16937515? ago

Should be charged with as a domestic terrorist.

16935802? ago

He should spend more time in prison than Manafort.

16934642? ago

Here comes the drug addiction go to treatment story soon!

16933379? ago

Talking to another Anon, they mentioned a weird theory of him banking on them not finding out the 'assailants' were black. And not only that, perhaps he hoped it would backfire and cause MAGA people to play the "oh look, another nigger committing a crime. yawn" phenom. He can call out Trump supporters as racists and socially cull black folks into another victim narrative all in the same go. He covered a lot of bases already with the start of this shit. Black. Gay. Jewish.

16931999? ago

Jessie has a new "album" about to drop (March 2nd). No such thing as "bad" press. He will probably make millions off of material people probably would not have known about otherwise.

16931894? ago

16931559? ago

This is gonna be the big charge. This is the charge that he'll roll over onto others to avoid paying.

16931517? ago

It's considered a FEDERAL CRIME....the FBI has been in charge of this for over a week now.

16931462? ago

At least Jussie isn't giving niggers a bad reputation. No change there.

16931181? ago

The on-going FBI and Postal Investigation Service investigations are far more serious than making a false police report.

If you've never heard of the PIS, I will tell you that they are very good, they are tough, and they have absolutely no sense of humor. If Jussie was wearing his cell phone when he dropped the letter in the mail box, he is toast on that alone.

16933156? ago

louis gossett jr. and jonathan silverman starred in 1998's "The Inspectors", which i learned about recently and intend to watch

16931056? ago

That is another crime,federal, that is to be added, This guy is going away for a long time

16929163? ago

Here's a summary of the press conference:

The police chief is rightfully upset about expending all the resources on this case. Smollett got spanked hard. The police chief handled this presser very well. Here's a summary:

  • Police meticulously put together footage from city cameras and private security cameras to track the attackers (brothers)
  • Hate letters contained political and racial hatred and was orchestrated by Smollett
  • Smollett staged the attack and rehearsed it
  • Police say the brothers roughed up Smollett per plan, but they believe Smollett made the scratches on his own face
  • Actual attack was not caught on camera, but police believe Smollett wanted it to be captured
  • Police tracked a cab taken by the brothers from the area to a second car (ride share), which led them to the brothers
  • Smollett hired the brothers to stage the attack and paid them a total of $3.5 K with promise of $500 upon return to US
  • Payment was via check and the police have a copy of the check
  • Motive: Smollett was mad about his pay on Empire and wanted to draw attention to himself
  • Brothers are cooperating witnesses

Here's his mug shot


16929053? ago

Federal case?

16929398? ago

Not yet, but soon.

16929046? ago

During the press conference they confirmed he mailed it. Federal charges coming and discovery. Did Kamala have anything to do with this?

16931388? ago

this is sooo much more than him wanting attention or angry about his pay. hopefully they got info from his phone records as well and we already know they were sloppy. Q has been telling us for a while now that these people are stupid.

16930674? ago

Elites dont get charged with real crimes. There will be no terrorism charges or other charges.

Only charge is Disorderly Conduct. He will make a plea deal to pay money and serve maybe 6 months.

Justice does not exist in America. You only get charged and thrown I prison if you are poor.

16929411? ago

They wouldn't go there

16929173? ago

kamala was distancing herself acting like she didnt know what the reporter was asking,about. then she says,"that case" just like bill clinton did with "that woman"

16928962? ago

They found the magazine the letters were cut out of already, so it is known it was part of the same hoax.

16928913? ago

Mail Fraud

Using mail to deceive.


18 U.S. Code § 1341. Frauds and swindles

16930718? ago

Not going to happen he is an Elite. Slap on the wrist is what he will get.

16932604? ago

Tell that to Alison Mack. These Hollywood cowards need to be made an example of. The next pawn will think twice before doing political bidding.

16930909? ago

He's far from an 'elite'. He's a minion.

He is going right under the bus and will not get a deal.

A slap on the wrist at this point would keep attention on a story Obama, Harris and the (((MSM))) want to desperately move on from.

16933889? ago

TV star is elite.

The Chicago PD are already laying the groundwork for a slap on the wrist.... HIS MOTIVE was not being paid enough.

How does that add up?!?!?! He didn't think he was being paid enough so he paid two guys $4000 (3500+500 upon return to US) to commit a hate crime against him.

Come on. Think for yourself. Chicago Prosecutor = Democrat

Slap on the wrist.

16942168? ago

bullshit... far from elite.

He's a two bit actor on a show on the downslide.

His mistake was his ambition and sidling up to Kamala Harris and Obama.

By the way, asshat… I do think for myself.

Your point is weak.