16968221? ago

wow you sound like a seriously dumb cunt.

16965913? ago

All will be well. The arrests will come at an opportune time right before the 2020 elections. This will expose (((them))) and voters will turn out in droves to re-elect Trump. 2020 is when the miracles will begin to happen.

16982850? ago

My concern isn't that arrests won't happen. My concern is that people won't wake enough to engage with building back society.

16984477? ago

There is no need to be concerned. Mueller's investigation delayed the arrests, but it is now coming to an end. Get ready for some booms.

16968225? ago

you should totally put your faith in that and spend two years decoding instead of volunteering to work on local campaigns. Trust Sessions. Trust Huber. its a movie. just stay in the basement playing with your magic Jew numbers.

16964912? ago

I have some anxieties about Dems successfully baiting voters with free stuff. I hope Trump gets a second term, sincerely I do. However fitting into the mainstream is a powerful lure. Even with truth laid fully in the open, some choose the lie because it feels better in the short term.

For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. ~Matthew 7

That said I am hopeful because I believe that this resolves with creation being able to thrive again.

16964791? ago

I honestly believe that Trump was the chosen leader by God to save this planet. I am not religious but I am believer in God and His divine providence. If this failed, the human race on this planet will come to an end. A caliphate will end it all. That is why we must pray and make sure our children and their children know the truth. Q has said this must be transparent so that it never happens again. I also believe the awakening will be spiritual, not just political, which would lead to massive changes in our future of human consciousness.

16968233? ago

you sound like a schizoid twat on welfare

16970312? ago

Get lost shill.

16964521? ago

Q-tist's and the Q phenom is strictly a cooked up Psy-Op.

The Elites rule and will continue ruling because the POTUS is one of them playing you like a fiddle in the wind.

16982785? ago

Playing along... Why are they (the elites) exposing their own poison pill then? This pedo stuff no one is endorsing. They tried to sell it. Really tried to sell it. Didn't work.

16990533? ago

Who ever that was, seems to be saying they or he or she is a 33rd Scottish Rite Mason from the addresses he or she gave us. That individual has been on this site before but didn't give all the info he or she did this time. The pedo busts started under Obumertard and is ramping up under Trump. I don't think the 33rd Degree Masons like pedophilia. There are also several sects of secret societies with-in the Illuminati.

16964747? ago

Trust this guy...surely he has all the answers and our best interests at heart.

16964821? ago

Facts are facts

16964745? ago

You really should read a book before trying to guess it's ending.

16964370? ago

Nice thoughts but this world has ALWAYS been a battle between good and evil and sadly it will never stop. People just haven't advanced spiritually along the path enough to do it yet. Maybe one day but its doubtful since there are far too many races ON the planet at different levels of awareness, SOME at the friggin BOTTOM STILL and quite content to stay there

16964342? ago

When you say “research” I think you mean “read” in the traditional sense because are you an empiricist or a philosophe?

16964315? ago

This is why we should hope and pray for the best, but prepare for the worst - in case not everything "goes to plan" or if President Trump is unwilling or unable to do what needs to be done.

If President Trump fails, I expect we'll have no option to start a horrific civil war... which will result in our treacherous politicians opening the doors for an invasion of (((UN))) and (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" who will try to disarm us while sabotaging our power stations and destroying our farming infrastructure. The (((Federal Reserve))) will destroy our economy and blame it all on President Trump.

If we don't prepare ourselves for this outcome, mass starvation and economic ruin will turn the greatest country on Earth into a deviated third-world country. The Jew World Order will have definitively installed themselves as our ruling class and we will be their slave laborers.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16968223? ago

trust Sessions. midterms are safe, faggot.

16968229? ago

God bless Jeff Sessions - he orchestrated the greatest FBI Deep State purge in U.S. history and when his task was completed he left with a smile.

Yes - the midterms were safe. President Trump is fully protected by a strengthened Senate. Not only did he gain seats but he also replaces several RINOs! Ha ha!

16964268? ago


16982823? ago

better black than socialist jew.

16964266? ago

I honestly think we're getting Socialsm in 2021