17011270? ago

Don't wait for a signal. Find allies now.

17009898? ago


17009331? ago

A great question. Right now, the situation is this: the Jews have us pinned to the ground and are taking turns fucking us in the ass. We are all chanting "trust the plan". I recommend we get up and kill them all. Then, we remove the niggers, Democrats, Communists, and Liberals. Make America Great Again.

17008883? ago

Patriots have been fighting for quite some time.

We have won literally thousands of battles,

The weak and cornered choose a sword.

The weapons of our warfare mightier than the sword.

The most effective battle is where the opponent surrenders before blood is shed.

The strength of our weapons affect the whole world.

Vocal opposition is the opponents demonstration of fear and pain.

The opposition is in retreat.

17008343? ago

Careful. Inciting to violence will get this shit down and only draw negative attention from schills

17008415? ago

More like positive attention from shills.

17008193? ago

First we have to allow them to take our guns, so we can see how serious they really are...

17008424? ago

We can't have any censorship free discussion in any way shape or form either. Its for everyones own good.

17008160? ago

We fight when we know that President Trump is unable or unwilling to defeat the Jew World Order.

Until then, we should do everything we can to both support President Trump and stockpile weapons, ammo and supplies because if not everything "goes to plan" then we will become the front line and the humanity's last chance to be free.

A civil war would be horrific because the (((UN))) and the (((EU))) will likely be invited by the globalist politicians to invade our cities with "humanitarian forces" who will try to take our guns, sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure and the (((Federal Reserve))) will decimate our economy. This will lead to mass starvation, absolute poverty and total lawlessness and the mainstream news media will blame President Trump as America becomes a third world country within six months.

Please pray for the best, but prepare for the worst. Prepare to fight!

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

17007967? ago

Lol white people are never going to fight back against their extermination. Your numbers have already dwindled too low, this is the end.

17007866? ago

When the normies open their eyes.

17007878? ago

How do we create situations that would help that allow ng?

17007882? ago

What is ng?

17009351? ago


17023021? ago

Does the OP now realize the importance of proper grammar and spelling? I see your edit...

Point is, get that shit right the first time, cuz this thread has definitley changed since your edit...

17007956? ago

Thanks. Fixed it.

17007628? ago

Things seem to be moving along nicely. We have the most powerful man in the world on our side. If you you don't think so or you think he is screwing it up then what the fuck are you doing here?

17007749? ago

OP here, I agree with you initial point. That said, the Left has successfully delayed actions that will put us into the next election. Many asleep. NC was the ONLY voter fraud to be addressed? The MSM continues to spew lies after lies after lies, nothing is done to address it. People like the faggot Schitt are not opposed and continue to spew their lies. Climate change is again being pushed as the Left's primary narrative when it isa proven lie. If it wasn't, NYC would be under water - think about their stupid fucking narrative. Their whole approach is pushing lies.

At what point is enough enough?! There has to be things patriots can do to help our great president. So, I ask again, after what point do Patriots fight (back)?

17031323? ago

What do you define 'fighting back' to be? Whatever we are doing, it is so effective that Twitter and YouTube have gone nuts on censorship. Hollywood is enraged. The Democrats are utterly destroying their political party for short term goals. The MSM has become obsessed with us, writing hit piece after hit piece. They would have much preferred to say nothing about Qanon, but they felt in necessary. Meanwhile, the President's poll numbers are up. Whatever we are doing, it seems to be working.

17010745? ago

The USA is huge. There are areas in the country more affected than other areas, hence the difficulty in waking up NPCs. First, you need to know the enemy and what the enemy is capable of doing. This is what Trump and team know. Second, you need to know the enemy has its tentacles in all institutions of governance throughout the world to include financial, political, education, health, media, military, etc. Trump and team know this and are working with other world leaders to strangle the enemy's source of funding. This is where we are now. Throughout the world, major ports for arms, drugs, organ, sex, and child trafficking have been shut down. Trafficking is a major source of the enemy's funding. The USA's government revenues are also a major source of funding through "AID" programs, hence Trump's cutting off foreign aid to Pakistan and other foreign governments. Other funding sources come from entities such as Planned Parenthood which is given 500 million, then turns around and "donates" a portion back to the enemy. He has steadily cut back on federal funding to States found misallocating unaccountable funds. We won't even discuss entities such as the Clinton Foundation, USAID, UNICEF, etc. Trump and team have been busy defunding these programs to prevent "leakage" to our enemy. Sources of funding and staging areas/bases have been shut down in North Korea and in the Middle East. Trump and team are now working on shutting down the funding and staging bases in Venezuela. Trump and team have been busy defunding and disarming our enemy. The swamp in the USA is only one multi-tentacled arm of our enemy. Patriots fight back by not succumbing to the vices that feed our enemy. Patriots fight back by involving themselves in civic affairs and the voting process. Patriots fight back by unifying and caring for our children and elderly. Patriots fight back by carefully considering how they spend their disposable income. Patriots fight back by comprehending the depth and breadth of our enemy. Let me repeat for emphasis: Patriots fight back by not succumbing to the vices that feed our enemy.

17007606? ago


Only when being starved and worked to death in concentration camps will people start to ask "how did we let this happen" and "why didn't we do something when we could"