17260912? ago

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17259777? ago

Looks like a goddamn alien

17256859? ago

Building 8. That sounds familiar.

17255205? ago

Nice dig anon, your beers in the coolbox

17254437? ago

So, she has the dirt? Will she bring down the house of cards?

17252695? ago

How about Q post #303 " Renee J James. " i know she is Tech business leader. Never seen much else about her. is she honorable or infamous to have your name be the only thing in a Q post .

17250901? ago

Nice work Anon. Keep digging.

17250308? ago

Nice dig! People keep finding these shining nuggets!

17250186? ago

I can’t find a thing on anyone else. I went through a business week article about the first 20 Facebook employees and dug on each one. I went through a few articles on building 8 and crossed all names of any employees or scientists with daarpa and got nothing. Many of them are no doubt cia assets but that going to be a whole other type of dog of which I may now start doing. I’m dead ended on anymore Facebook daarpa connections.

17249962? ago

Goes from highly classified programs to Google then FB, yeah that's not nefarious or anything. Great digging Op.

17250143? ago

She’s got a days worth of digging on her alone.

17249893? ago

So, umm... why aren't these being used at airports instead of sexually assaulting the general public on a daily basis?


17249534? ago

Curious about the pendant she's wearing. Maybe they're innocent charms, but I've blown up the photo as much as I can on my laptop, they blur and I can't make out what they're supposed to represent.

17249285? ago


Her picture is not NSFW. It's NSFL!

17248905? ago

Remember dude who claimed to be teleported to Mars with Obama and Dugan back in the day?

17248729? ago

Career Facebook

In April 2016, Dugan left Google to head Facebook's 'Building 8',[9] a research division similar to Google's ATAP group.

In October 2017, Dugan announced she would be leaving Facebook in early 2018 to focus on building and leading a new endeavor.[5]

17248441? ago

This was in Praying medics video a while before this post. He's about the only "Q" youtuber i watch. Decent info

17248050? ago


the DOGS NOSE robot is terrifying,

the robot was created to ‘sniff’ out bombs.

does it actually emulate a nose?

seeing as all of our dna has a unique smell, ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2013/sep/08/can-you-smell-perfect-partner) it’s logged into 23 and me by consent of someone in most peoples families

add to that an obscure chabad reference to their new messiah having an incredible sense of smell. and will decide things by smell.

maybe not so obscure: ————— ————— The Haftarah says about Moshiach, "He will smell the fear of G‑d, he won't judge by the sight of his eyes, nor by the hearing of his ears."13 Meaning, he will judge by his ability to smell. The Talmud14 tells a story of how the rabbis used this as a test to see if Bar Kochba was Moshiach. They saw that he could not judge by smell and they therefore disqualified him. According to the Zohar,15 this sense of smell is higher than wisdom and understanding. However, did it not say that Moshiach will have "a spirit of wisdom and understanding?" What is the point of the wisdom and understanding if he will be judging people by his ability to smell? Here again we have opposites, smell is a higher level (and focused outward), while wisdom and understanding are lower (and on the inside). By Moshiach, however, these abilities will unite, the higher and lower, the inside and outside will all be one.16

How will Moshiach be able to judge by smell alone, without witnesses? Doesn't the Torah require witnesses? Some suggest that he will only confirm that the judgements are accurate. But the indication of the Talmud,17 that he will "smell and judge," is that he will actually judge cases through sniffing, and not merely confirm. So how can he do that? ————— ————— https://www.chabad.org/parshah/article_cdo/aid/4006461/jewish/Moshiach-and-His-Effect-on-the-World.htm

maybe he’s a robot / AI

AN AI could judge Noahide laws by smell. i know that sounds crazy, but the Rabbis teach that life has a smell. (meaning that you can smell what someone’s been up to, with God’s help.).

so perhaps darpa created


would be a great double feature with

MACRON v KUSHNER on the temple mount!


ROBO-MESSIAH - plug in and refresh

Q it’s cool that you’re saving someone very special for last. if you are who i am hoping that you are, we are in for a great show indeed. and, a great awakening like the world has never imagined.

is 8chan similar to nazareth, in any way?


on he other hand, I am also terrified that Q is a psyop, and it’s a great distraction.

What it seems most like, though, is a


we need faith patriots. many of us are doubting, and maybe rightly so, as we’ve been disapopointed by most leaders our entire lives, and many of us who are Christians are spiritually barren, divided from our loved ones, dislike church (the cult of ishtar!? - so much knowledge and so damn critical) and seeking fellowship in the pits of the internet.

what a fascinating time.

anyway, the disciples sleeping in the garden when their leader needed them ... in such an intense time.

if that means anything to you, and you also feel similarly heavy, burdened, called to prayer, please do pray / fast / learn / go all out doing what you can

this is real spiritual warfare, we’ve all seen it manifest in physical for the past lifetimes (false flags, hate, division, pure death and blood sacrifices to moloch ) horrid shit

I know there are many more here every day. Maybe like me, hoping to connect with fellow patriots.

Supporting and loving our families friends and neighbors is most important, and the next most important thing is WHERE IS YOUR HEART AT?

If you are heart broken for this country, like I am, please pray and do good and fight like you have never done before.

I will be. OUR President is in a den of vipers. I pray for him all the time - I do hate that it’s all I can do, but at least we are not overcome with apathy.

17251495? ago

Jesus christ you literally think trump/Q is the messiah or some shit lmfao

You gotta be fuckin kidding

17247726? ago

Good dig anon... Keeping your beer frosty...

17247663? ago

Well, this looks promising. If any of you still FB I think here is a great reason not too.

17247485? ago

Huh. She has been heavily into advanced tech for a long time. It does not seem like they would trust oversight of advanced tech to just anyone, seems she must be either connected to the old bloodlines or was programmed. Bet she had a rough childhood.

17247104? ago

Lenovo owning Motorola Mobility is also of concern here. Never heard this before. South Korean Lenovo, obtained IBM's PC division, including "ThinkPad" products largely used in government. Personally, I don't know if SK represents a risk today, but want to verify.

17250818? ago

Can confirm Lenovo is heavily used in Government, at least here in Oregon. I'm a state contracted e-recycler, and about 75% of our intake is ThinkPad laptops, and ThinkCentre desktops. It's like they never heard about Superfish.

17249111? ago

Lenovo is Chinese. They also recently bought 51% of Fujitsu Laptops which is the last one worldwide not currently manufactured in China. Secret Service used them because of that. They’ve known of the back door tech threat from China manufacturing for years.

17247344? ago

Yes. Also she is filthy dirty. No doubt a clown. She needs hours of digging on her alone.

17247102? ago

NiCe WorK AnoN ... holdin yur beer ... 1 of 9 ... gettin really suspicious of Bldn. 8

17247074? ago


In 2013, Regina was appointed as the Board of Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (NYSE: VAR),[16] and in July 2014 she was appointed as the Board of Zynga (NASDAQ: ZNGA).[17]

Fucking typical.

She joined Zynga's Board 2 years after a class action lawsuit was filed against them for insider trading - later settled for $23 million.


Reception and controversies

Insider trading allegations

In July 2012, a class action lawsuit was filed against Zynga, alleging that Mark Pincus and some other insiders were allowed to sell shares before disappointing Q2 results were revealed.[234][235] The lawsuit was settled in August 2015 for $23 million.[236]

In March 2015, a district judge ruled that plaintiffs can pursue a lawsuit against Zynga on claims executives inflated the company's value prior to its 2011 initial public offering by concealing weaknesses in its R&D pipeline of new games, numbers of users and their purchasing patterns, and other key metrics.[237]

In late May 2010, the Norwegian Consumer Council filed a complaint to the Data Inspectorate regarding breaches of the Data Protection Act.[238] In August 2011 the Data Inspectorate concluded that Facebook is not under Norwegian jurisdiction, since the company is established in Ireland and not in Norway. The complaint was therefore forwarded to the Irish commissioner of data protection.[239]

In August 2010, the San Francisco city attorney's office complained about the firm's guerrilla marketing campaign for its Mafia Wars game that pasted fake money on city sidewalks, calling it "vandalism".[240] Davis Elen Advertising took responsibility for the ad campaign and agreed to pay the city of San Francisco $45,000 in fines for illegal marketing tactics.[241][242]

17260913? ago

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17251002? ago


17246954? ago

"Google director Regina E Dugan pushing RFID microchips" - https://invidio.us/watch?v=ZR6Onwg8wyQ

17246890? ago

I suppose she's a reptile too. Give me a break. Stupid retards.

17247337? ago


Wonderful strawman there based on bullshit which is deliberately seeded to later be used as a means of discrediting.

You glow, a lot. Highly amusing that you're reduced to weak insults too.

17246873? ago

Anon, next round is on me. Well done!

17246787? ago

Thanks for this, anon. Very solid and relevant connection. The excerpt you’ve provided paints a pretty clear picture, knowing what we know.

Holding a cold one for you, for when you resurface.

17246767? ago


17246722? ago

/holds your beer

17246654? ago

Dugan began working for DARPA in 1996. In 1999, she was awarded 'Manager of the Year' for her work at DARPA and in 2000, she was honored with the Bronze de Fleury Medal by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. She has also received awards from the United States Secretary of Defense; specifically, the Awards for Exceptional Service and Outstanding Achievement.[3]

Dugan left DARPA in 2000 to become a special advisor for the Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army. Her work included a study titled 'Quick Reaction Study on Countermine,' which was briefed to senior members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and implemented in Operation Enduring Freedom.[4] Dugan also took positions on the Naval Research Advisory Committee, Threat Reduction Agency and Technology panel. Prior to DARPA, she founded a company called Dugan Ventures. In 2005, Dugan Ventures began a new investment, RedXDefense LLC.

After leaving DARPA in March 2012, she was appointed to an executive position at Google. Here, she led and created Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) at Motorola Mobility, a subsidiary of Google. In January 2014, it was announced that Motorola Mobility would be acquired by Lenovo. Dugan and her team were retained by Google. She later moved to Facebook, joining a team called Building 8. In October 2017, she announced that she would be leaving in early 2018 to pursue other endeavors.