16631076? ago

This time we have to win. We have no choice — it’s all or nothing, no more limping along aka, allowing bad people to remain in some places. They all have to go or be turned. Someone figured out that their about 7 million people in the DS. That’s a huge number but they’ve got to to go because like leaving a little bit of cancer behind, it regrows.

16628017? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=gwrBWrGdWdo :

Adolf Hitler, the Man who fought the Bank - YouTube

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16627982? ago

Hitler was obiously part of the cabal

16628129? ago

How do you figure? Did you even watch that video? Do you think we would have globalist Banks or Mass immigration if Hitler won? I don't think so.

16640826? ago

AH was thought to have been an illegitimate grandchild of one of the Rothchild's, explaining why he stopped at an Austrian hospital to destroy birth certificate. I don't even know the full story... We now know that he did in fact escape to South America,

I'm not sure what to think but it sounds like all kinds of crazy things were involved. But yes, AM is cabal and... I don't even know.

16641250? ago

I have heard that rumor too. It is equily likely just another lie to keep people from studying the last time Europeans were free from their control.

16641328? ago

I would downvote you if I could, in fact I'm going to bookmark this post to downvote later.

16641368? ago

You are a fucking faggot ass traitor.

Die in a fire.

16646319? ago


Doesn't Anglin have a part-Jewish/part-Black cousin or something...

16647655? ago

Without evidence that is just enemy propaganda.

I think your thinking of Enoch it's his half brother or something, there is a pic.

16648073? ago

That sort of thing does keep happening... One of the TRS guys was married to one or something? Seems like every single time!

16648651? ago

It's the same one.

He is doing a lot of good waking people up. Some good rhetoric I've seen people here use Congress from there. And the merchant minute is always good. Gotta harden yourself in case of betrayal though.

16627801? ago

Let's save the celebration until after we win.

16627840? ago

Nothing wrong with confidence goy. Approach it like you will win because losing is worse than death.

16627788? ago

We shouldn't get too cocky BECAUSE nobody has won against the Jew World Order before.

We should be stockpiling guns and ammo and supplies because if not everything "goes to plan" then we can expect a globalist to be installed as president and the (((UN))), (((NATO))) and the (((EU))) to send "humanitarian forces" to take our guns and destroy our farming infrastructure and sabotage our power stations while the Jews at the (((Federal Reserve))) destroy our economy. The Jew fake news will blame all of these failures on President Trump.

If we aren't prepared to defend our birthright then economic ruin and mass starvation will reduce America to a third world country within six months and those who haven't starved will become economic slaves - the slave laborers of the Jew.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16628100? ago

We've beaten them at least 109 times. Kicked them out of our lands. This is the first time it is a pan European fight.

If war starts here we have to make sure the enemy is targeted even if that means a million lone wolfs running their own ops without "official" backing or orders on the actual enemy.

16628264? ago

The Jews own 193 of 195 of the world's central reserves.

America's federal reserve is actually the third Fed that we've had. We've fought the Jews off twice before, later to fail and fall back under their usury parasitic slavery.

You are correct that 1,030 nations over the past 3,200 years have exiled the Jews because of their treachery and Satanic practices, however ALL of those nations were either destroyed or later captured and enslaved by the Jew.

If war starts here we have to make sure the enemy is targeted even if that means a million lone wolfs running their own ops without "official" backing or orders on the actual enemy.


We need to establish networks with other preppers who so we can defend our power plants, farms and our streets.

The more people who prepare now to have guns and ammo, water purification solutions, solar generators, first aid kits, the greater our chances of saving western civilization.