16862767? ago

Nothing worse and more dangerous than when an enemy realizes it is defeated.

16862839? ago

Yep. Backing an animal into a corner, they'll undoubtedly have one last ditch effort to retain control.

Can't let our guard down now, need to see this through.

16861793? ago

Over the target just like you've been saying every day for a year, and then nothing fucking happens.

16862236? ago

sympathizers are treated as equals but will never be trusted.

16861931? ago

And then one day, when you're just waking up and rubbing the crusties out of your eyes, a team of highly trained Americans are is going to kick in your front door and give you the double tap goodnight.

We can play this game as long as you'd like -- there is no victory for your kind. Good will always prevail.

16869405? ago

It will be a cold day in hell before Trump brings the deep state traitors to justice. And either of those will happen long before I have to worry about the strength of my door. You fucking dimwitted retard who's so fucking gullible you'd fall for the King of Nigeria email scam.

16862178? ago

You Q tards are beyond delusional.

Here's a hint: none of this bullshit will ever happen. You're just a sad, lonely, pathetic fantasist who dreams of seeing his imagined enemies executed because you have nothing of substance in your life. You're deranged and it's fucking hilarious to laugh at how pitiful you are.

16861608? ago

They will fight to the end and then some. There will be many more lost from our side before this is over. All that is really needed is just one high profile arrest, and that one will turn on the others in seconds to start the sunlight shinning brighter than ever before.

16861917? ago

Indeed, this is war.

16861388? ago

I have read the comments, the critism is interesting, I like the concern that we will start attacking the enemy, newsflash, don’t have to, they are imploding!

16861382? ago

You struck a nerve with this simple statement. Well done. I wish I bought stock in popcorn a couple of years ago. Need so much of it.

16861394? ago

The truth hurts them most.

16861377? ago

stupid post.

16861238? ago

If we wish hard it may just happen - the more posts like this; the closer we get fam!!

16861232? ago

Boomer style shit! You are all braomwashed retards! Trust in Christ, not in Q! Nothing has happened yet but you say once a week that it's happening!

16861357? ago

We do trust in Christ. That’s why we are winning. And maybe one day you’ll wake up and realize how much has already happened and continues to happen every single day. But then you don’t want to see it do you?

16861905? ago

Winning what?

16929594? ago

This war. Winning big. For starters, just ask Mueller and the rest of the failed FBI guys who are gone or on their way out.

16930675? ago

"Midterms are safe"- Q

16930798? ago

The senate was the key - Q

16930940? ago

He needs the house to pass legislation. Didn't you learn that in elementary school?

16931319? ago

Oy vey! You trolls just don't get it do you? Each has powers the other lacks so to compare them the way your saying, "needs the house to pass legislation" misses the mark and the point. First of all, with the Senate serving six years at a time while the House only serves two years…advantage Senate. Yes, I understand that bills originate in the house and is who can call for impeachment. But, the senate acts as the jury for impeachment hearings. Again, advantage Senate. The Senate is the body who advises and consents on Presidential appointees. The Senate is the body which ratifies treaties. Advantage Senate. When it comes to a Bill both can block the other so no advantage on that. But, for this war (aka Qanon/Trump political war) Advantage is the Senate. I hope you can extrapolate from here the rest.

16931485? ago

He still needs the house to pass legislation. There's no way around that, Shlomo

16931545? ago

Oy Vey again! Your putting too much weight on that because both sides can block the crap out of each other. But, the Dems can only do that for 2 years, while the senate can do that for 6. Good luck winning the next congressional race in two years after all the burning they will be taking starting in a few days. Trump will win the next election and they will also retake the house. They are playing the long game and you trolls still are focused on the wrong things. LMAO "he needs the house" LMAO. No he actually has proven he does not need them so much.

16931591? ago

You're counting on winning 2020? That tells me how stupid you are. Would you bet EVERYTHING on it, jewboy?

16931634? ago

I'm not jewish lmao. Good God, you still are not seeing it are you? Damn, well I guess you just are not capable of seeing it. I feel sorry for you. I don't know what else to say. You trolls are incapable of getting it and only see things through your brainwashed lense. I pray it clears up for you so you can see one day. Wow, just wow.

16931725? ago

Still. ..he isn't going to be able to pass legislation without the house. That's just how the process works. He needs the house

16932059? ago

Yes I know how the government works. He needs the house to pass legislation. So what exactly is your point? Because he just signed the congressional bill last week that avoided the shutdown. So if your point is he won't be able to govern it seems to me he's doing just fine. My point is leftists always focus on the crumbs and not the whole box of cookies. Good luck with that. Hope your blinders come off one day and you can see from a 40000 foot perspective. Need see past your nose.

16932203? ago

Define "safe". You still don't get it. The house was safe, AND more importantly the senate is the key. This is a war and Trump is winning it. I'm done here, you'll have to get some popcorn and watch it happen yourself from here.

16932229? ago

The house was lost to the Dems. How is that "safe"?

16932269? ago

Go figure it out. But, I doubt your capable of it. I'm done with this circle jerk.

16932364? ago

He needs the house to pass legislation

16932708? ago

Take that one step further. Who does the house need after they propose a law (aka a bill)? So he needs the house to pass legislation, but the house needs the senate AND usually POTUS to be passed. That is if it even makes it past the committees. So keep repeating it, but, the house is useless alone. POTUS can still do stuff without the house, the house (Pelosi) can't do shit without POTUS and the senate. The senate is key because Trump already is POTUS and they control the senate. Pelosi is one relatively small part of the government that proposes a law. After that it goes nowhere without who? The senate and POTUS. So keep repeating yourself, but it's meaningless.

16932751? ago

Doesn't change the fact he needs the house to pass the RAISE act or to protect babies from post-birth abortions

16932808? ago


16861781? ago

And maybe one day you’ll wake up and realize how much has already happened and continues to happen every single day.

Tell us. Show us.

16929628? ago

Just grab some popcorn and you can watch it all on TV. Of course, it'll be hard to see it on CNN who never reports the truth. But, soon it'll be impossible even for them. See Smollett story for starters.

16870527? ago

Q drops = warfare. Not predictions and it’s about doing your own research. So go do your own research. People have been sharing their facts for years it’s easy to find.

16861366? ago

Try harder shills.

16862579? ago

you know, it's this sort of posting that makes everyone else look at you people here, and go.. 'jeez, these people -really- call anyone that MIGHT POTENTIALLY have a non-conforming perspective a shill'

it's this sort of posting that you're doing right here, that's HURTING your cause more than the -ACTUAL- shills are.


i dare even go as far as say, i'm CERTAIN that there's shill campaigns in actions, -SPECIFICALLY- designed to just yell 'shill' at everyone, to discredit your entire movement as pants-on-head-retarded shill-shouters.

think on that for a moment, if you will.

16863805? ago

Ur mode is known and tired fvcktard.

16864086? ago

you know this is the internet right?

you can call someone a fucking nigger kilke son of a whore cunt fuck

16864141? ago

Oh, I do, I really really do. Don't worry about me, maybe you should just focus on yourself.

16862854? ago

It's called a filter.

Quit attempting to manufacture a consensus.

16862724? ago

Whatever you gotta tell yourself. Been here from the start and have seen many of you come through. I can spot a shill instantly.

Go ahead and call me a shill back...it really doesn’t matter. People will judge your comment for themselves and decide who the shill is.

16863197? ago

it's funny, because us voaters have also seen MANY of you come trough, yet you're the only ones that were too stupid to see where you've found yourself.

16868469? ago

Boom. Found you faggot.

This is our house now bitch! Deal with it.

16869059? ago

how about that eh, invading someone else's space, but still want that wall huh.

just typical boomerthinking

16871078? ago

I’m a millennial 👌🏻

16861360? ago

Is this supposed to be an insult?

You do know rainbows only appear when there’s water in the air...right?

16860405? ago

They're like a gambling addict that's losing. He keeps doubling down and hoping for a win that never comes.

16863782? ago

Knew one who used to say " you only walk away a loser if you walk away"

Wasn't the soundest logic.

16860913? ago


16860969? ago

If by projection you mean truth, I agree

16866176? ago

No, projection as in you're projecting. The whole doubling down thing for the narrative. I would say I can't believe I have to explain this, but you Qtards need to be spoon fed everything.

16860323? ago

You fags have been claiming that you're "over the target", and "its coming this week!", and "the storm is finally upon us!" for well over a year now. And in the end, it's always a huge nothing burger. Then you move your goalposts, spin some bullshit about "disinfo is necessary", and carry on with the retarded LARPing.

It's like deep down you know its all bullshit, but you've got nothing else going on in your lives and you're addicted to the craziness, so you just keep going on pretending. The "plan" is made up conspiracy theory nonsense and you're all fucking idiots for going along with it.

Now go ahead and call me a shill because you can't handle any criticism or questioning of your precious 8chan fantasy world cult.

16861362? ago

Really? Nothing? Keep telling yourself that. Lmao

16860743? ago

But yet you are still here.........is this Adam Shitt by chance? You know, they are coming for you right?

16860712? ago

the nat'l emergency declaration is "nothing" according to you?

16861087? ago

Why would it be when he put something in the spending bill saying there is no national emergency. His stuff will be struck down by the courts due to his own actions, then Trump can claim that he tried and you just have to wait until 2020 for him to get his promises done. It is extremely clear to see for anyone who takes a step back and realizes he is using art of the deal tactics on his own base.

16864416? ago

idk what you think you're "proving". he DID declare a national emergency, it's not a matter of opinion.

16862720? ago

You don't know history do you? 1976 mother fucker. Research that and Presidential Powers during a National Emergency.

Get off Trann Coulters cock you stupid AIPAC child rapist. Trump was given an OMNIBUS BILL 2.0. In case you don't know, obviously you don't, you brainlet fuck, is that TRUMP CAN SPEND AN OMNIBUS BILL HOWEVER THE FUCK HE WANTS. It's borderline MEANINGLESS. It's NOT A REAL BUDGET! Tell that Tranny on MSM and your Kike handlers to FUCK OFF! WE WON!

Such a fucking group of faggots.

16862168? ago

This is bang on, and the fanboys eating up his declaration really are beyond stupid.

Trump failed to get anything done on his wall for 2 years, even though Republicans had both houses and the white house. Then the Dems got voted in, and he manufactured a shutdown crisis to try and get wall funding so he could use it in his re-election campaign. That failed miserably so now he is going down the route of declaring a national emergency. He knows it will never stick in the courts, but he desperately needs something to campaign for re-election on as otherwise he failed to deliver his big campaign symbol and slogan.

16862756? ago

'bang on'... fuck off you UK brit fuck. I bet you're an immigrant from Somalia or some shit. God you're fucking subhuman low IQ needs to just piss off.

JOHN MCCAIN [NONAME] was no REPUBLICAN you stupid MSM talking point gutless cunt! FUCK YOU! Republicans by far didn't control SHIT when Trump came on board. Now they are at 52-48 (ROMNEY IS A CUNT DEMOCRAT). So you sit on your tea and spin while we MAGA. Get the fuck off a Q board.

16860419? ago

That's just great. You are just a 'critic' and want to ask 'questions'. Now open your mouth on the fucking curb.

16860867? ago

Post your address, you can try that in person

16862600? ago

Found him! He's here! I found the Jew!

16861074? ago

Why not post yours? I know that for one I am ready to kill someone that I could justify as a threat to my safety and the safety of others.

It is why the majority of us that do criticize you all here prefer the qanon area. You are unhinged and downright deranged in a clinical sense.

You seem to do everything that Q preaches about wrong.

Not able to defend your stance? Must be the enemy therefore you divide them with some 4chan meme about boomers, and if it can’t be that you use political means.

Nothing about your movement is of unity or togetherness. Always about division and anger.

Here is a news headline. All the politicians are against you. All of them which is why they are politicians. Never in my lifetime have I seen such divisions in the USA. Everything makes someone the enemy now.

Skin color, political affiliations, heritage, and even fucking generation.

Here is a hint. If everyone has become your enemy, perhaps it is you that is the bad guy.

16860355? ago

That's what I love. Q isn't riding your tiny dick of a timeline. I love when your kind sperg out. The ominous wheels of justice move like a machine and before you know it, shit will get very real. Once that reality punches you in your glass jaw, your kind will break first. We're the ones stuck cleaning up your piss and picking you off the ground when we should be given the go to turn your head around, open your mouth on the curb, and kick the back of your head.

16862276? ago

Wow you're pathetic. Whenever Q tards get questioned or criticised, they always respond with some over-dramatic fan fiction about how "one day" everyone will realise they were right, and the non-believers will get their comeuppance, and all the normal people will realise they were wrong and Q was right, and then come to them for guidance and help. Lol.

That is pure delusional mental illness, none of your 8chan fantasies will come true, and you will all remain lonely, isolated social outcasts with no friends, family or happiness. Enjoy your bitter slide into isolation and irrelevance as all your families disown you for being delusional lunatics.

Imagine being gullible and stupid enough to actually believe a high-ranking military insider is posting memes on 8chan.

16862557? ago

Says the kike whose only job is to monitor a Q forum to act as weather balloon for when Israel gets fucked.

16861809? ago

Your kind?

This is what the movement has become? What happened to question everything? Spread the word?

Now it's curb stomping people that dare question the narrative? Very dangerous.

16862497? ago

Your kind. Your kind that KNOW Q is real and yet you still try to play out the demoralisation campaign. You are questioning what? A mathematical IMPOSSIBILITY. I know critical thinking isn't your strong point, but to go 3/3 for Q and Trump to post together...it's IMPOSSIBLE.

You aren't questioning a narrative. It's past the point of being a 'narrative'. Questioning is one thing, being complete fucking retard shilling for who knows what (Israel), you can fuck all the way off.

16860491? ago

Precisely the response one would expect from a cultist.

How many broken promises will it take for you to abandon this obvious scam? How many times will "midterms are safe, 53-47 we got what we needed, D5, 11/11 unity!, DECLAS, FISA brings down the house, Hilary/Podesta arrested, this is the month you learn the truth, ok actually THIS is the month you learn the truth, are you ready for pain and arrests, F15, hey here's some made-up conversation between Barr and Mueller" come and go before you finally see what this is?

How many times will "Glorious Gawd Emprah Trump" act tough about "build that wall lock her up drain the swamp, taking slings and arrows for you, keep the government shut down, I won't sign another terrible bill like this ever again" and then turn around and bend over before you see that you're being lied to, yet again?

Who will pick up the pieces of your wasted life when none of this comes to fruition?

Have you ever read about people who have escaped from a cult? It's not pretty.

But keep acting hard on the internet.

16861016? ago

You need to watch more documentaries on cults. Some of the ones you are responding to are past the point of any possible deprograming, and if shit hits the fan they will shoot at actual patriots trying to take back our country and save our people because Q will tell them to. If Trump were to lose in 2020 they would say it is part of the plan to catch the dems rigging elections, then set extended dates on when things will happen, then forget about it claiming it is still part of the plan and attacking anyone that loses faith in the cult as an outsider and a paid shill.

16862661? ago

Oh look, that AI is talking to itself now.

actual patriots trying to take back our country

You are fucking deluded! What are you going to take it back from you stupid dumbass motherfucker. It's YOU clowns we are wary of the most. YOU try to make and incite calls to action. Why? We are fucking winning you cunt. You see what JUST HAPPENED to the Faggot Smollet? You don't think this was orchestrated? You dumb imbecile. Why take any action when they are fucking their own shit up? You think we need to dawn a yellow vest? Do you? Will that learn the deep state who's boss? You pathetic stupid fucking idiot. (Insert Nancy Pelosi style SOTU clap.img)

Are you pissed you are paying less taxes? Are you pissed we control the Senate and they kabuki theatred everyone into another OMNIBUS BILL that Trump can spend how he pleases? You faggot AIPAC child rapist. OPEN YOUR FUCKING BRAIN! You pissed Trump has cut more regulations in 2 years than the last 30? You pissed unemployment is at a record low in close to HISTORY OF UNEMPLOYMENT NUMBERS?

It sounds to me that YOU FUCKS, YOUR MSM BRAINWASHED MINDS are the pussies. Only the MSM is doom and gloom. We are fucking winning! Oh, but because it didn't come from your CNN media outlet, it doesn't count? Is that it? Get the fuck out.

16924865? ago

What are you going to take it back from

The Jews that have sold our nation to 3rd world immigrants you fucking boomer. You have no concept as to how bad things are and how much of a bloody struggle our generation must face whole you sit on your ass and pretend you fixed everything with a vote. Also fuck off with your bullshit strawmen calling anyone who wants to fight for what America once was a liberal while you say we are winning when Trump pushes liberal bullshit with even more nonwhite immigration, and threatening war to force faggotry on other countries.

16867330? ago

What the heck did you just say about me, you little honey bun? iI’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cutie Patooties, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret tweets on Daddy Trump, and I have over 300 confirmed snookims. I am trained in butter biscuits and I’m the top sweetie in the entire US sugar doodles. You are nothing to me but just another Daddy. I will cuddle you the heck out with warmth the likes of which has never been felt before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that dookie doo to me over the Internet? Think again, cutie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Mommies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the huggie wuggies, deary. The huggies that wipes out the silly little thing you call your meanie doodles. You’re in trouble, Daddy. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can tweet you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in butter boops, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cutie Wooties Fruity Tooties and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your widdle face, you little cutie pie. If only you could have known what huggie wuggies your little “tweetie weetie” was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your mouthy wouthy. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, honey buns. I will wiggle woop all over you and you will drown in it. You’re really sweet, honey.

16861010? ago

post your fuckin address pussy bitch and we will see who is "acting hard" on the internet. You are a limp decked pussy den shill here scared to fuckin death your whole demented culture is going down in flames. No more kiddies for you to molest, and your faggotry is about to become the death cult and abhorrent again. If the shit was not ready to bust there would be no reason for you to be here. So dox yourself and prove your point that we are just cultists actuating hard on the internet.

16867432? ago

Damn, son. So fucking hard. On the internet. I bet the Army Sniper SEAL Rangers turned you down because you were too badass and would make the rest of them look bad, huh?

Hard as fuck!

16868983? ago

I wouldn't join the Army, I am a US Marine. I am over 50, so don't call me son.

16872601? ago

Oh, damn, son, you're a Marine? Truly am I in the presence of greatness. Semper Fi devil dog oorah

On a scale from 1 to REMF, how POG are you? Bullets don't fly without supply, amirite?

16874512? ago

M1A1 right between your eyes from 1/2 click.

16874777? ago

Oh shit, got a regular Carlos Hathcock over here

16860441? ago

They're fuckin retards. All that money on Ivy League tuition and not a damn brain among them.

16861000? ago


16861033? ago


16860255? ago

Wouldn't it make a great president's day if someone's door was kicked in ?

16860990? ago

some ex presidents

16860431? ago

Would be amazing