (CIA)

17436066? ago

He was in Turkey, Pakistan, NK. Muhsad dream travel.

17434117? ago

It's so hard keeping track of all the CIA extremist fronts these days

17431847? ago

He greeted him as "brother"? I didn't know that!

17434406? ago

Yes, I watched the video that evening. The one thing that kept bothering me was...here is a guy all in black, with a rifle, walking to the mosque and the guy at the door was walking up to him friendly like and calls him brother!? There was a guy on 8 Chan that night that was very upset because his daughter was on lock down at her school nearby. He was saying that Podesta was there a few days earlier and called NZ a juicy target! He felt Podesta was signaling someone. Just food for thought.

17438206? ago

A lot of MOSSAD agents could pass as Muslims, if they are Sabras.

17433275? ago

17438244? ago

It has been archived.

17439239? ago

Scroll to bottom of the thread. The timeline is there, 5th post from bottom.

17444484? ago

Doh! Thank you!

17446633? ago

Save a copy of the timeline, Q posted re: shooter tonight.

17447116? ago


17435257? ago

I think it's been taken down now. I can't access the link.

17434911? ago

The retardation is overwhelming.

17432046? ago

Shooters live-stream picked it up on the microphone.

17433011? ago

Preferably there should be a military anon who is directly experienced with this weapon and close range contact, I keep reading conflicting opinions on whether the visible carnage was believable or not, but if your point of reference are movies and video games that doesn't sound convincing either way.

17438621? ago

I base my assumption over the ridiculous amount of death footage i've watched. There is ALWAYS splatter. Even if it's small, there would still be visible blood.

17432434? ago

Should’ve shared it here!

17431756? ago

The writing on the guns matches the writing on podestas hands

17431972? ago

I thought Podesta used black ink?

17436303? ago

Stupid ass fucking moron

17437089? ago

We make up the rules as we go along and the points don't matter.

17431688? ago

Gee, NZ should have just banned mass shootings. /S

These people are stupid. But, now they will go after the guns. Dumb fucks, all.

17434920? ago

,,,if he had hit my church he'd have had his ass taken down pretty fast. We've got concealed-carry ppl sprinkled around who know what they're doing including me. I've survived one "active shooter" situ and not going around unarmed for the next one to finish me off. It's a horribly evil world out there anymore.

17447545? ago

My church has uniformed police officers. They're there to direct traffic but sit inside in between the comings and goings. I'm a'ight with that.

17449178? ago

great deterrent. Our church probably isn't quite big enough for that but we're in the South, so guns aren't quite so "evil" here. It's the people that misuse them for nefarious purposes that are. What a concept, right?

17431545? ago

Probably that giant lack of blood from all those bullets everyone received.

17432727? ago

Why live stream it then?

17432076? ago

Spot on. Also some screen grabs show a lady cradling a child and looking into her phone! Craigslist 'actors'?

17446319? ago

Timestamp or it didn't happen.

17431403? ago

i cant believe none of you assholes bothered to save it, but you have millions of clips of Big Mike Obama shaking his balls on Ellen.

17434635? ago

Oh its saved ... am 100% sure it is even on the DW

17433319? ago

Can you pm me some of you Michael obama balls vids?

17451715? ago

It's on youtube

17435766? ago


17432611? ago

Did you save it ?

17431740? ago

im sure many people saved it.

17431869? ago

First thing you do with this kind of vid, since you know it will be disappeared.

17431289? ago

But they wouldn't pull videos of people being beheaded while still alive. Or detcord around their necks being detonated. Or locked in a cage lowered into water to drown.Seems they got one upped and cry like snowflake liberals 'cause it ain't fair.

17431075? ago

The fact all the victims were all laying dead in the corner before gunman arrived..only a few people were moving..most lay motionless on the floor....watch it many times... may not make a difference but my ass would been running...serpentine style and not laying still like a target..

17438635? ago

Serpentine style lmfaoaoaooo. You're such a larp.

17440677? ago

That word. It does not mean what you think it means.

17602201? ago

Stop projecting.

17434778? ago

I once ran half a mile on a broken hip with a bullet IN MY BACK. It's amazing what ppl are capable of under the right circumstances.

17438021? ago

adrenaline is a hell of a drug

17433116? ago


17431031? ago

You ask good questions. It smells like a big cover up. What are they hiding?

17438926? ago

Friends in Pakistan? News Revealed: Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect ... 'extended period in country' 7-yr tour of warzones. Brenton Tarrant, 28, left home to travel across Asia, Europe and the Middle East https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3099180 attacker #Tarrant stayed in #Turkey for 43 DAYS in 2016. Before the Attempted #Coup and right after. Why?How was it financed? What was he doing in Turkey during this extended stay?! https://voat.co/v/8chan/3101213 Revealed: Turkey releases CCTV of Christchurch terror suspect ... 'extended period in country' 7-yr tour of warzones. Brenton Tarrant, 28, left home to travel across Asia, Europe and the Middle East https://www.voat.co/v/AnonNews/3099180 Wearing burkas and praying towards Mecca five times a day is as Kiwi as rugby and Haka! https://voat.co/v/politics/3100766/17433981

17430932? ago

If no one sees the video, then the MSM can tell whichever lies they please regarding the shooting as opposed to only forensics, and facts. Senseless violence allegedly committed by Terrant regardless IMO.

17433282? ago

Some very strange trips, Turkey, Bosnia, N.Korea, the Pakistan Hotel? Why does a White Racist Nationalist from Aus visit such places before shooting up NZ ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3099149/17415928 One anon posted 'highest probability British MI6'

17433660? ago

Independently wealthy Aussie guy travels the world for years in his 20's. Moves back to his home and shoots up a mosque like a trained operator. Hmmmmmm.

17430770? ago


Could there be something in it they don't want seen.

You mean like the senseless killing?

It's sensible to not want it to be circulated and used to radicalize anyone else, be they supporters of the shooter(fucking morons) or those who might be pushed to take revenge...

Never mind trying to co-opt phrases such as "Dark to light", you're already glowing in the dark.

17431055? ago

It wasn't senseless. The shooter had motivations. Examining these motivations may help us stop future events.

17431252? ago

The shooter had motivations. Examining these motivations may help us stop future events.

Valid point, but that doesn't make the killing any less senseless - which is perhaps not the best adjective but I think you understand that my point is that his actions are unjustifiable and otherwise will do nothing except perpetuate conflict and division.

With that said, it's also worth considering that the shooter's motivations are likely not genuine at all; it's all part of an act, so to speak.

17430765? ago
