17125376? ago

Without evidence

17115683? ago

People are waking up. The angels, or whatever you want to call them, are helping. It's time for people to be more connected and to learn what the universe is really all about, starting with Earth.

17113907? ago

I have experienced this very thing! I do feel surrounded by sleeping or brain washed coworkers. Sounds weird, but that in itself makes for an exhausting day somehow. Thank God my immediate family members are awake, but gatherings with extended family for the most part are an exercise in staying on "safe"subjects. Come to think of it that is also exhausting! My point is Connecting with a fellow Patriot from far off places is a beautiful thing and a much needed encouragement. Like I'm doing with you right now! Thank you friend. You put a smile on my face today. :) Keep the Faith fellow Patriots!

17122989? ago

That's good you can talk to your family, I'm trying but not quite there yet lol these boards are the only place I can really say what I really think. (Which is incredibly frustrating when Q has just posted one of your screenshots and there's nobody that'l have a clue what your talking about!!!) But was nice connecting with you anon :) stay strong

17138779? ago

I saw that Congrats dude! I can imagine your frustration! I hope it helps that millions of Patriots WW witnessed you getting the Q drop! Amazing! You stay strong too my friend!

17113320? ago

Couldn't agree more with this post! WWG1WGA. MAGA!

17112756? ago


17111934? ago

Everybody arround me seams oblivious to what is going on in the world, so I come here to see what you guys have to say, and sometimes bring my 2 cents.

17110835? ago


17110533? ago

Either that or they call you a faggot kek. But yeah I've experienced that many times, especially and even more so on 8 Chan.

17108983? ago

Or we can argue and red pill each other if we disagree. There is nothing bad about it.. whether we agree of disagree

17108788? ago

17108476? ago

Is finding loads of evidence about massively corrupted individuals, corporations and charities, but seeing NOTHING ever done about it, is that really a benefit?

Its like porn. It passes some time, and never accomplishes anything more than making a mess.

17108461? ago

Like anyone reads this shit.

17107995? ago

This is a lovely post OP. I totally agree with the importance of the positivity aspect of this board. So 'to put my money where my mouth is' I must confess that a few days ago, I lashed out with a comment that was far too attacking, in a paranoid moment. I wouldn't be surprised if it hurt another anon. I have tried to convince myself since that I was right to do this. But I've been fooling myself. I have felt like a total piece of shit since, So that means simply that I was wrong. I am SO SORRY to whoever that anon was. I love all you guys and I love this board. I am deeply grateful for the brave people who are taking on the fight to help us all. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Love, Kindness, Compassion, Positivity, Truth are the only things I want to be part of.

17123381? ago

I admire your confession anon, I know too well how tempting it is to unload on the ignorance that trolls this board on a daily basis. Your reply caught me though, not just because you admitted regretting the comment, but the way you went through the whole process of admitting the action, reflecting on said action, accepting true feelings of action then rectifying the best you could. It's a perfect example of what lifes all about - love, kindness, compassion, positivity, truth. Your deff on the right path ;)

17123519? ago

Your reply is so lovely. Thank you it means a lot. I feel much better for trying to put it right, like a weight's been lifted. Love and Blessings to you anon.

17108343? ago

Nice! I imagine for than a few of us have done this, myself included. Lesson learned.

17108794? ago

Thank you. I've never felt so disappointed in myself. Lesson definitely learned.

17108855? ago

:) Up and onward, soldier-anon.

17107403? ago

Krassensteins got punked by a 3 twitter combo and blamed Jacob Wohl. Now Jacob is filing a lawsuit for libel. Excellent work anons.

Q sent us

17107224? ago

It’s a beautiful and powerful thing! ✊🏻 🙏🏻

17107119? ago

How about when you're in a little shack called nowhere and the most powerful man in the world responds and connects with YOU to confirm top secret intel that will change history?

Ya, it's pretty cool.


17107099? ago

So many times I have been lifted up by the amazing comment of an anon. It is powerful! Thank you to all!

17107021? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Your only two options.

17107016? ago

You sound like a faggot OP

17107617? ago

It's ok to feel like that, don't let it worry you.

17106980? ago

There are many more who read, understand and feel the same way than you think. I am one of those. Shy about commenting, but am strong in my beliefs. Don't ever feel alone...

17106459? ago

Right on.

17106455? ago

The best benefit is that it removes (((MOSSAD))) ability to profile and stalk individual user accounts thread to thread. You won't believe how far and organized are when it comes to stalking and influencing influential forum members, and even more shocked to learn how often it spills over into real life with severe and fatal consequences.

Go watch The Lobby for a partial example and to hear jews in politics bragging about gangstalking Americans.

17106435? ago

Get in touch with veterans groups, church groups, Boy Scouts, anybody.

Al Qaeda is currently in control of every NATO national security agency, every media corporation, every major megacorporation, the banking system, the education system, and the Jewish groups that used to track them for the FBI. Donald Trump is not doing a goddamn thing about it. "Trust the Plan" is going to get us conquered. We need to move information through the men on the ground.

We've been dealing with the full combined weight of CIA, DHS, FBI, Home Office, German, French, Swedish, Netherlands, etc intelligence who are taking orders directly from Pakistan, Qatar, and from American-born AQ that our corrupt leaders put in charge of our own national security for commercial investments and campaign donations. George Soros, Jacob Rothschild, and Wolfgang Ischinger have been laundering disinformation, money, personnel, and instructions from Al Qaeda through NATO's national security agencies so that everything is done in secret as a national security project and they can justify shutting down anyone who talks about it.

Hillary Clinton set up a global Internet censorship board run by Islamists, the Rothschilds, and organized crime in exchange for campaign donations from the businessmen who funded Osama bin Laden. The money is bundled by Qatar and other Arab countries and is laundered through the International Crisis Group of George Soros and Frank Giustra, the two largest donors to the Clinton Foundation.

The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Jesuits have been recruiting gullible students into the Muslim Brotherhood since the 1970s by lying about Israel and Palestine. More recently John DeGioia took $300 million for his college for an "Inclusive America" project to plant Al Qaeda operatives throughout businesses to sniff out and eliminate opposition. The White House planted one at Wikipedia and had him train them on how to recognize "Islamophobia" (accurate knowledge of Islam and terrorist organizations).

Britain has been fucking us by training up anti-American hate groups that jump to join the Muslims, then using covert ops to knock out any competing businesses and politicians. Antifa (Avaaz) is organized by British intelligence with Rothchild backing.

The Alt-Right was radicalized and spotlighted to create a distraction from Muslim Nazis taking over the Democratic Party and everything else in the United States. Faiz Shakir was a Hamas recruiter. He is one of many.

For much more information, read these threads.



When Trump calls the MSM the Enemy Media, he is not exaggerating! The Washington Post hired a friend of Osama bin Laden to publish whatever bullshit his Qatari handlers fed to him. The same Qatari handlers were involved in Common Core, the 9/11 Commission, and likely the selection of Obama's Cabinet.


It's up to you old guys to let the new guys know how to identify the enemy because new recruits were barely born when 9/11 happened, they missed the investigation and the Green Quest raid, and they are not getting the information from the MSM. Hardly anyone is aware anymore that the Palestinians are a banned foreign terrorist organization because the MSM does not mention it. Every extremist group supports them. It's an easy way to ID them.





17106431? ago

The power of a few hundred idiots to worship their cult leader and yet remain anonymous enough to not get made fun of by their friends and family. The power of the board.

17106414? ago

I don't know about you people, but my life is starting to resemble real-life silly cartoon episodes...

…meaning I'm starting not to give a shit and not to take shit so seriously anymore. I don't know what it'll all mean in the end, but I feel more wholesome everyday !

17106127? ago

Two Anons connecting for a brief moment and discussing something, perhaps something that either or both parties have no one else in the world they could have this conversation with

I love you faggots.

17106094? ago

I love how we commandeered the DS social network, public network and social communications, internet universe away from their grasp and use it against them. Hahaha makes me smile :D

17107145? ago

When you know the comms you can get secret info in a public forum....


17105729? ago

Go to 8chan for a real experience. This is good. That is best.

17107799? ago

I’m on 8c a lot. But you can’t dialog there - breads too short, noise is too high. Reposting in QRV for discussion and spread is best. 🖖

17105800? ago

I lurk on 8chn and post here, everyone should do this.

17106065? ago

Exactly this ^^

And everything else here too. (Except "Q is a big lie", go be a negative Nancy somewhere other than here). WWG1WGA

17106165? ago

That made me laugh :)

17105671? ago

100 % agree Patriot, greetings from Berlin 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 WWG1WGA

17106141? ago

I hear things are getting a bit crazy over there, stay strong Anon!


17115696? ago

Right, they do, but even Germans awaking. Our Problem is the reeducation Program after WW II. I am looking forward to visit your beauty full Scotland soon. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🇩🇪 WWG1WGA

17105604? ago

Q is a big lie. Week after week he promises things are happening soon, while nothing happens. Trump will lose 2020 with a 10% built wall, and RBG dead yet not confirmed dead. The left will ramp up immigration and whites and Christians will be persecuted.

17105901? ago

Yet here you are, on a Q research board, commenting complete BS on a post about the positive effects of Anon boards. Hmmm.....

17105711? ago

Yeah, yeah, blah blah blah.....

17105553? ago

I know! The connections are wonderful! I add my thanks!

17105540? ago

Read the works of John Perry Barlow:


Picture the internet a brain - each Anon a Nueron linked together firing. One sparks others etc and a thought forms.

This is bigger than you think.

In the beginning the web was decentralized. That’s why they had to force people into digital ghettos where central planning could mitigate our potential

17108154? ago

You should make this a post....and your answer below in another post. I believe it relates to Q (as in how "they" thought they could use this technology to our detriment and control." JMHO....

"Sometimes I feel like we are approaching my generations 1968. Take the Russian narrative. What if they prove collusion? What then? What good could possibly come from it? What peace? Pushing the Russian narrative is basically pushing death and destruction point blank. It’s pushing riots. It’s pushing a river of rapids and uncertainty. It’s irresponsible. Those voices are not advancing the rule of law and calm."

Your above paragraph hit me like a ton of bricks. Sometimes I am so focused on minutia, finding patterns and making connections that I may overlook the the most obvious. And your statement is so simple and true that I believe many miss it.

Reminds me of the story of the two women fighting over who was the "real" mother of a child. They went to the king to settle this...who is the real mother and gets the child. The king, being wise, said to cut him in half and you both get part of the child. One mother smiled in triumph and victory...the other mother was horrified and rather than have the child killed and cut in two, gave the other woman the child so that he may live. The king then gave the child to the mother who would rather lose her son (so that he may live)...than "win." The "real" mother was defined by her love and self sacrifice.

So your paragraph is spot on..."What good can possibly come of it?" They would rather destroy/kill and win, than lose and live. I believe this is the definition of insanity.

17108287? ago

That’s a hell of an allegory. I’m going to remember this story of the mother’s - very very poignant.

I will Create a post - perhaps both here and chans

17108435? ago

Great! I look forward to reading your thots. Btw...the story comes from the bible, 1 Kings 3: 16-28. King Solomon. Good read.

17107536? ago

Hive mind

17105853? ago

Thanks, I'll look into that later.

17105735? ago

Thanks for the link. Now I know why they were afraid of John Perry Barlow.

17106409? ago

Glad you found it of consequence.

At the core of the Internet is basically a war of....

Albert Pike / Elders of Zion - type want for a neo-feudalism everywhere with no middle class vs Liberty / John Perry Barlow / Founding Father’s etc

Either people are too stupid and need a heavy state etc to manage them - or are smart enough to be responsible and project their future etc via enlightenment

It’s scary when you step back and really think about it. We have had all innovation and economy suppressed for a hundred years ( in the scope of things ) and now liberty is bursting at the seems across the world.

Sometimes I feel like we are approaching my generations 1968. Take the Russian narrative. What if they prove collusion? What then? What good could possibly come from it? What peace? Pushing the Russian narrative is basically pushing death and destruction point blank. It’s pushing riots. It’s pushing a river of rapids and uncertainty. It’s irresponsible. Those voices are not advancing the rule of law and calm.

17108876? ago

"bursting at the seems across the world."

Hmmm. Deeper meaning than "bursting at the seams across the world."

17107599? ago

Totally IN your generation’s 1968. You’re bringing it out, like they did. (Check out Mae Brussels)

Gil Scott Heron said “the revolution will not be televised”. He wasn’t kidding.

17105511? ago


17105506? ago

Yeah, at first I didn’t love the idea of QRV being anonymous. I figured it would be better to identify certain shills and block them so you wouldn’t have to read their garbage over and over. Now I absolutely love it here! Even the shills remind me every single day that we are over target. In my personal life there is not one single person I can tell these things to, but on here there are thousands of open minded anons willing to discuss these important issues. I can relate to you OP I have had similar experiences with patriots on this board.

17109013? ago

Well that's why I like that there's QRV and GA.. SOi can have it both ways with and without the full Anon. It's very interesting too. The difference in climates. There are a lot more shills and racists here, but like you said that's not even a bad thing because it allows you to judge when we're on to something

17106394? ago

Thanks for the thoughts, you sparked one in me too. Your right about QRV being Anon, but you got me thinking about the "namefagging" on the chans. Having it optional the way it is on 8chan gives the dummies and shills a chance to self-identify, makes it easier for some of us (me) to figure out who's who. It's taken me a while but I'm starting to better recognize the shills from their vocabulary. Who ever designed the chans must have understood this aspect. It's been a steep learning curve for me, though when I lurk the chans now I feel I can better identify the shills from the dense ones.

The hard part for me now is telling live paid shills and racists from the bots. In ye oldey yahoo chat days the bots were obvious a mile away, these days they don't always drop porn links at the end of every conversation. The Turing test has been passed by scripted bots, does that make them full AI? I'm not sure this is what they had in mind for it. But then again maybe these bots aren't scripted....


17105500? ago

One day we will all come together in person.

17107269? ago


17105411? ago

we are connected by a force greater than ourselves. Whenever there are two or more of us together (even from across the world online) that force is felt and multiplied! WWG1WGA

17105030? ago

You are right, after an entire day in my work world, I can't wait to read posts because it feels like home, and provides intellectual candy lacking at work. People at work are so shallow and uninformed

17106401? ago


17106060? ago

I find it hard dealing with that at work especially, but I keep reminding myself that they just don't understand. Some will never understand, even when it's right infront of them. The rest? Ignorance pretty much, I suppose.

17105851? ago

Someone from your work is probably on here thinking the same thing about you. Not trying to be mean it's just how it goes.

17105425? ago

I love this place!

17105843? ago

These uncensored boards that allow individuals thinking for themselves to come together, away from fake news brainwashing, is also why there are anti-Q shills sent here.