17340732? ago

Just realised that Q’s[-21] countdown expires on a March 19th that’s the same deadline that the judge gave Epstein’s lawyers before they unseal the court documents. Could the unsealing of this be the trigger for the indictments to be unsealed?

17334297? ago

So the Freemasons, Jews, Roman Catholics, Arabs, Mi6 and Hollyweird and the CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning? the Roal family of England is connected and Kevin Spacey? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3092008/17329338 'I award you no votes, and may God have mercy on your soul.'

17307318? ago

will it lead to mossad child sex slave trafficking?

17306521? ago

Do it!!

17306482? ago

Hells yeah! Let the unsealing commence! W00t!

17306297? ago

It's hard to vote to help people when you're on film raping then eating a child.

It's worse if you use steak sauce on it.

17305231? ago

Would it surprise anyone if it's revealed Epstein worked with the clowns. That our own government is the biggest sex crime cabal ever to exist?

17309037? ago

Probably looking at how his hedge fund came to be would provide clues. I'd suspect Mossad more than the CIA, but it would be very surprising if he wasn't linked to either of those.

17328318? ago

Why not both?

17306849? ago

Jesters, Shriners? https://voat.co/v/anon/3082639

17304674? ago

The three-judge panel for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit gave the parties until March 19 to establish good cause as to why they should remain sealed and, failing to do so, the summary judgment and supporting documents will be made public. The court reserved a ruling on the balance of the documents in the civil case, including discovery materials

March 19

17304839? ago

I think this is the same day that Q's latest countdown reaches [0]?

17312409? ago

Yep. That’s what I am seeing. Coincidence?

Epstein magically hits the field amid play again and just happens to land disclosure / DECLAS in 3/19

17304377? ago

Bubba pardoned this fucking bastard. Epstein burned his island retreat to the ground last year to hide evidence.

Both, Bill and Hillary had been down to his island. Flight logs document. Probably just talking about golf and grandchildren, eh? Think Bill and Hill aren't SHITTING in the pants right now? This is getting juicy!

17309834? ago

Is this why Hills just renewed her license to practice law?

17310079? ago

Link, plz. Not saying she hasn't. But this carries about as much weight as her announcing for 2020. LMAO!

TIA for the link if you've got one. Peace.

17304239? ago

Unless investigations have been completed on the people involved in this trafficking ring, the unsealing of the docs won't show much. They may mention a few names but that the unsealing will rip the band aid open and expose any and every name is highly unlikely. It would be illegal for the courts to just reveal any names of people that have not been proven to be involved in the ring. This is mere theater.

17304157? ago


17304153? ago

We will soon understand why our politicians vote the way they do. Again us citizens, common sense, the best interest of the country and humanity.

17304201? ago

the best interest of the country and humanity.

this anon has received the holy spirit - spread it brother/sister.

17304611? ago

De Colores

17303658? ago

Finally some traction.the wheels of justice go mighty slow sometimes

17307926? ago

The Miami Herald is leading the effort...wonder what they have on (((Epstein)))

17303642? ago

should be quite eye opening for the normies

17334382? ago

and France? New Orleans? he was 15 and she was 39 ?? babylon elites have blackmail on? isle of Saint Martin? globalist French politician, ex Nigeria and a former Banker of the Rothschild & Cie Banque https://www.voat.co/v/AnonConspiracy/2888618

17303534? ago

https://archive.ph/7R5zD :

Miami Herald on Twitter: "BREAKING: Federal court moves to unseal documents in Jeffrey Epstein case that could reveal evidence of an international sex trafficking operation /BPv01pPSW3 #PerversionofJustice"

This has been an automated message.

17303990? ago


17303404? ago

Good. Rip it wide open and name all the names. Except the victims. Allow them their privacy.

17303293? ago
