17225464? ago

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17223992? ago


Dig elsewhere.

17224220? ago

No offense but just speak english man; you're not Q and I'm not Q. We are not intel agents trying to mind the law. We are here to progress together.. Mindgames between each other is not really productive.

In otherwords -- if you have something to say; say it!

17224280? ago

None taken.

No attempt to be a jerk at all, but if you'll indulge me:

The policies are the up front pitch.

Who is behind? Andrew

Behind(backing) him?

17224324? ago

I agree 200%. Most great information will come from doing true investigative journalistic techniques and practices. The most important being: Follow the money, or in this case (and MZ case) it's follow the FAMILY TREE!!

If these fuckers have been doing this for hundreds if not thousands of years... there is a trail to follow back in history and see what happened - for example the truth about the Titanic... it changes EVERYTHING, right?

Follow Da Moneyz!

17224392? ago

Follow Da Moneyz!

Yes, but not necessarily in this case. Backing can refer to other forms of support.

Titanic... it changes EVERYTHING

A story for another time, but, yes. Holy shit there is a lot to uncover there.

17224763? ago

A lot to unravel and then it leads into so many other thinks, 1913 Jekyll isle which Trump even just mentioned in his latest CPAC speech. Wild times!

17223281? ago

We're not all smoking from your pipe. Wtf are you referring to?

17223337? ago

Andrew Yang (D), running in 2020.

Have a dig, the memes write themselves.