17363284? ago

Show me some hard evidence that a shooting happened. I want to see actual injuries which were undoubtably caused at the scene, and an actual emergency response that doesn’t consist entirely of personnel and rows of ambulance looking bored, doing nothing.

The FPS-style video reeks of a hoax. It’s actualy meant to look like a video game, i guess that makes it more believable for people who play them a lot.

17364107? ago

Head-mounting GoPro footage looks FPS style. There's no quick way to know if the event's real or fake, really.

17364322? ago

Okay but I watched the entire video, and it didn't dawn on me afmt first but not I don't recall seeing a single shell. Not come flying out of the gun, not laying on the carpet. None at all. Does that not see a bit weird? Where do the shells go?

17364539? ago

Watch again there are shells ejecting. But no bullet holes in the walls from over spray... this is fake af

17364684? ago

Could be the holes just aren't visible due to some factor like the wall material, camera quirk, etc. The footage could certainly be staged, but doesn't seem unrealistic.

17364782? ago

Trust me you would most definitely fog those rooms up with dust and debris from hitting the carpet and walls with that many rounds. You might not see the holes but you would see the dust after multiple impacts with the walls. This looks like a movie set.

17365456? ago

More smoke? From hot shells hitting carpet and from the muzzle itself? Also while I saw some blood and jerking reactions of some of the shots I don't recall seeing any entry or exit wounds and very little blood pooling.. or splatters. Some but very little.

17365044? ago

Good point.

17361110? ago


17360410? ago

Good riddance goat fuckers.

17359827? ago

Christchurch.... Sending a double messsage

17359505? ago

Q post addressing this will be interesting.

17359430? ago

Not Aus... number plates are wrong

17362017? ago

Yeah, NZ. I posted it quickly and buggered up the title.

17359278? ago

  • one man in last room, on right, stands and turns left right and left before falling to ground
  • while other people in earlier room already run from noise
  • are people trapped behind windows ?
  • no exit wounds from guy ran into the gunman
  • no marks or bullet holes in white pants legs as running guy falls and hit with many many bullets
  • no spray bullets on walls of drywall
  • no carpet or debris from unlimited ammo

must be real

17364424? ago

It's cunts like you that do my fucking head in. A false flag doesn't mean it's fake. It means that a "Manchurian candidate" essentially acted under orders to cause mayhem to help further a cause or narrative. I don't often say shill.... But fuck you, you piece of shit. You know damn well people died just now.

17382998? ago

white pants stay white with tide

no casings, no spatter, shredded materials, drywall decomposing with rapid fire/unlimted auto rounds

Fuck you too crab scratching bowl legged faggot. Bet when you fart it sounds like a toilet flushing from all the dick you stuff in your arse

17364304? ago

Damn now I gotta watch it again

17364442? ago

Clearly there are shells ejecting but I see zero blood and zero holes in walls??? FUCKING SICK OF THIS SHIT!

17364189? ago

Yeah uh wait.. I don't recall ANY SHELLS AT ALL. Shouldn't there have been shells flying everywhere and also littering the carpet?????

17382924? ago

my thoughts also

17364830? ago

Are you retarded? There's shells all the floor. What the hell is wrong with people like you?

17365542? ago

I said I DONT RECALL ANY, and watching the video on a small screen may explain that, or just my memory, I haven't gone back and checked again yet for obvious reasons.. No I'm not retarded, but you're definitely a dick.

17359148? ago

No blood splatter? FF?

17362746? ago

11:17 - 11:19, person is shot in the head laying down and you can clearly see the mist of red blood splatter all over the carpet.

17365229? ago

Didn't catch that. Thx!

17358932? ago

Zero blood on the white walls. Looks fake to me.

17358694? ago

Christchurc NZ not Australia.

17358332? ago

At least get the title right sheesh, NOT Australia. The shooting happened in Christchurch NEW ZEALAND. There has been TWO shootings at two separate mosques by two gunmen. One of the gunmen live streamed it.

17358402? ago

Oh noes! Sauce on second shooting?

17363338? ago

Fuck off back to reddit with that shit

17364172? ago

Seems like there was one gunman who hit two locations.

17358832? ago

Where was the yelling? Where was the blood? Fake and gay.

17358971? ago

here! from 6 min mark on https://files.catbox.moe/bsckol.mp4

17357490? ago

they people are standing up to the muzzy"s

17357329? ago

No, more like hero.

17361857? ago

Shill much asshole?

17364544? ago

Me? No, he's just a cunt. Actions like that of the gun man are not encouraged by Q at all. Cold blooded murder is not acceptable on either side. You're the shill cunt.

17358684? ago

You're a cunt.

17371270? ago


17357940? ago

Not very strategic. It's the folks who open the gates who are the real problem, not the opportunists that go through the gates.

Buddy posted on both 8chan and Voat so media faggotry incoming:


17361320? ago

Right. He went after the foot soldiers, rather than the leaders.

17359308? ago


17357309? ago

Twitter of an alleged shooter: https://twitter.com/brentontarrant

17361345? ago

Wtf, there were multiple attacks? This shit just got a whole lot deeper.

17358719? ago

Two mosques involved from Australian radio news. Plus a car loaded with explosives stopped.

17357225? ago

Wow! real crazy shit there!

17357201? ago

Definitely not a false flag. Read his manifesto.

17361820? ago

It looks fake as shit. Complete bullshit. Why so focused on U.S., yet carry off something like that in NZ. Deep State fuckery.

17363318? ago

Exactly. An FPS-style video? Please.

17359610? ago

False flag doesn't mean an attack didn't occur. They use their MKUltra-ed assets to carry these out.

17358618? ago

How do we know this is HIS manifesto??? This looks really fucking shady to me. This has all the perfect pieces put into place for a FF!! He posts on specific sites, makes sure he repeats “nationalist” over and over again... I don’t like it. Maybe I’m wrong but how can anybody trust this isn’t a FF especially with the timing of it all. I don’t trust this shit not one little but

17358685? ago

Timing is Very, very suss.

17358816? ago

Faggots on 8 agree also... just classic mk is my opinion. That manifesto has ZERO spelling errors in it.. possible? Sure but not likely with as long and detailed as it was. And the bloke admits he sucked at school. Very very fishy. I pray for those who lost their lives.

17361272? ago

Spell check in Word will catch most misspellings. There were plenty of words used incorrectly, and Word isn't so good at catching those.

17359518? ago

The manifesto's and FB pages of other mass shootings perpetrators have been taken down or blocked with shooter information removed fairly quickly. Let's watch the Mass Media and Leftists pile on this manifesto. No indications yet of mental instability or the like yet. Things that make you go hmmmm.

17358520? ago

Just because the manifesto rings true doesn't mean the guy wasn't groomed and prodded by a deep state handler.

17361294? ago

Even if this event was organic, it will still be used to our detriment.

17359615? ago

No one serious believes that Candace Owen's is a radicalism influence.

17364237? ago

He mentions Candace? Why? What does he say? And how does she even connect to NZ?

17357602? ago


17357091? ago

Longer version but getting clobbered, traffic-wise: https://files.catbox.moe/bsckol.mp4