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17008160? ago

We fight when we know that President Trump is unable or unwilling to defeat the Jew World Order.

Until then, we should do everything we can to both support President Trump and stockpile weapons, ammo and supplies because if not everything "goes to plan" then we will become the front line and the humanity's last chance to be free.

A civil war would be horrific because the (((UN))) and the (((EU))) will likely be invited by the globalist politicians to invade our cities with "humanitarian forces" who will try to take our guns, sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure and the (((Federal Reserve))) will decimate our economy. This will lead to mass starvation, absolute poverty and total lawlessness and the mainstream news media will blame President Trump as America becomes a third world country within six months.

Please pray for the best, but prepare for the worst. Prepare to fight!

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.