16942427? ago

I wonder if (((Jussie))) ever jerked it to the naked photos of Melania Trump?

16941661? ago

Anyone else get sick and tired of the comments left by the liberal trolls on every single tweet Trump makes?

16940331? ago

To me, it wasn't just about kamala's & booker's federal crime for lynching bill. I think it goes deeper. They know that more blacks are walking away from the dems.

By pulling this stunt, they thought they would sway some minds. Trying to label us as a bunch of racists. They're losing the control they once had.

Found this article about 2020 and the black vote. Not familiar with publication. Article seems straight forward.


16938171? ago

Leak the phone records. End of Dems.

16937444? ago

Can we use the Anti-Lynching Bill to Smollett? He might be a good example since his so called "attack" was the basis for that bill.

16938439? ago

Nope, it's only a bill, stranded on Capitol Hill. :D There are plenty enough laws on the books to prosecute this guy.

16935228? ago

White Nationalist coast guard news comes out as Smollett is arrested. Giving the left a perfect excuse to play "what about ... " in response to criticism of Smollett ... convenient. Looks like the DS has had to use another one of their rainy day weapons.

16934452? ago

He don't give a damn about anyone, this is all about him, another liberal narcissist.

16934128? ago

What better way to start a Presidential campaign season, than having a nice race war. Race wars lead to spikes in fundraising for the ACLU, SPLC, BLM and the others. When the demand for bigots exceeds the supply, they have to create them - hence the hate crime hoax phenomenon. The Dems are the guardians of morality and holiness in the World, and the rest of us are all bad people. To keep themselves relevant, they need race wars - people to defend as "victims" and people to demonize. God forbid there would be peace in U.S. communities... Democrats would be irrelevant. So, they CREATE hoax events and FF events to justify their scams and fraud.

16933914? ago

The big problem with that anti-lynching law is that buried in it is legislation to censor and punish online/offline media/social media that those in the government (i.e. radical left especially) deem "hate speech/crimes." Basically this will lead to getting rid of sites like this one, FOX News, and any other person/institution/site that they deem does not kowtow to the established, acceptable narrative.

16933373? ago

There is a law passed by Congress to make lynching a hate crime--- introduced by Harris and Booker--- using Jussie Smollett's case to push it through Congress, sooooo, charge him with a hate crime! kek

16932369? ago

I don't expect that dude to take it back but I am happy that this all happened. It brings light to the lies that surround the panicked parties involved.

16932255? ago

The vicious responses to POTUS's tweets make me wonder why there is not massive violence against the left.

To hear them tell it, you would think that they were the victims.

Kind of like if gun owners were as violent as anti gunners say they are, there would be no anti gunners.

16931453? ago

Who are these morons that comment on his Twitter all the time that have no valid points and always get pushed to the top?

16932889? ago

Most are not real persons. They are twitter bots set to an algorithm.

16931204? ago

My god... Someone standing up against a black attack on white men???!!! Its been a LONG TIME. Way to go President Trump.

16931132? ago

Why are White, Maga Hat, Men not able to file a class action law suit against Smollett for Libel and/or Slander assuming the letter is legally tied to him also.

Until there is accountability for these hoaxes they will not stop.

They are targeting us the Deplorables!!!

16931452? ago

Why are White, Maga Hat, Men not able to file a class action law suit against Smollett for Libel and/or Slander assuming the letter is legally tied to him also.

Who says we're not???

16931034? ago

POTUS' twitter is the news now

16930982? ago

I'm tired of the blacks.

16930897? ago

I see a class action lawsuit with lots of victims. I also see a long list or networks and media actors that fanned the flames. Looks like money time.

I beleive in free speech. This means you have to be accountable too for your words. I can see this to be a greater plot to censor conservatives if we are not careful. But it's obvious that liars have to be punished and others that are also complicit bear responsibility too

16930847? ago

Trumps timing is good as usual

16930633? ago

And what about all those fake news organizations who believed?

16930268? ago

Seems to be the Dems playbook, provoke to justify taking action against the provocation.

Trumps tweet is being overloaded with extreme TDS sufferers again.. So funny to watch.

16930191? ago

What about it?

Doesn't bother me what others say or think about me.

I know who I am.

16930989? ago

Doesn't bother me either but that's not the point. We need to eliminate the double standard.

16931684? ago

Well .. that is all fine and dandy friend but you know as well as I that, that isn't ever going to happen. This world is a very wicked and messy place with goodness sprinkled around in it; here and there.

Blessings bud.

16932678? ago

I agree. The world is a very wicked and messy place and it took a century or more to get that way so I don't expect it to change overnight but I do believe we are making headway every day and that most people are good and kind.
Blessings to you as well. Please keep the Faith brother.

16930140? ago

Why is what that nigger faggot did not considered a hate crime?

16933673? ago

Cause it was black on (self) black crime - so doesn't count.

16936810? ago

No, actually it is a hate crime against the president and all his supporters specifically, and white people in general. What part about the "crime", as reported, being faked, did you not understand?

16933337? ago

Literally a niggerfaggot . . .

16931417? ago

Because whites are not a protected race.

16932823? ago

That needs to change. All should be protected.

16934650? ago

It might honestly be beter if no races were protected by the government... Fuck your skin tone and fuck your gender identity it doesnt matter.

16934750? ago

either way all or none.

16930994? ago

He's Jewish to.

He's a very rare NiggerfaggotKike

16929960? ago

What about the anti-lynching bill pushed by Harris and Booker that Smollett's "incident" helped get passed? Or how about his poitical connections to those very Democrats?

16929782? ago

Potus is exactly right. This and all other false innuendo of racism among MAGA are an orchestrated attack on not only Potus, but on all of us on the right. We will continue to win and when we do, don't let up, keep pushing them back, do not allow them to rise to power ever again.

16938280? ago

The right, the center and even the slightly left of center. All they have is the radical indoctrinated far left

16935875? ago

do not allow them to rise to power ever again.

Then we need some large scale deportations, and fast. Otherwise it's something of an inevitability, given racial voting patterns

16933162? ago

"do not allow them to rise to power ever again."

You talk like they just didn't win congress, they already are in power.

16933870? ago

There was no balance of power change in the house, bu we won the senate.

16933479? ago

not for long.

16931346? ago

Even better, CPD reports he did it to advance his career. Lowest of low, poster child of the left.

16931647? ago

I wonder if he's been asked to fall on his sword? "I did it for my career, ignore the phone logs with politicians" -- I hope that, if Booker and Harris were involved, the truth comes out in the trial and they are brought to justice.

16932339? ago


16932301? ago

Unlike the good old days of the Mafia, envelopes do not change hands.

Electronic transfers of funds are recorded.

16929756? ago

https://archive.ph/g5mQe :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: ".@JussieSmollett - what about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!? #MAGA"

This has been an automated message.