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16964315? ago

This is why we should hope and pray for the best, but prepare for the worst - in case not everything "goes to plan" or if President Trump is unwilling or unable to do what needs to be done.

If President Trump fails, I expect we'll have no option to start a horrific civil war... which will result in our treacherous politicians opening the doors for an invasion of (((UN))) and (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" who will try to disarm us while sabotaging our power stations and destroying our farming infrastructure. The (((Federal Reserve))) will destroy our economy and blame it all on President Trump.

If we don't prepare ourselves for this outcome, mass starvation and economic ruin will turn the greatest country on Earth into a deviated third-world country. The Jew World Order will have definitively installed themselves as our ruling class and we will be their slave laborers.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16968223? ago

trust Sessions. midterms are safe, faggot.

16968229? ago

God bless Jeff Sessions - he orchestrated the greatest FBI Deep State purge in U.S. history and when his task was completed he left with a smile.

Yes - the midterms were safe. President Trump is fully protected by a strengthened Senate. Not only did he gain seats but he also replaces several RINOs! Ha ha!