17417584? ago

Lol at all the Vice Media "journalists" larping as Voaters to look for the story https://www.voat.co/v/anon/3098409

17416640? ago

17426515? ago

Is that person wearing sunglasses?

17427322? ago

think so. black eyeglass lenses.

17417236? ago

Lol! Never let the threat of death and gore all around stop you from posting to IG for likes.

17415896? ago

“My theory that he is NOT anti-Muslim is confirmed.” He says he isn’t anti Muslim in his manifesto. Top men.

17417463? ago

nizari ismailis are connected to the old sect of assassins from alamut, in ne iran today. https://voat.co/v/AskAnon/3099258/17413955

17417093? ago

He just wants Muzzies out of his country

17420128? ago

“Invaders” not just Muslims.

17415932? ago

Being anti-Muslim is the rational and informed position to take.

The guy does sound crazy.

17420178? ago

He “sounds” crazy? Ffs he just committed mass murder!!! HE’S MAD AS A SHITHOUSE RAT!!!

17420336? ago

Not necessarily because if your government won't protect you from Muslim invasion then the people will be forced to protect themselves.

17417142? ago

The guy says China is his ideal country. He's not opposed to authoritarianism, religious or otherwise.