16811854? ago

Thanks for the advice but we're kinda low energy folk here due to our bad diet and general apathy - we'll just sit at our computers thanks all the same :) ... suck our pacifiers and pray to our lord Jesus Christ to clear this mess up while we munch on popcorn. Trust the Plan !!! (and Jesus)

16812562? ago

It's probably all the popcorn and soy

16796139? ago

We're only going to do this for so long and then it's going to come out of nowhere. They think we are dumb enough to get caught planning. If it comes down to that, we save our President And the rest. Yet, at this point, these people are the lowest of the low. So with said, pray? In the old days, we could fight, now they are so Evil, after stealing so much. Maybe, leave it with God.

16798333? ago

So because they are so evil we can't fight? I do agree that we must put lots of faith in God. Pray. This whole experience has led me to God for the first time in my life. This is a holy war.

16796094? ago

Ok, so OP is talking to the 95% of lame fags that do fuck all but sit on their fat lazy butts and pray to a fictitious old man in the clouds.

The Indignation is hilarious

16798420? ago

You get it. I am talking to the lazys. No one else.

16795429? ago

Learn to fucking read. The gov't is being secured as you sit here talking like an ignorant ass. The guy who's taking them down was put in the AG chair today. Pay attention.

16798546? ago

You are the exact motherfucker I am calling out. You call me ignorant for asking a question. You tell me to learn to read. You tell me to pay attention. Fucking take some of your own advice. Your response has nothing to do with what I was saying. Stop being a NPC and use your brain. I know you can do it.

16803471? ago

You didn't fucking ask a question. You're an ignorant fuck, here to incite violence.

16804895? ago

Also I looked back a third time. I did ask a question you tard. If we get our government back will you continue on with your current way of life.

16805691? ago

Fuck off

16803795? ago

I will give you I did fuck up on that one. Didn't reread my own post. Was originally going to title it is trusting the plan enough. So I'll give you that mistake. However, doesn't change the fact that you're answer has nothing to do with my post.

I'm not here to incite violence. If you think my original post is to incite violence then you're the ignorant one. Point is never be reliant on government. Work towards something better on your own. Family, community, God, skills. Seems pretty violent. Genius

16803915? ago

I don't believe you. Speaking of God, community, and insulting people … You're still wet behind the ears, if you think "man up" are the words of a pacifist.

16804253? ago

I don't care if you believe me. We've both thrown insults at each other. What's your point? We are both sinners. I don't see you giving any ideas of a solution besides saying the new AG is going to fix things. This makes me question you.

16804382? ago

You came here to incite something other than you're claiming. You can question me all day long, every single day. I didn't make a public post to incite. So, fuck off!

16804858? ago

Your just doging my question. What's your solution buddy?

I came here to incite action. Making people realize that sitting by waiting for something is a bad idea. That it will take strong men and women to fix the problem. To make your community better. If that triggers you then we don't need you.

16805706? ago

My solution is to do what I've been doing since the 80's. You don't say what we need, until you contribute at my level.

16805776? ago

You have given no evidence to show that you have anything to contribute. You seem to be part of the problem, not the solution.

16805810? ago


16805961? ago

You continue to further prove my point.

16805975? ago


16806066? ago

Even more proof. Take care man. Hope you get the help you need.

16806547? ago


16794540? ago

Hang in there dude. 90% of the action is secret. We only see tip of iceberg. I trust POTUS.

16798457? ago

I still think shit is going down. That is not my point. My point is that it will take consistent effort for things to be different.

So the swamp is drained. Then what? Are we going to continue on how we currently live? 40 hour work weeks. Acting like a bunch of awkward people in public with no sense of community. Simply having a non corrupt government is not enough. It will take a complete restructuring of society and how people act.

16792609? ago

We're all glad you are now paying attention. There are many long term researchers and patriots 10,20,30,40+ years that have been fighting to protect and preserve our republic. Telling them to "man up" is kindof insulting, wouldn't you agree? We've been "manning up" since back when Men was still a thing. lol

16798484? ago

I think your heart is in the right place. However you seem to miss the mark. Men wouldn't have let this happen. I do not think it is insulting to call out people who sit by and watch things go to shit.

16801550? ago

You said you started a year ago and that got you into politics. If you were studying and researching politics, especially Marxism, 30 years ago, you'd understand the incremental degradation of of the family and who and why created and pushed the feminist movement. Along with creating a government system that is so convoluted and burdensome that people throw there arms up and say fuck it. The more you learn about Marx and Angles,, the more you'll understand why I wrote what I did above. I'm not insulting you. I'm telling you there's a reason why Men and Patriots have felt powerless. Remember Ruby Ridge? The Bundy standoff? Remember Obama and his DHS claiming returning vets, tea party Patriots were a domestic threat? The Real Domestic enemies have been working in every dept, in every state and at the Fed level to undermine our checks and balances. The best way to end this is exactly what Q and team are doing. The Rule of Law. If egos and adrenaline were used instead, there would be blood everywhere. The last civil war saw more deaths then all the wars to follow, combined! Be patient friend and God bless you with wisdom and patience. WWG1WGA

16801875? ago

Thanks for further explaining. I now comprehend what you were getting at. I'm only my mid 20's. That's where a lot of my anger may come from. Entering manhood as things are just morally bankrupt.

I don't want blood. I want people to get back to their local roots. God, family, community, skills. That's what I mean when I say the plan isn't enough.

Thank you. God Bless

16803779? ago

You're welcome. And we applaud the fact that you are standing up for our American values. We do need to get back to our roots..God, Family, Country..and yes, hard work. (btw, who the fuck would downvote you're last comment? Had daddy spanked that little troll, we wouldn't be in this mess...lol) Have a blessed Day Patriot!

16803857? ago

Thanks for the good laugh. Gotta hand out some more spankings. God bless

16792582? ago

Kill kikes & niggers?

16793732? ago

We don't need more confine violence here.

16792428? ago

Agree 100%.

16792380? ago

We don't need some pussy concernfag to post here telling us to man up. Man up yourself and fuck off nigger.

16798382? ago

Calling me a concernfag means you might be exactly who I am talking to. Anyone that questions the plan is a concernfag, a shill. I said stated that I believe in the plan. However trusting the plan is never going to be enough. Even if it works out and the swamp is drained. The way that people act in society will not be changed by a removal of corrupt government. It will take action. Get it?

16798640? ago

Get it? No I don't. I won't take instruction from a concernfag pussy. Get your gun and storm Washington you stupid jackass and fuck yourself while doing it.

16798653? ago

Yeah I can tell you don't get it.

16798821? ago

I know what your point here is faggot. I'm saying I don't need you to tell me to do that which I have already been doing. Fuck off now. You are dismissed.

16811796? ago

Fucking Hillbilly Ged gedyah fag - OP over target

16799026? ago

Then I was never talking to you to begin with. Perhaps you should fuck off yourself. Keep up the good work.

16799090? ago

Before I fuck off I will say: I'm sorry man, I do agree with you. You caught me at a bad time with the man up stuff and I should have just let it go.

16799149? ago

No worries man. I know what you mean. In all sincerity keep up the good work.

16792367? ago

You shouldn't trust the plan.

You should hope and pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

If President Trump is unwilling or unable to save America from the globalist Jew World Order then we will need to fight for our lives and fight for our birthright.

If not everything "goes to plan" then we'll likely see an invasion of (((UN))) and (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" who will work with our corrupt congress to try to take our guns and sabotage our power stations and destroy our farming infrastructure and have the (((Federal Reserve))) decimate our economy...

...We'll see massive starvation and America will become a third world country within six month, unless we are prepared to fight.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16798464? ago

You get it

16793020? ago

Fuck off spamfag. You can take this copy and paste bullshit and shove it up your "prepared" gay ass. Then kindly go fuck yourself while running.

16793229? ago

Suck a nig

16793443? ago

Fuck right off and die immediately you soyboy trans-sexual faggot. Kill yourself before all that stupid starts rubbing off on others. You are a giant wart on the ass of humanity.

16793585? ago

You a nigger

16793724? ago

Yes I am a black man.

16793929? ago

No you Cleoblacktra

16794024? ago

I am Cleoblacktra. Who are you?