16937200? ago

If a white is the victim it is ALWAYS just considered a crime. It is only a hate crime is the victim is black .

Look at all the blacks attacking handicapped whites... Not considered a hate crime.

16936014? ago

Don Lemon is UTTERLY irrelevant. Quit exploding your head every time he says something intentionally wrong or just stupid. We all have better things to do than read your kvetching every time that idiot opens his mouth.

16934508? ago

“Sean Hannity is going to eat Jussie Smollett’s lunch every single second. Tucker Carlson is going to eat Jussie Smollett’s lunch every single second. The President of the United States is going to eat his lunch”

Of course this has Lemon upset. Ass blasters tend to stick together, in more ways than one.

16934415? ago

Yes, he is stumping for Harris and Booker by means of distraction!

16934122? ago

It's white peoples fault because Jussie felt so oppressed. He should be freed and given reparations. oy vey

16933428? ago

The red hat wasn't a MAGA hat? It was an Ace Hardware hat?? Oh no! I have shopped at Ace. And I'm white. Oh dear.

When will we stop projecting the actions of individuals onto entire groups of people? When will we judge individuals by the content of their character? When will all the stereotyping end???

I guess when completeness comes.

Love is patient. Love is kind.

I preach to myself as much as to anyone else.

16931892? ago

here's what is so phony about the leftist idiots. if they were REALLY concerned about race. This would be a major hate crime and is RACIST what Smollet did.

Smollet did the worst racist thing you could do. Crying wolf desensitizes the public to any real racism. That could affect dozens of future real racism cases that wont get attention.

Blacks everywhere should be denouncing him and pushing for hate crime punishment.

Not to mention the millions of MAGA supporters who were falsely accused as racists. That is a hate crime right there.

The left needs a taste of their own medicine. I don't believe in hate crimes as all crime victims should be equally treated. Hate crimes are racist, giving more punishment for same crime depending on who the criminal is or the victim is, is racist. If a white lady gets mugged by black person, is she as a victim worth LESS????

16932843? ago

Imagine if Smollett was white and said it was black HRC supporters in "I'm with Her" T-shirts.

Here's an idea yanked right out of the Covington Hoax playbook -- SUE Smollett, his PR team, the two Nigerians, and hey - HOLLYWOOD!

Now - another thing I just saw and forgot to keep notes on -- Jussie Smollett is Kamala Harris's NEPHEW. There's a thread on 8 Chan about it. The brother who outted the Harris-Smollett connection was in a car accident not long after. Terrence Williams. https://imgoat.com/uploads/644a684f98/199709.png

Here's what I have on Smollett so far:

maga hat hoax by empire actor https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DzokFBgWkAMvGFg.jpg

now the suspects say they rehearsed the thing… https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2019/02/17/busted-police-sources-say-jussie-smollett-paid-those-two-nigerians-suspects-to-a-n2541612

and more on that - his lying in 2007 on DUI and his other arrest plus FBI after him for the ‘letter’ ‘ https://youtu.be/NbbUY_ENGxs

here’s a collection of the mockingbird media and the Libtards tweets


And now he’s busted - HE wrote the original fake letter that didn’t get enough press for him, which led him to pay two Nigerians to fake a lynching and say it was two white guys in a MAGA hat. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2019/02/20/busted-jussie-smollett-wrote-the-racist-letter-that-led-to-the-alleged-fake-hate-n2541897 You just can’t make this stuff up

16937019? ago

wow, i figured there was a connection between smollet and harris because of the harris/booker lynching bill in the senate. but Nephew???!!!! wow. I mean how dumb can you be introducing this bill and having this hoax go off? It's a total bag of red flags!!!

16932860? ago

Have you run across his connection to Kamala Harris or Booker?

16932866? ago

16937061? ago

the dang lying propaganda media is totally busted for not reporting this connection as nephew if true. total abandonment of any journalistic integrity and news reporting. is it verified somehow that he is really the nephew? or just one man's claim so far?

16992172? ago

Well - so far it looks like either a nephew or second cousins. That's why the guy who outted that little nugget was in an accident the next day. With Valerie Jarrett's Lyft company no less. It's like the Dem party has been taken over by Golems and they run around causing havoc wherever they tread.

Also = not sure if you saw there's a deeper connection here. And it has to do with the announcement AOC made to the old guard Dems. There's a thread out there that just made me go - AH SO! It all comes together!

The decode is this...https://voat.co/v/QRV/3056845 The Lynching bill was Anti-Loretta Lynch, and a warning to her and the Old Guard who are spilling their guts in Grand Juries. No one is lynching anyone these days. So WTF Kamala? And wouldn't Lynching fall under many other laws? So first we have the anti-lynch bill. Then we have Smollett call attention to lynching for his auntie. Then within days we have AOC declaring, "We're in charge now!" Meaning the young Dems, who have George Soros as a backer, and who have the Democratic Socialists behind her (they who believe Bernie is not far Left enough!!)

The Extreme Left is showing its hand. All of this is far more complex and scary than most people realize. The communist movement is alive and well, and because very little history has been taught in our schools, the millennial generation doesn't get it. http://socialistworker.org/2018/07/04/socialists-aoc-and-the-democratic-party

this is also good - https://www.theepochtimes.com/socialism-is-part-of-communism-and-its-talking-points-dont-reflect-reality_2620447.html

16932908? ago

Nice thanks, I"ll add that to my collection. He was totally helping his politician aunt.

16931858? ago

16931753? ago

Don't use the enemies rhetoric. That asshole is guilty and he lied blatantly.

16931674? ago

Tucker calls him Don “Le-mòn” it rolls off the tongue and now I can’t stop calling his idiot ass that

16933449? ago

Hahaha! I'm reading the article in the Conservative News about it, and every time his name pops up I'm saying LeMòn in my head...Then I see ur comment and immediately start cracking up! Glad I'm not alone! Lol

16931572? ago

POTUS knew they would jump on his tweet, which has CNN bringing to light the fact that Smollett used MAGA, white dudes, etc. as part of the ruse. Lemon played right into his hands to talk about what the Chicago PD left out of their press conference. Lol.

16931558? ago

Like....... Lemon ripping Justice Brett Kavanaugh for months straight because he was an alcoholic gang rapist who drugged women???

Nothing to see here. Just one NiggerFAGGOT covering for another NiggerFAGGOT.

16931407? ago

don lemon is just a racist thats all there is to it..