17250009? ago

Who is this Yang guy, are shills really trying to get us to vote Democrat because muh amnesty and muh whites. I thought Chapotraphouse was retarded with that South Park shit or when they tried to convince me that I'm actually a communist because reasons, but this is next level.

17250083? ago

are shills really trying to get us to vote Democrat because muh amnesty and muh whites

Yes, yes they are.


Who supports Yang? Which of his endorsers turned on Trump? How are they connected to the fake outrage, anti-Trump rhetoric and other rhetoric being spammed here?

Hint: RS

17250138? ago

Indeed. I love how it didn't take long for the shills to reveal themselves as communists here. "Im trying to wake you guys up and redpill you by calling you retarded and telling you to stop digging for answers" my ass. My favorite one is the Richard Spencer 2020 "Socialism will work this time as long as it's white only because this ethnostate will be totally different from every other socialist ethnostate, Nazi Germany doesn't count."

17261174? ago

Some more on Yang and others connected by same/similar agenda and contacts:


17250172? ago

Richard Spencer

Ding ding ding ding!

We have a winner.

"Russia! Russia! Russia!" PLUS "White supremacy!" waiting to happen, but of course, the MSM is totally ignoring this one because Yang isn't Trump.

17249903? ago

The yang shit is gay. And irrelevant

17249944? ago

Oh, I think you'll find it relevant - but not for any good reason.

Connect the dots between the sudden push to promote him here and the months of "tha jooz" and race-baiting rhetoric.

17250148? ago

Hmmm...will keep my eyes peeled

17261157? ago

Here ya go, some more on Yang and others connected by same/similar agenda and contacts:


17266726? ago

Aw, crap. So...much worse than i thought. Why is everyone a shilltraitor?

P.s. great research over there. Hardcore.

17266769? ago

You should see what else I have lol.

It's amazing what I can learn in a night.

17249857? ago

Fuck that Chink.

17249865? ago

Has nothing to do with his race.

The ironic part, though... well... dig into him and get ready to laugh(and maybe vomit in your mouth a little).

17249941? ago

He's a Chink. That's all I need to know.