17096585? ago

I am prepared for the above mentioned although I don't believe it would be full blown. Major cities would suffer the most as we already noted in Baltimore and other rat controlled cities. The cabal already dumbed people down through fluoride,spiked food, and debt. "(((They))) did'nt expect her to lose". A majority of normies/dems are full of fear and have already brainwashed the populations to avoid rocking the boat and OBEY. (((They))) actually shot their own foot off in their actions through their insidious dumbing down process. People/normies/dems will most likely obey whatever governing power is in place regardless providing the EBT cards and food flows. Why their scared. The uprisings get squashed when the $$$ flow from their puppet masters are cut."Actors" are like "fuck-you pay me" to act/lead. You usually do not get large turn outs without the $$$. They do however, have the gangs in their coffers along with other foreign entities which is where the heavy lifting would be required. Bad Spook Wind up toys,MS13,various gangs, Cartels, etc. Don't think this so called civil war will be fought just against trannies and soy boys with AR's. Never under estimate anons. That is the mother of all fuck-ups. The long hard road of carefully dismantling this entrenched evil is the logical solution. This is where the usage of painstakingly patient techno warfare comes in utilizing memes,truths, and ballot boxes rather than rifles at this time. That's why were here typing this shit. Q and team and the 8ch anons are doing the heavy lifting such as the dismantling,covering the ballot boxes, taking out the garbage,exposing corrupt congressman,connecting dots, planting meme seeds, etc. Some call this the "Thankless Jobs" because you don't see the person doing it, but it is happening and someone is responsible for this action. Picking up the rifle is last resort. Make no mistake, if our POTUS calls for our help there would be millions of Patriots with weaponry of all kinds at his doorstep and (((they))) know this too. Believe it. IMO.

17093329? ago

Trump did not start this war, BHO did during his 8 years of terror along with HRC the FBI, CIA and DOJ trying to rig an election and unseat an elected President.

Most people on the left already believe that Trump is a crook that deserves to be impeached, and career politicians harp on hating the President, night and day. The media is an arm of that party. Anyone can see it and we do. All of the pent up anger will most likely come to a head at the release of the Muller report. It will just add fuel to that fire.

If Democrats actually make a move to impeach Trump, many of those on the right will regard it as a coup attempt by the deep state globalist, their Democratic allies and the wealthy elite, and they will be extremely upset. It will be taken very personally, since we the People feel like we are the real targets to the globalist agenda or NWO. There has been much hate, violence, and money directed toward the conservative people with their traditional values and the socialist people engaged in it needs to be stopped.

There will be great anger on both sides, and emotions will be brought to a fever pitch by breathless 24 hour coverage by the major news networks.

Every time Mad Max opens her mouth, screeching "Impeach 45" it causes irreparable damage. Anyone can see how every single Democrat acted during the Kavanaugh hearing and we do not forget.

I personally do not want a civil war, but, I fear the anger simmering just below the surface is going to eventually erupt.

Our government is corrupt, our constitution shredded, our intelligence agencies weaponized. Our government institutions are broken. Only a miracle can save America from a civil war or worse.

17092731? ago

The Dems and Media have already decided they will claim victory in 2020 for the Presidentia Democrat Candidate regardless of the real results! The media may even publish false election results! This is why they are already trying to convince the public that Trump will refuse to accept that he lost!

17091312? ago

At bare minimum a huge red vs blue fist fight would be fine... some curb stomping is appropriate after what's happened. Justice.. eye for an eye... tooth for tooth.

17090427? ago



17089728? ago

Q has told us that civil war will not happen in America (Post #1664), but sometimes I have to wonder.

Rest assured, if there are arrests and tribunals, you might as well consider what will happen as a civil war. The dimturds will not consider any evidence, no matter how damning, and will resort to violence to attempt to overthrow the government. There isn't enough LE to stop them if they choose to do so en masse, plain and simple. If MIL is brought in, they will also only protect larger cities initially and can't prevent skirmishes in outlying areas. And when the leftists venture outward, they'll find a not-so-sympathetic host. What happens from there is anybody's guess, but they are going to riot and burn in an effort to intimidate, and a lot of spineless pols will capitulate.

17089274? ago

The sooner we start the next Revolution / Civil War, the closer we'll be to freedom. We need to remove all the Communists, Democrats, Liberals, Socialists, Jews, Spics and Niggers from this country. We need to give America a giant enema and flush all the shit away.

17088976? ago

Dems should not wish for a civil war. They will get their asses handed to them.

17089758? ago

Exactly. Civil war makes no sense. Someone please explain to me who will be fighting on the other side? We have the president, military, police, and 99% of armed civilians. Logical thinking...

17090133? ago

Your asking Democrats to think logically. Good luck with that.

17089347? ago

The sooner the better.

17089236? ago

That's probably not how they see it. They fantasize that all the identity groups will come out shooting and will eagerly turn over power to them once we're done away with. Fantasy. Further, they imagine they will be exempt from the violence, because those minorities LOVE them... or something. The look of utter confusion on their faces as their beloved identity politics groups close in on them will be priceless to see. "But....but.... we gave them so MUCH! How can they do this to US??!!"

17089268? ago

One wake up call coming.

17089280? ago

Q said they were stupid.

17088916? ago

Trump, Q and "the Plan" are the reasons we're not harvesting leftists as we speak. They became "Plan A" to prevent "Plan B."

Don't think Plan B isn't an option. We've got more combat vets amongst the populace than ever in our history...most of which are armed, trained and experienced.

If Plan A fails, much to the delight of the shills and impatient, there will not be a peaceful transition of power. Most of us are on a defensive footing, protecting our own areas of operation, we're just waiting for the call.

Unless you're really ready for war, physically and mentally, pray the shills are wrong. A lot of us see it as a chance to go in battle instead of a diaper.

17089309? ago

The shills aren't wrong. There is going to be a war. The question is: "WHO do we take out?" I say the test is that you fly an American flag proudly and wear a MAGA hat. If anyone complains or objects, shoot them.

17089491? ago

Bulldozer brigades would solve some problems. Mow down and shoot who complains. MSM, Mosks, and such.

17089524? ago

Seriously. Fly your flag and say: "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"

Anyone who cheers and claps and agrees is on our side. Anyone who complains or gets mad is the enemy.

17088953? ago

Yeah, count me among them. Former USMC, Vietnam era, non-combat Marine but certainly know my way around a few firearms and basic tactics. I don't want this, but I won't shirk from it either, if it should come.

17088708? ago

The two polar opposites of the political divide stopped talking and getting along (in terms of joint governing of the constitutional republic) at least two years ago - and one could argue been since the power of govt. was used to go after, in full fascist force, to take down and destroy the Tea Party movement during the Obama years.

Yes, when there ceases being dialog and the ability to jointly govern the republic (after all, the Democrats are committed to an ideological agenda that seeks the destruction of everything that defines and upholds the constitutional republic) - civil war is the next phase.

So prior to that outbreak, a good strategy is to be about the process of curtailing the enemy's ability to sustain a civil war. (If one does not control the police power of the govt. then an out side assistance is necessary to make a go of a civil war.)

17088570? ago

Trump knew back then, already, that under Title 18 section 2071 USC, hillary is not eligible to hold public office. His hesitation was likely because he knew the question was a false premise, his objection would have been that hillary cannot Serve under Law. Not that he would refuse the results, but Law dictates she may not hold office. He prolly knew, already, that had she won the vote certain events would have transpired to preserve Law and prevent her illegally gaining power.

I consider it will be a miracle if we get through the coming months without a lot of bloodshed - and remember blood is being spilt now, already, one example is Seth Rich. Any vile thing the Enemy can manage to do will manifest in our streets or on our borders, Klantifas or MS13 or BLM goons, union goons, crooked cops such as Comey or plane crashes or censorships or poisonings or....whatever terrorisms they can manage.

This is a struggle between Good and evil, the enemy will not just roll over, if it can deconstruct America thru violence that to them is a victory. No amount of violence will be too much for them, so while Q says they will manage, we must all understand it may require something of us, too. None of us want civil war but the enemy will cause that if it can.


17089327? ago

WHY FUCK AROUND? Why not just arrest Hillary and Obama and restore law and order to America. No more games.

17089744? ago

I think we're approaching that point in Time, yeah. If we are realistic and consider what all had to be done first, before we could make arrests because corrupt DoJ/FBI/courts/media.....and if our understanding of the Plan is approximately kosher, than we are about in the starting blocks to begin.

If we had arrested hillary last year, say, who woulda printed the warrant, who woulda served it, who woulda tried her in what court? We are in better shape today, because of the moves Q+++ has made for us all.

I agree tho, it now has to happen, we are as ready as we will ever be. We prolly bleed opportunity at this point, we'll lose support the longer we wait, the longer we refuse to act.

I say this in all seriousness, if I gain proximity to hillary or obama, certain others, I will attempt a Citizen's Arrest on them. Q+++ has about 1 year left to get a lot of major things done, if we are to save America without an unCivil War.

17090382? ago

At this point, I hope America does collapse and resort to Civil War. It will help us a lot.

  1. It will wake people up
  2. It will give people a tangible goal to work towards
  3. It will reveal who the enemies are
  4. It will give us a chance to eliminate the undesirables
  5. It will give us a chance to change the system and go back to law and order

17090499? ago

You, satan, hillary, democrats all hoping America collapses.

17088815? ago

Amen to that, patriot. How many times in Western history has an unwanted war been thrust upon people who only want to live in peace, but who are forced to fight the powers of darkness?

17089243? ago

Or simply forced to survive.

My perspective, and everyone's varies....mine tho. For decades have witnessed insane government supported PC-Think and government sponsored Hate and social engineering designed to control and divide, to keep a permanent under-class of dependents. Meanwhile morality eroded, Rule of Law ignored, Congress/government usurps more and more authorities not granted it under Constitution, a Free Press devolves into a propaganda machine cranking out the hits. And more sinister and invasive things are done to Society, via government agencies and coercions, bullying with monies or via crooked agencies. Courts increasingly corrupt, last couple administrations even FBI and DoJ corrupted, sanctuary city cops and mayors and Governors....

I cannot trust my government, local cops are sanctuary city cops, mayor corrupt. FBI corrupt, comey and others prove that, no Free Press to pursue things and shout them to the public but even if, schools have watered down education and much of the populace isn't ever gonna understand... But recently we have seen on-demand riots break out, BLM and Klantifas, burning cities and looting at will. We see massive voter frauds by illegals and others, we see crimes from treason to sex trafficking by government and no one cares...

So, is civil war possible? Yeah, hell yeah and it will come if Q fails, if POTUS doesn't manage to get some things done, it will certainly come. No honest American citizen wants it but we will not live in tyranny any longer either.

17091374? ago

We will not live in tyranny any longer!

That says it all!

17088539? ago

As long as people can go to the grocery store and by food there will never be a civil war.

17088473? ago

The war is already well underway.

17088468? ago

in other words. Civil War is the new media narrative push. That's a good sign. As we have destroyed all of their other pushes to date.

17088273? ago

Q is lying

17088004? ago

Lest there be any doubt, no, I do NOT wish for a civil war in this country, it would be ruinous and would threaten the very fabric of our Republic. I'm just trying to draw attention to the mood the country is in. There ARE people who hope for a civil war, mostly Antifa types, several Demwit politicians, etc., who imagine that they will come out on top and have permanent power afterward. I don't think it would turn out that way. Most of them would not know how to survive such a conflict.

17088209? ago

Sweetie, it's time soon. Do you want to be a slave?

17091547? ago

Do you want to be more of a slave than you already are!

There, I fixed it for ya.

17087938? ago

Q has told us that civil war will not happen in America

Civil war would almost certainly be the death of western civilization.

If President Trump is either incapable or unwilling to do what needs to be done to fight the Talmudic Jew World Order... and if our military aren't willing to take control and fight for our survival... then civil war will be inevitable...

...and during a civil war, the (((UN))) and the (((EU))) will send "humanitarian forces" to disarm us while they sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure and while the (((Federal Reserve))) decimates our economy... and all those Jews, including our Jew-fake-news, will blame President Trump.

This is what (((they))) want and this is why people like Lynch and Hillary and their Jew paymasters (i.e. George Soros)* have been calling for civil war... because that will be the front line and the end of the line for western civilization if we lose.

Everyone must arm themselves and stockpile ammunition and supplies for what WILL come if not everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

17089344? ago

HOW THE FUCK is the UN / EU going to "disarm" 70,000,000 Americans? That's retarded.

17089372? ago

Because the Jew on the television will tell them it's the right thing to do.

17091615? ago

The 70,000,000 gun owners that he is talking about don't give a shit about what jews and niggers have to say about anything!

17089413? ago

Anyone who willingly gives up their guns are brain-dead retards.

17088512? ago

Blue helmets make great targets. I can see small sleeper cell type groups causing mayhem, but would be isolated to liberal heavy areas. Snowflakes won't mess with Bubba types, be over quick.

17089431? ago

I guess it depends on how far the black people are willing to go with this. It could get very sloppy.

17087863? ago

Global extinction would happen first.

17088202? ago

Please elaborate.

17088347? ago

The strategy of the people's enemy is to use the people for the sake of power, privilege, and place. War requires attacking the enemy's strategy. The paradoxly easiest way to attack this enemy's strategy is to give every person the ability to destroy all other people, then let the odds work in the people's favor: 8 billion to 1 greatly tips the scale.

17087811? ago

Hi Joe McCarthy

No, Joe Mccarthy