17438492? ago

They have discontinued the circus because of cruelty to animals. We are just waiting for the clowns to be discontinued due to cruelty to humans.

17434601? ago

Wait, just want to make sure I understand the response - via Twitter Google replies: the 4 star general is lying to Congress

17434377? ago

Google is the powerhouse enemy

They and Amazon

They are the two most powerful tech companies - and its clear Bezos is an enemy of the American people as he's totally aligned with the CIA. What Google does out in the open these days speaks for itself.

17433989? ago

YouTube broke their sort function so they could help censor the NZ shooting: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3100918

17433557? ago

If this were true, and if the courts accept Kavanaugh's position on the applicability of military code: Google's executives will hang for treason.

17432805? ago

Google not mentioning all the govt contracts with the EU government?

17431877? ago

Meh , Google is about to get torn apart not only for it's one sided work for Hillary's Campaign in the 2016 Election but I am sure that they have a great deal to explain about their presence in North Korea. Don't forget , President Trump's first big scalp came after he signed the Dec. 20th E.O. on Human Smuggling / Rights Abuses / Trafficking etc.. Eric Schmidt the CEO of Google's Parent Corporation Alphabet Inc. resigned the next day. Peace Y

17431036? ago

Just like YouTube and twitter,etc constantly lying. This communist sh*t isn't going to stop until real people are arrested. I know Trump has done a lot, but I'm saying these people need to be made examples of. Insider trading, news bs, voter fraud. They need to be perp walk. Innocent people being murdered over their bs and losing jobs, etc. This reminds me of Revelation: you will want to die, but can't. I can't handle it much longer. If not for you guys, I would have left already. Somebody made a really good post on another Voat sub and I have to say I think they are right. You can only push people so far. I read other subs and see people are getting really mad. Jerks like to say, oh you're never gonna do anything. That won't happen. Americans don't take s#it, but they want to take our guns so we have too. The one thing about Americans is we don't show our cards. Greatest example: Trump won't win. We let them think they know. Americans already know where the line is, they don't. But I know. We all know. DON'T say a word. We all Know when ...trust me. We don't email "now is the time" we already know. Trust me. They think Americans are dumb. Enjoy your St. Patty's day, Patriots.

17431859? ago

YouTube IS Google. Same organization.

17430916? ago

Google is the enemy in your pocket, in your home and at your work. If you truly were woke you would eradicate Google from your life yesterday! Get Linux - if you are not technically minded, get Linux Mint as there is no learning curve if you're a windows user. Ditch your email and most importantly of all if you use Android either ditch your phone, or at the very least get a ROM from XDA with Google minimized (not the best option, but helps) Google IS the enemy and is working hand in glove with China to bring about the Social Credit System worldwide. Research it.

17431063? ago

Yeah google Linux and download it from a Microsoft owned github. Show those corporations how you feel about them! Ignore the binary blobs Intel, Google and others require you install with Linux to enable the same spying as is done everywhere else. You'll feel more virtuous, but likely won't be. That UEFI BIOS and it's NSA spyware that create the security framework and sandbox your Linux runs in have other ideas. Before Linux executes the first byte of code on boot, it's already compromised and phoning home.

17433846? ago

Fine, I'll simply breadboard my own CPU out of discrete logic gates and write my own OS. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_ZaioqF1B0

17434494? ago

Good luck!

17431291? ago

Are you paid to talk shit or do it for freebies?

17432162? ago

I rely on the kindness of strangers such as yourself for payment. The only currency desired is shared enlightenment.

17434111? ago

I didn't download Mint. My nine year old Mac died, and I bought an "eBox" ("because all the other names were taken" kek) from ThinkPenguin, chose Ubuntu OS. I have NO idea if I'm protected from gulag spying via the software, but supposedly am.

Here's the thing, though -- most of the spying is located in the hardware, located on (in?) the chips mfg in -- where else? --China. They're well-nigh undetectable. MIT had a tech contest, and the winners were a group of students who proved the reality of these hardware back doors, and it wasn't easy, seeing as the spyware is often a single rogue, nonstandard wire located amidst thousands of legitimate wires. I have no idea how they found it, or whether their technique was random luck, or a repeatable protocol (somehow doubt it's the latter).

My point is, ALL computers are loaded with these hardware back doors, so if you have a computer, you're being spied on, and that includes my Linux Ubuntu ebox. That being said, I may switch to Mint. I'll still be spied on, of course, but at least Mint sounds more intuitive than Ubuntu, which drives me crazy after nine years on a Mac.

17434445? ago

If your PC runs any modern (post say 2005ish) chip it has included the Intel Management Engine aka Intel ME which claims to enhance security on your device. Of course it does the opposite. This is an independent subsystem which controls and monitors your system. It isn't detectable, runs it's own software, and is mostly created and provided by the NSA. Intel uses a precursor to Linux called Minix to control it's security subsystem, and security is the last thing the developer of Minix was concerned about. It has almost limitless designed and incidental security holes. The best part is no public documentation, and even Intel isn't fully aware of what the NSA code and hardware does. As to China, yeah, they add stuff too. Intel produces CPU's around the world, including China, but in many countries. So the NSA has the worldwide backdoor, China of course has hacked them, and added their own. My favorite is the Ethernet spy chip hung off your friendly Ethernet adapter. You can use Wi-Fi all day, but that Ethernet adapter via it's driver (even if disabled) is still busy doing it's work on your system and security. The IME gets control before your BIOS even begins it's pre-boot sequence. A similar service is offered on AMD and ARM. It's all free to the customer and mandatory.

Other interesting acronyms to search for are Intel Active Management Technology (AMT), Standard Manageability (ISM), and Small Business Technology (SBT) firmware. These are related and part of the ME. All are publicly known to have massive security issues.

17430749? ago

Google, I have an Android Verizon and I go onto pay a bill. My history has every step by step I made. Nozy f. That's not safe. They know all your user names, passwords, your bank account information. It's ridiculous. They know every post you made. You can see it in your history. Everything you do, they see and no way to delete it. My friend wanted a watch for his birthday, so I got him one and now I'm being inundated with ads for watches.

17433505? ago

Yeah, you know it's like shutting the barn door after the horses escaped. I mean, you already bought the watch! How many do they think you need?! If they know so much, why didn't they 1) inundate you with ads immediately after your friend requested a watch and before you actually bought one? and 2) how is they don't know you aren't a watch salesman? (I assume your not).

17432853? ago

Some state like Texas needs to pass a bill that makes telephone & internet metadata owned by the customer.

17430695? ago

Dig into: telluride foundation Norman Schwarzkopf Erika lapsys

17433126? ago

What should I look for?

17430659? ago

Yeah, with a lie

17430629? ago

So...they lied? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you! Just like Trump told us 2 years ago Obama was spying on him and now it comes out he was (although we knew this), this will come out too.

17430558? ago


17430202? ago

Google needs to be taken down HARD! They're far more important than Facebook or Twitter