17111380? ago

My first thought “Trust the Plan”. I have a feeling that the great patriot, Gen Flynn, was playing a part all along in order to bring some of these folks to justice. “Who knows where the body’s are buried?”

17110908? ago

This entire threads reads like a Mulllertard subreddit full of bullshit and dog whistles only a libshit would understand.

17110441? ago

The faggot nigger becoms niggerfaggot

17108728? ago

I think the Russia Collusion Insurance policy has fallen apart. They are now on the Trump is a pedophile who covered up Epsteins abuse by buying Acosta. Round 2. And when that round fails...I predict health issues...mental and or physical. And that should take us to the 2020 elections.

17108569? ago

EDVA huh? Hmmmm. So many dots to connect. Am sensing completeness coming.

17108380? ago

So it looks like Flynn and Mueller have taken down another big time foreign lobbiest (Turkish). Flynn was setting up these meetings during the transition as the inside man to get all the dirt and see how they influence DC. It's absolutely fucking brilliant. And the Turks feel more at ease because Flynn is just a regular guy at that point...just shooting the shit. Then he gets into the White House, gets all the info into hands that can be trusted (bypassing the deep State). Mueller is coming in to take down another rat with Flynns "undercover" bust. Pretty God damn brilliant play if this is what is occurring, which seems to be the case from where I'm shitting.

17108022? ago

Got a call last year from the Feds wanting to see all documents we had because Bijan Kian sat on the board of directors of one of California's state agencies.

17107942? ago

The only thing I want to know is "WHEN IS HILLARY CLINTON GOING TO BE ARRESTED?"

17107515? ago

This 2 year seditious witch hunt continues, but somehow this is a good thing? This movement has gone full retard. How about some fucking arrests? How about ANYONE from the left being charged? This is a pathetic cult now.

17107061? ago

I’ve been getting told quite a bit that George Webb is Mossad paid control op? Any opinions? I’ve never seen signs of this myself.

17107366? ago

He never identifies Israel as a bad actor, and the Iranians are always the bad guys. And sometimes it seems he has information that are secrets and he motivates his followers to find open information for parallel construction. But that all doesn't matter as long as they dig deep and wide, they are in some cases more than a year ahead of the news cycle.

17106473? ago

No doubt about it. Huge, although we cannot yet see the full implications.

My theory, which will be held until evidence emerges that decisively contradicts it, is that Mueller is a slave prisoner zombie doing as instructed, Flynn is a patriot, and the Russia probe will be reversed to be used on the Democrats, with Flynn playing a leading role.

Crissakes I hope I am right.

17108171? ago

This is a joke post right? It's genuinely hard to tell. We've known Flynn was ratting on his business partners since Flynn's sentencing hearing.

I wonder if this why Flynn Jr deleted his Twitter, supposedly, his Dad's cooperation saved JR from indictment.

17109264? ago

What is to joke about ? Something is obvious to you, that is not obvious to me.

I'm not taking a shot at you. I just do not understand your comment.

17114959? ago

Your post reads like science fiction. Like you know this is bad news and shows Flynn to be a criminal, so you invent reasons to show the opposite. Flynn pleaded guilty and because he agreed to cooperate, got leniency on his other crimes....like this one that he was an active participant in. And you wish that wasn't true.

17115522? ago

Flynn did not commit a material offense other than what the Mueller team set him up for. The charges against him are bullshit and a Federal judge said as much.

17126302? ago

Flynn did not commit a material offense

Of course he did, he was a paid foreign agent of Turkey without registering for FARA. He was literally part of the same crime this BOOM!!!! is about. Flynn is not charged with this crime because of the cooperation agreement he got from Mueller.


The charges against him are bullshit and a Federal judge said as much.

No. The federal judge said the agreement where Flynn does no time was bullshit and was ready to throw the book at him.

Part of Flynn's cooperation seems to be that his son would not be indicted

17126679? ago

Disagree but pointless for us to debate it. Your perception may be correct; or mine may be closer to the truth.

When it happens, we will get the answers.

17131329? ago

This is not about perception. It's about facts. When Flynn agreed to cooperate, they agreed to only charge him with some of his crimes, one of which is the same crime Bijan Kian was indicted for. That's factual. If it's not point out what's incorrect with solid sources.

17133430? ago

We do not know the essential facts about Flynn. I do not consider the known facts about the charges with Mueller and so on, which you refer to, to be the essential facts.

The media may make a big deal about them. They may be facts. But I do not think they are the key facts, which are unknown to us.

What does Flynn know, and is he primarily co-operating with Trump or Trump's enemies ? Is he a patriot of a Deep State ally ?

That is the essential issue with Flynn.

17137463? ago

What does Flynn know, and is he primarily co-operating with Trump or Trump's enemies ? Is he a patriot or a Deep State ally ?

Flynn is cooperating against Trump. He wanted his sentencing over and done with before that is revealed. The key thing he is hiding is when he lied about speaking to the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions, he was not freelancing. He was there on behalf of Trump. It's a he only reason that makes sense

Mueller is an inquisitor, and a criminal one. This is also a fact

Pure nonsense.

The fact that he pressures people into perjuring themselves lessens the credibility of his results.

Flynn told the judge the exact opposite. First off, Flynn's criminal lies were before Mueller was even appointed SC. As were Papadopoulos's criminal lies Cohen's criminal lies and Stone's were to Congress.

These folks were not forced to give false. They chose to. ...why? I believe they lied to hide other crimes they committed or others committed. And of course, they could of just told the truth.

17137792? ago

Why don't you ask Jerome Corsi his opinion of Mueller ? Mr. Corsi has some first-hand experience with him. Oh...and why was Weizsman kept "in the loop" on the FBI investigation of Trump ?

17137758? ago

Jerome Corsi filed a $300 mil plus lawsuit against Mueller for suborning perjury. You are in a dreamworld if you don't realize Mueller and Weiszman are not honest prosecutors. Why do you think Mueller was put in the job ?

17137733? ago

We disagree. The matter will be clarified shortly and will not be resolved by our debate. We will see.

17115497? ago

It is not wishful thinking. The Federal judge gave Flynn every change to get out and stated he should not have been charged. In my opinion the chances are significantly better than 50/50 that Flynn's testimony will sink Trump's enemies, rather than Trump.

Deception is an important part of military and intelligence. That's where Flynn made his career. Frankly, I suspect Flynn is instrumental in Q Group, and that his departure from the Trump administration was a kabuki show to take him out of the public eye. Same with Bannon.

17145232? ago

The Federal judge gave Flynn every change to get out and stated he should not have been charged.

This did not happen.


Judge delays Flynn sentencing after sharply criticizing former Trump aide

Sullivan delivered a blistering rebuke of Flynn during Tuesday’s hearing. Referring to revelations about Flynn’s undisclosed lobbying for the Turkish government, Sullivan suggested he had been working as an unregistered agent for a foreign government while in the White House and had “sold” his country out — a remark he was later forced to walk back.

“I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain, for this criminal offense,” Sullivan said.

The Judge had the dates wrong. Flynn stopped his illegal lobbying after election day, but this fact remains, Flynn was working as a paid agent for Turkey DURING the campaign and this is a crime.

The judge basically convinced Flynn to delay his sentencing, until all his cooperation was revealed, because the judge was going to reject Mueller's request for a light sentence and the judge was ready to throw the book at him.

17107110? ago

This is the most reasonable explanation. However, "be careful who you follow". The DS is on both "sides" (left/right), and its roots are deepest and most well hidden on the right wing side, and in the MIC. According to Robert David Steele and Bill Biney the dems are pedo-lite just for kicks and shocks, but the reps (republican/reptilian-like) are the old school pedovores. I only say this to try and mitigate the impending shock around here, because "this is bigger than anyone can imagine".

The last thing Anons need is a big dose of cognitive dissonance at a critical juncture. Speaking for myself at least. Keep those minds open Anons, if you seriously consider EVERY idea without fully "believing" it, (((they))) won't have nearly as much power to manipulate Us. It's important because WWG1WGA.

17109840? ago

Agree with you 110% Anon.

This is a much needed reminder for all to be prepared for just about anything in terms of coming revelations.

17107044? ago

There’s definitely a reason they went after Flynn first! Your theory fits with what I know! Would be fucking glorious!

17109216? ago

They were afraid of Flynn when BHO was President. Barack "warned" Trump about him, blackballed the guy.

What more do you need to know ?

17106457? ago

GAY AND WHO IS BIJAN KIAN? Get in touch with veterans groups, church groups, Boy Scouts, anybody.

Al Qaeda is currently in control of every NATO national security agency, every media corporation, every major megacorporation, the banking system, the education system, and the Jewish groups that used to track them for the FBI. Donald Trump is not doing a goddamn thing about it. "Trust the Plan" is going to get us conquered. We need to move information through the men on the ground.

We've been dealing with the full combined weight of CIA, DHS, FBI, Home Office, German, French, Swedish, Netherlands, etc intelligence who are taking orders directly from Pakistan, Qatar, and from American-born AQ that our corrupt leaders put in charge of our own national security for commercial investments and campaign donations. George Soros, Jacob Rothschild, and Wolfgang Ischinger have been laundering disinformation, money, personnel, and instructions from Al Qaeda through NATO's national security agencies so that everything is done in secret as a national security project and they can justify shutting down anyone who talks about it.

Hillary Clinton set up a global Internet censorship board run by Islamists, the Rothschilds, and organized crime in exchange for campaign donations from the businessmen who funded Osama bin Laden. The money is bundled by Qatar and other Arab countries and is laundered through the International Crisis Group of George Soros and Frank Giustra, the two largest donors to the Clinton Foundation.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Jesuits have been recruiting gullible students into the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1970s by lying about Israel and Palestine. More recently John DeGioia took $300 million for his college for an "Inclusive America" project to plant Al Qaeda operatives throughout businesses to sniff out and eliminate opposition. The White House planted one at Wikipedia and had him train them on how to recognize "Islamophobia" (accurate knowledge of Islam and terrorist organizations).

Britain has been fucking us by training up anti-American hate groups that jump to join the Muslims, then using covert ops to knock out any competing businesses and politicians. Antifa (Avaaz) is organized by British intelligence with Rothchild backing.

The Alt-Right was radicalized and spotlighted to create a distraction from Muslim Nazis taking over the Democratic Party and everything else in the United States. Faiz Shakir was a Hamas recruiter. He is one of many.

For much more information, read these threads.



When Trump calls the MSM the Enemy Media, he is not exaggerating! The Washington Post hired a friend of Osama bin Laden to publish whatever bullshit his Qatari handlers fed to him. The same Qatari handlers were involved in Common Core, the 9/11 Commission, and likely the selection of Obama's Cabinet.


It's up to you old guys to let the new guys know how to identify the enemy because new recruits were barely born when 9/11 happened, they missed the investigation and the Green Quest raid, and they are not getting the information from the MSM. Hardly anyone is aware anymore that the Palestinians are a banned foreign terrorist organization because the MSM does not mention it. Every extremist group supports them. It's an easy way to ID them.





17108208? ago

Please turn this into a brand new post. This needs to be seen

17107691? ago

I appreciate the post & additional info here. Thanks. Maybe post on its own? Some people stop at the first line & when you say nothing is being done about it. I get that opinion, but if you want a bigger reach just post the facts as they are. I’m not one to be lead like some, and I think all of this theory or fact deserves to be known.

17106617? ago

Exactly. Obama tried to overthrow the obnoxious but elected and popular President of Turkey. Fetulah Gulen was involved. The Deeps State are doing everything they can to destroy Turkey's relationship with NATO. So Flynn worked with some guys who tried to get Gulen extradited. Mueller is now charging them with being foreign agents.

Eventually no country will want to do any kind of business or trade with the USA. Is somebody in Slovakia selling package vacations to Disney World? Did they register as a foreign agent before getting a bulk discount?

17108298? ago

A thread filled with nonsense there's this.

So Flynn worked with some guys who tried to get Gulen extradited

Bullshit. Flynn and his partners we're discussing kidnapping Gulen.

17110434? ago

Flynn was ex-US military. They don't know the difference. Given Gulen's security, extradition would be a lot easier than kidnapping.

17106368? ago

Who the hell is bijan Kian? Down votes for misusing “BOOM” and linking to a gay website.

17107552? ago

Who the hell is bijan Kian? Down votes for misusing “BOOM” and linking to a gay website.

Full fledged qtard statement. "downvote because I can't read".

Fucking article title has the answer to your question and so does the first line of the first fucking paragraph.

Michael Flynn to be star witness in trial of his ex-lobbying partner, documents say.

President Donald Trump's former national security adviser and Russia investigation cooperator Michael Flynn will be a "principal witness" in the upcoming trial of his former lobbying partner -- and his statements to special counsel Robert Mueller will matter in that case too, according to court submissions on Friday.

17112573? ago


17108823? ago


17106240? ago

Upshot? Mueller blockade lasts forever...somethings wrong here.

17106229? ago


17106115? ago

President Donald Trump's former national security adviser and Russia investigation cooperator Michael Flynn will be a "principal witness" in the upcoming trial of his former lobbying partner -- and his statements to special counsel Robert Mueller will matter in that case too, according to court submissions on Friday. The flood of court requests from the lobbyist Bijan Kian made clear how much of the case will focus on Flynn. Kian's defense team wants every document it can get about the former Trump administration official as they prepare for trial. Kian's legal team wants "all statements, transcripts, notes, records and memoranda" from federal prosecutors that reflate to anything Flynn said to "any agent, employee, representative or elected official" of the US government.

17106378? ago

Typical boilerplate Discovery Request.