17017485? ago

His daughter looks like the kid with her hands taped to the table with the pizza slut shirt on that was going around a few days ago.

17017478? ago

Krassenstein Brothers And Patton Oswalt Are Paid Shills inserted to discredit our movement/muddy the water. Wouldn't surprise us if Oswalt had that phoney/fake twitter photo created. There's probably evidence Oswalt saying he's a paid shill

Caught on Video: Krassenstein Brothers Are Paid Shills?

https://twitter.com/JBenShade/status/1098538883829121024📁 Nothing to See Here. You are the news now. Q https://qmap.pub/read/288

"You are on the right track." Ex: video clip re: paid to shill re: K bros. Think context. Think bigger picture. Think connections. Define 'Map'. The truth can always be found. Q https://qmap.pub/read/2893

17016007? ago

Follow the wives?

17015886? ago

What killed Oswalt's wife??? Do you know??? The truth is out there.

17016730? ago

Yes, they said her heart stopped due to medication failure

17015650? ago

‘I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I can’t do it. I want to tune out the world and hide under the covers and never leave my house again and send our daughter, Alice, off to live with her cousins in Chicago, because they won’t screw her up the way I know I will...... "

sorry I know I might read it the wrong way, but how couldn't you after what you know?

17019259? ago

Well I could, because my father was made a widower by a car crash when I was 4, which robbed him of his only true love, and destroyed him and his faith. He was advised to ship me off to his family and continue his career, but he didn’t - he just loved me as best he could. So when I see people damning PO to hell for crimes of which they have ZERO evidence, it makes me very uncomfortable. Child abuse is the sickest crime imaginable - that’s why the DS has continually used it to frame dissidents - let’s not become like them, ok? If Q has evidence, then let’s see it. Otherwise, I say innocent until proven guilty - the American way.

17024946? ago

https://qmap.pub/read/2890 https://qmap.pub/read/2893

I think he would not repost if something was not true, but you decide

17026946? ago

Dude, what about that constitutes proof? Are you touched? The fact that a graphic artist used swirls in his poster? That’s enough for you to decide he killed his wife and fucked his daughter? Oh no, I forgot - he participated in a skit about pedophilia...burn him!

Look, if real proof is presented, I will flay him myself, but this is just mob thinking based on innuendo. Humanity has to do better than that, don’t we?

17015911? ago

Hi daughter's name is Alice?!?! You can't make this shit up!!

17016713? ago

I know, right?