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17087938? ago

Q has told us that civil war will not happen in America

Civil war would almost certainly be the death of western civilization.

If President Trump is either incapable or unwilling to do what needs to be done to fight the Talmudic Jew World Order... and if our military aren't willing to take control and fight for our survival... then civil war will be inevitable...

...and during a civil war, the (((UN))) and the (((EU))) will send "humanitarian forces" to disarm us while they sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure and while the (((Federal Reserve))) decimates our economy... and all those Jews, including our Jew-fake-news, will blame President Trump.

This is what (((they))) want and this is why people like Lynch and Hillary and their Jew paymasters (i.e. George Soros)* have been calling for civil war... because that will be the front line and the end of the line for western civilization if we lose.

Everyone must arm themselves and stockpile ammunition and supplies for what WILL come if not everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

17089344? ago

HOW THE FUCK is the UN / EU going to "disarm" 70,000,000 Americans? That's retarded.

17089372? ago

Because the Jew on the television will tell them it's the right thing to do.

17091615? ago

The 70,000,000 gun owners that he is talking about don't give a shit about what jews and niggers have to say about anything!

17089413? ago

Anyone who willingly gives up their guns are brain-dead retards.

17088512? ago

Blue helmets make great targets. I can see small sleeper cell type groups causing mayhem, but would be isolated to liberal heavy areas. Snowflakes won't mess with Bubba types, be over quick.

17089431? ago

I guess it depends on how far the black people are willing to go with this. It could get very sloppy.