16862012? ago

These are terms that have been used since the 50’s gif mil signals ops and now cyber ops as well as mil intel.

They even have this on their unit patches.

Nothing spooky about it.

You’ll find all kinds of crazy unit names in the mil. Many are associated with death, killing, Hell (as in “I’m sending you straight to...”). This is common practice in an organization whose main job is to kill people. You can read spiritual stuff into it but that is not the design originally. It’s just dudes wanting to sound badass - you know boys will be boys.

See here to see some W & W unit patches: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7awp1h/military_psyop_patches_wizards/

16862005? ago

Please take your meds.

16861433? ago

It's actually not that deep. Wizards and warlocks are just spook names for intelligence operatives, with wizards tending to be on the good team or have good motivation.

16863180? ago

Finally a non civilian retard, who doesnt' think every person in a funny costume is Tim Kennedy

16861492? ago

Yes, it's a second option, but it does not explain the many observations of super-advanced vehicles that use technologies that are not available to the general public.

16861338? ago

Advanced mental retardation spiritually perhaps