17007750? ago

I don't understand it, groups seems weird

17007906? ago

@lexsird @MikeyMo123 and which secret special group sold America the afro niggaz ? ? @ABastionOfFreeSpeech @Empire_of_the_mind why are some voat people pro censorship again!?

17007859? ago

Some Britbong, Jew/Arab, Scottish, English weird cult group, they seem to have Negroid masons had plans for the world, Africa, Asia, USA you name it tentacles everwhere and lots of pagan rituals. @MONKEYBUSINESS @MyCountryTheShithole not sure why the hated the White Boer European so much @CognitiveDissident5 @Gumbatron ?

17008487? ago

it seems I have caught the attention of the adl go suck a baby dick schlomo

17001327? ago

Poo Indian free mason spammers, just what voat needs

17007482? ago

What are these secret groups about @great_white_saxon @2_scoops_vanilla ? @FattestManOnMars @draaaak

17011506? ago

Have you ever watched Lost? It's like that but without the ending. If you feel like being strung along from mystery to mystery you can waste your whole life.

17001623? ago

Are you suggesting these are poo Indian free mason spammers?

17001833? ago

whats this?? @Sw0rdofDamocles So Albert Pike was basically the dumb Arab Kike ! He joined Independent Order of Odd Fellows where he would freak out in Baltimore! People knew it so fat satanic fag founded the KKK, the Klan was subverted and infiltrated day one, bunch of pawns every one https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=sTejDwvLwsQ Albert Pike the street shitting Arab Kike!

17001303? ago

Grand Lodge of India uses five Volumes of Sacred Law - the Bhagavad Gita, Quran, Bible, Zend Avesta and Sri Guru Granth Sahib. @Le_Bucheron @Durm @La_Chalupacabra @Mumbleberry they hire poo poos for street shitting?

17001315? ago

fuck off pajeets

17325351? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3092071 ... a temple called the Elders Temple which is considered to be a NWO club house where Elite come to talk about the "Worlds problems".

17000271? ago

So here's some 'conspiracy' ? ? ? who did what who joined what club, who is in what frat party? Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, female co-freemason, wicked Satanist, occult leader wrote two occult books titled 'The Secret Doctrine' and 'Isis Unveiled.' The politik show on the left Al Gore, Freemason another guy on the right Newt Gingrich Freemason. Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon cult another Freemason, and the Occult? Aliester Crowley wicked Satan worshipper Black Arts another Freemason ! White or Black, don't worry Jesse Jackson, Freemason Louis Farrakhan... Masons! Free Leaders? Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George Bush were all Masonic Presidents of the U.S.A. Canada old clubs back to old Royal European groups in England, and Masons? over 30% percent of all Prime Ministers are Freemasons that we know of.

17001229? ago

are there ban hammer freemasons ? @AndrewBlazeIt @ExpertShitposter in soap box @Wahaha @Gravspeed a faggot cult not just a shit posting cosplay tavern

17001323? ago

Lol, you must have lost your mind

17000708? ago

Freemasons are old but their mumbled mix of religion, the old origins are much older freemasons started from a bunch of warrior monks in Scotland and France, the knights of templar, the Deus Crusader and another old group with some religious ritual maybe going back to Egypt and Arab pagan times this group was called the stonemasons. There was a lot of upheaval in Europe, some would have civil wars, some would run, some would fight, others flee and take their customs with them, the origin of modern freemason I think it was around the Scottish Reformed Church of the eleven Masons who founded the Scottish Rite, at least 4 were Jewish, one was fucking weird as fuck could have been some kind of pagan faggot Arab mohammedan Jew type with old weird symbolism and customs, 2 Anglican church of England or would connect with modern Episcopalian, 1 Presbyterian, 2 Baptists, and 1 New Unitarian type new religion, one conspiracy says the Illuminati ringleader was Caleb Cushing (1800-1879), the partner of William Russell, the opium smuggler who founded the Yale Skull and Bones Society in 1832. In order to rise in this society, one had to participate in a "killing of the king" rite of passage. According to Eustis, the Skull and Bones (or Brotherhood of Death) is "nothing more than a political assassination hit team against those United States politicians who do not fall in line with the House of Rothschild's plans for a blood elitist domination and control over the world's economy. The conspiracy says Freemason connects to or more or less is illuminati and they Murdered at Least Two Other Presidents

17001264? ago

she went crazy ??

16999391? ago

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16999131? ago

Was this a display of a woman being controlled using MKUltra? I was surprised this happened so long ago and I never heard about this until now!

16999335? ago

they dont worship cats or dogs....but some kind of demon space cow or space owl ?? threads like this usually get invaded by degenerate communists, Jews, Soap Box, Jihadis and Freemasons? @sadvulcan @oldzeke what is all the conspiracy? @shoutout_to_burritos @YouCanDoItBuddy @lollo9990 sometimes street shitters come in to post random comments but have no clue as to what is really going on...its all damage control i guess

17008577? ago

What are you accusing me of? I don't speak schitzo

16999345? ago

Fuck off Amalek.

16998902? ago

GRT Technical analysis by this anon of the forensic evidence. Any other follow-up on what had occured?

17017499? ago

Did some person shot the brother of JFK, Rosicrucianism ? a Lutheran? ? Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis?

16999003? ago

There is something above Scottish Rite Freemasons, above some of these Royals, maybe an even older cult going back to Egypt? Arab paganism? Freemasons are just another stepping stone below whatever the fuck this group is, Satanists? Lizards? Aliens? Luciferians ... all the old designs, the buildings, the math and lines and geometry in Washington follow this Freemason mathematics

17024209? ago

Maybe someone believes that, maybe people who designed the streets did. But from the outside it sure is nice not to be a superstitious fucktard.

17002742? ago

So in one thread here you will find that the six sided star is the star of moloch. You claim the pentagram, a Pythagorean symbol first, and our national symbol is Luciferian. Are we just against all geometry? Help me out here

17016300? ago

I don't understand it to be honest. Part of me says its just big city layout, visuals, geometric pattern and stuff that would be visually pleasing, the designers, the stone worker, architect, builders would have wanted a new symbol a new big city look, an older city 1791 to serve as the new national capital in 1846 lots and lots of buildings. There is no doubt somebody would have looked at other cities of the time Paris, London, Rome and wanted America's city to be super impressive, circles, big stars, columns, stones, pillars, squares, however there is no doubt within the city, you see elements of Queen Anne, the Romanesque design, Greek and Roman looking areas, Georgian revival, Beaux-Arts and within America there are lots and lots of symbols, some Masonic, some old Pagan, some connect with Freemasonry and other old religions, I personally don't think its anything 'Luciferian' or Devils but sometimes there is weird symbols, I guess there were a lot of religious 'cults' or secret groups around the times of the Founding Fathers.

16999117? ago

Satanists? Lizards? Aliens? Luciferians

No, to all of that. Stop feeding bullshit into the mix.

There is something above Scottish Rite Freemasons, above some of these Royals, maybe an even older cult going back to Egypt? Arab paganism? Freemasons are just another stepping stone below whatever the fuck this group is

Mildly on the right track, but, it's not a matter of them being above the Freemasons - they're at war with Freemasons. No, that's not a good thing. The targeting of Freemasons, with propaganda and infiltration tactics, is being perpetrated by the bad guys who seek to take the world back to a time when they(the bad guys) were dominant.

16998877? ago

God bless her.

17328245? ago

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17007881? ago

what are these guys @gerberlyfe @boekanier ? @Awesome_trump @Baconmon rothschild is in with these ritual fags?

17017375? ago


17015695? ago


16998906? ago

It's an act, bud. Or at absolute best, she's a puppet being told to spread fear porn without realizing how batshit it is.

17000447? ago

why would you trust secret societies ?

17614021? ago

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17007742? ago

the clown robes who are these guys again @Harbinger88 @vastrightwing !? @GreyGears @FlyTwatter whats the vid about ??

17000526? ago

I have my reasons. It's not blind trust and said trust isn't afforded to all.

It's not easy to explain and you probably wouldn't believe a word of it if I went into detail, but, let's just say I'm in a rather unique position to pick up on certain things through not only research but, uh... well, in short, communication. Believe me, don't believe me, it doesn't really matter.

17614844? ago

please expand. Im v interested.

17001149? ago

and even after 2 atomic bombs Jpn refuses to buy their bullshit https://files.catbox.moe/gx6tli.jpg tell me how Masons fucked the Indian street shitters over so easy? @jimi_russell @PaulNeriAustralia ?? @WhiteRonin @RogerByam

17001219? ago

What part of fuck off, don't you understand, Amalek?

16998863? ago

Valid assessment of the disingenuous audio dubbing, but seriously, getting tired of this theatrical rhetoric about:


Religious kookery.

Incidentally, you can all but determine that it's kabuki theater when you take into account the likelihood that Mr. WhiteHairOnThePhone, appears to have put her up to it.

It's narrative pushing garbage to feed bullshit into conspiracy circles and thus discredit them in the long run. Same concept as flooding Flat Earth theory around the joint. Black magic, essentially.

16999481? ago

sound like a masonfagg

16999598? ago

You sound like an Amalek/ES fag.

If you're not in league with those shills, great, but you're way off base if you buy into the shit that they pedal.

17000929? ago

you said it bro wwg1wga

16998919? ago

but they had a big network, they took in occult ritual and ran groups from London to HongKong to the USA and France and Turkey...for hundreds of years ...maybe one of the original secret society before commies and jews and degenerate media mafia networks.... and this stuff? why were so many of the time of the Founding Fathers connected to Masons? https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=FoprUufd8uk whats with the symbols? https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=3DxT8JK4lP8 what is the Freemason agenda?

16998977? ago

I'm not at liberty to discuss what the Freemasons are doing, suffice to say that the propaganda against them comes primarily from one of the countries you mentioned. So honestly, props to you for being one of the very few who actually mentions said country.

I'll leave it to you to figure out which one and do some digging.

Unpoplar as it is for me to say, the Freemasons are not the bad guys in this. As for symbols, they're very old and have been in use for a very long time by just about everyone you can think of and then some - it's not always evil, though.