16941223? ago

7:23 pm MST 2/21/19: GoFundMe.com -- "campaign not found". Gee, why am I not surprised. I almost feel sorry for the poor slob.

16939494? ago

Says Campaign not found. Must have been taken down.

16936960? ago

Can you post a screen shot. I click link goes to: https://ca.gofundme.com/ Don't see Smollett info. Maybe deleted?

16939511? ago

16934834? ago

...they took the page down!! :(

Oh well...at least I got an email that said the $5 that RacistWhiteGuy ReallyBadWithMoney "donated" will be refunded in 4-7 days, so at least there's that...

16936332? ago

I saw it was now gone. Darn it! At least you'll get your money back.

Thanks for the laugh!!

16936831? ago

IKR? It was worth the laughs...we need more humor in the world, frankly. Take care.

16931610? ago

Sorry I’m new to the board where do I find relevant Q drop discussions.

16932119? ago


16932145? ago

Lol yeah seems like the better option more and more everyday it’s just so fuckin confusing so much shit going on. I think QRV might be renamed SmolletResearch in the coming days.

16936375? ago

The Smollett story is popular because it is a huge example of race baiting by the left and they've been caught.

16951215? ago

I agree, I was so happy when after posting these complaints Q came forward and stated outright FF. Now I don’t mind, I hope everyone digs more.

16931940? ago


16932040? ago

I’m actually not new was just getting pissed at the amount of skillet threads on the front page, particularly this one that really doesn’t add anything just a stupid lulz fest about a satire go fund me. TLDR that was the conclusion right? It is just a joke page not even made by him?

16930737? ago

The best part is the leftists that don't understand satire

16930514? ago

Notice the post comes from Cheney, WA too lol

16930471? ago

Cook County is where that show 60 Days In is filmed. Maybe he can get on that show. haha

16931590? ago

And it is one of the worst jails in the US. He needs to watch a few of those episodes before going in.

16930113? ago

Thats $5 more than he deserves.

16929803? ago

That hilarious!

Serves that little pussy boy right. Now, if only the cops and DAs would have the guts to put his skinny ass in jail.

16929754? ago

oh wait it took it! LOL!!!

Check the 3rd donator

16929733? ago

🤣🤣🤣 Anons have the best sense of humour, always!!! Love you guys!!

16929727? ago

I just tried to donate $5 from "RacistWhiteGuy ReallyBadWithMoney" but I guess the names on the card don't match, damn!

16929961? ago

It worked! Congrats. LMAO!

16930263? ago

ohhh man....I am soooo poor, but it was TOTALLY worth the $5 for the laughter involved!

16930367? ago

Dude, that was epic. I think you win the internet.

16930410? ago

Thanks...hey, we all got a zinger in us once in a while...today was My Day I guess lol

16929700? ago


16929580? ago

Oh man, if this page ain't Troll City, USA for this I dunno what ever would be. HILARIOUS!

16929560? ago

ooo he's up to $10 bucks now! LOL

16929162? ago

This made my day.

16929102? ago

He should be charged with sabotage, inciting hate, civil war, or genocide.

If screaming "fire" in a crowd when there is no fire is a crime, screaming falsely about an attack, which requires their be an attacker, is a MUCH more serious crime.

Now, enter the internet.

You can scream "fire and arsonist" to the entire planet.

I think he should be charged with a treasonesque crime, to which hanging would be a suitable punishment.

However, given the nature of the situation, I think we should go an alternative route. Instead of a harsh penalty that would only cost the rest of us, he should be exiled. He should forever lose citizenship, and be unwelcome in the United States.

He has betrayed our society. Race baiting sociopaths are nothing new. Sadly, most politicians are in that club. However, he sought to sabotage us. To divide us. His primary goal may have been a larger paycheck, but he went about it politically. He was throwing matches at a powder keg. This was a form of terrorism. If he is allowed to remain in this nation, which he shouldn't be, he should pay for it supremely.

I think the best case scenario is tell him to leave and never come back... and that if he does he will finally get justice for what he has done by paying for it with his life.

Take your disease elsewhere.

16932558? ago

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16931899? ago

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16931867? ago

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16931772? ago

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16928997? ago

Now the question remains. Will they throw the book at him or make a deal for probation and fines? We all know how this goes. MONEY buys freedom.

16928972? ago

Fucking R.E.K.T. God-tier trolling. I approve. Hell, for all we know IT IS Trump and Q who made those donations.

16932551? ago

Don't forget Mr. RacistWhiteGuy ReallyBadWithMoney now... ;)

16928933? ago

Dude should have just used that rope instead of nigging the place up.... oh who am I kidding.

16927858? ago

I just logged onto his go fund me page and made a withdrawal.

16927788? ago

Love the comments on his go fu*k me page.

16927778? ago

I hope they find him in a hotel closet like David Carradine.

16927500? ago


Look at the donors...

16930730? ago

ya missed one...

16927341? ago

Just call me "Q Anon"! "These people (((JS))) are Stupid! It was worth it - KEK

16927149? ago

Too bad it’s satire. Has anyone found the real one? Because I’m sure that POS has one set up.

16927453? ago

It's likely his legal fees are being taken care of by some big Hollywood moguls. Like a person with a name that rhymes with Noprah

16926914? ago

This can't be real, no way he would create this embarrassment. A Troll set this up to mock him. Having "satire" in the name of the fund is a dead giveaway.

16927479? ago

Qanon just donated!! LOL.

16927414? ago

"satire" was added late last night or early this am.

16929967? ago

yup it's satire. But check again; I just donated too! ;)

16926780? ago

Too bad it says satire. They should've kept the joke going, it could've been hilarious

16930771? ago

hey it pulled me in....go check again. :D

16926748? ago

Donations: $5.00 by Donald Trump. I laughed, i won't lie.

16928659? ago

Someone else gave $5 from “Qanon”. Lol

16934142? ago

Well they gave me my $6 bucks back. Pulled the site. And I didn't get a screen shot - DAMN!

16944348? ago

I got one saying RacistWhiteGuy, we're refunding your money blah blah it was hilarious

16932206? ago

That was me. I couldn't help myself. KEK!

16932513? ago

Hello, fellow Anon in Satire!


RacistWhiteGuy ReallyBadWithMoney

16933698? ago

Love it!

16934879? ago

We ROCK!! You are one hilarious fellow Anon; I loved the sense of humor and although I'm poor, I couldn't resist. AND I get my $5 back -- they took down the page. Was a GREAT laugh that I needed though. Kudos, fellow Anon! :)

16936512? ago

U2 fren.

16929859? ago

I just gave $5 from "RacistWhiteGuy ReallyBadWithMoney"

16926363? ago

Looks like someone might be contributing funds for soap on a rope


16926318? ago

Who do these motherfuckers try to make money of crime? Libtards are a disgrace to the human race.e

16926626? ago

This is clearly a joke, don't be a retard.

16930796? ago

..and never miss a chance to have a great laugh. I donated too.

16948933? ago

Do you often throw your money away? Good job!

16949739? ago

They refund you when they take the page down, dipshit. Good job!

Proverbs 17:28

16949826? ago

Why do you assume the page will get taken down?

"A fool and his money are soon parted." - Your whore mother.

16954678? ago

ITS SATIRE YOU IDIOT...besides, the laugh was worth way more than $5 to begin with.

If I were you, I'd be worrying about my OWN finances over $5 from a complete stranger. Posting that just shows your "keyboard courage" and those people are cowards, in fact.

17046723? ago

Wow you're a dumb faggot

16954692? ago

...you DID get into silver at $14.30 or below....right?


16928630? ago

I know it was a joke, but my hatred of Hollyweird and MSM runs deep. Never miss an opportunity to vent about the true enemy of the people.

16926051? ago

I was hoping Crafty Beaver would donate

16925986? ago

I up vote this.

16926478? ago

Me too and I've mostly been a lurker. I only get 10 upvotes a day so I have to use them sparingly.

16925947? ago

Extra LOL! Look at the profile name of the donator. Top fucking kek.

16928770? ago

Extra LOL!!! Love it

16926962? ago

I believe for "extra lol" "LMFAO", or "LMAO" are your best choices, depending on your propensity to swear! ;)

16929511? ago

extra kek

16927633? ago

don't forget the venerable old ROFL

16927224? ago

Naturally inclined lol.

Just didn't feel a need for it in this case :P

16926023? ago
