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16792367? ago

You shouldn't trust the plan.

You should hope and pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

If President Trump is unwilling or unable to save America from the globalist Jew World Order then we will need to fight for our lives and fight for our birthright.

If not everything "goes to plan" then we'll likely see an invasion of (((UN))) and (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" who will work with our corrupt congress to try to take our guns and sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure and have the (((Federal Reserve))) decimate our economy...

...We'll see massive starvation and America will become a third world country within six month, unless we are prepared to fight.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16798464? ago

You get it

16793020? ago

Fuck off spamfag. You can take this copy and paste bullshit and shove it up your "prepared" gay ass. Then kindly go fuck yourself while running.

16793229? ago

Suck a nig

16793443? ago

Fuck right off and die immediately you soyboy trans-sexual faggot. Kill yourself before all that stupid starts rubbing off on others. You are a giant wart on the ass of humanity.

16793585? ago

You a nigger

16793724? ago

Yes I am a black man.

16793929? ago

No you Cleoblacktra

16794024? ago

I am Cleoblacktra. Who are you?