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17418206? ago

Can someone explain the time with Turkish, the Balkan trips, the Paki places @NeedleStack @LakotaPride ? @DirectPressure @Bumbalawski @klobos How is he overseas and hanging in jihad areas?

17431940? ago

Patriot, I suspect he is a DS BS FF puppet. they need to divide us now. as Q pointed out.

17618640? ago

New Zealand's Jewish Freemason Shooter Tarrant Brenton Admired Norwegian Freemason Shooter Anders Breivik Who Was Linked To Mossad By dacason

17619407? ago

Great dig Patriot, Thanks for posting, we have Adam Lanzas shrink in NZ, and allegedly he destroyed Adam Lanzas records before they were allowed to by law. things are starting to add up. and why Q stated Israel for last, because we are all dealing with the Deep state in all Countries.