17404296? ago

What 2A ACTUALLY means legally: - in 2019. No BS. I understand what you quoted is THE Second Amendment. Here's what the Courts have decided it really means. Many nuances here. https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-2

17403821? ago

When the libs say the founding fathers did not mean for people to have the same kind of firearms as the military they couldn't be more wrong for the founding fathers had the same arms as the military and that is exactly what they meant with the 2nd amendment. Wouldn't it be nice to see a politician actually stand up in a big way defending our rights for it seems as if they are afraid to.

17403247? ago

Still can't find any actual footage of the event, it appears to have been scrubbed from the interwebz

17415918? ago

Well, one thing that stood out for me was when he laughed and said he dropped a full magazine during "the firefight"... that was no firefight, it was just a slaughter of unarmed people. Firefight my ass.

17403051? ago

The 2nd Amendment does not say "only if you have a permit or license."

The 2nd Amendment does not say "not in a church, synagogue or mosque."

The 2nd Amendment does not say "only if your weapon has (or doesn't have) this characteristic or that."

The 2nd Amendment does not say "if you're are or are not {whatever}."

The 2nd Amendment does not say "if it shall please or is approved by the government in some form."

17403038? ago

The evil Ones want it gone. Karl give arguments otherwise. Put these in your pocket when confronting anti gun fags