17491418? ago

whats happening?

17491507? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3105905 Australia blocks access to 4chan, 8chan, Zero Hedge, and Voat - Over The Target

17422477? ago

CIA black ops

17520780? ago

.. https://www.voat.co/v/AskVoat/3105134/17486399 'Australia is a shit country run by cucks. Run while you can mate.'

17491218? ago

Transvestigations? @Marou @GrandLizard @WhereTheAngelsPlay @ardvarcus Holy shit. He looked down to check as well because she knew the camera was on him. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3105201/17485846

17420354? ago

Why isn’t Q giving us more? They have to know something about it! They aren’t saying shit though!

17421432? ago

Seems strange that FB let that stream for over 15 minutes...

The Q team could have tipped off the NZ authorities, and it was ignored, for all we know.