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16624898? ago

Y'all are fucking stupid and studying up... I was going to post one but durring my search I found many. Here is my search. I suggest you apologise for ignorant shilling around. All Of You.

16624913? ago

NSFW Anon National Emergency on Election Infrastructure Report Turned In (QRV) submitted 1.3 days ago by 3018025? Per the Executive Order last September, an analysis and report over the meddling in election infrastructure was due today.

Unfortunately, Whitaker declared that there was no significant impact, which concerns me, because we know this is not true.

Law and Crime reports:

Lo and behold: "The report concluded that any efforts by foreign countries to influence U.S. elections had “no material impact” on the midterm results, where Democrats took control of the House of Representatives and Republicans strengthened their hold on the Senate."

There are a number of documents that prove the Podestas were taking money from Russia, who then fund David Brock's media machine, which is designed to influence media. To this day, neither liberal or conservative media have laid out this connection, appropriately. We know the Russian who was paying into US politics.

His name is Ruben Vardanyan. He set up Joule Unlimited and paid Podesta using a company built on a phony premise of being able to produce clean energy from cyanobacteria. He was at the top of Troika Dialog, enriching Putin's friends, while paying The Podesta Group, where the collection #1 leak showed Rothschild and World Bank connections.

Everyone has access to this information. It is publicly available.

The news has barely touched the implications of what Mifsud and Papadapolous' interactions were and they all but leave out GCHQ operative, Alexander Downer was also involved in the Uranium One deal from the other end, where he signed away Australia's uranium to Russia.

Russian Intelligence and British Intelligence were both involved in targeting our elections and they are still working with the mainstream media to cover how disastrous the uranium deal was; which resulted in us currently being in a proxy war in Venezuela.

If you've never heard of Serco, you should look into them. Serco has voting machines. Serco maintains police vehicles in the US. Serco dispenses healthcare in the Australian Army. Serco maintains our prisons, including ones that had ballots handed out to prisoners during the midterms. Serco executes housing and other refugee related contracts. They make money by locking people up and they make money on moving people from country to country. They have their fingers in everything.

Glencore is another example. We've got human trafficking networks that are relied upon by the mining industry. Forced labor. Clintons have befriended miners for decades, even giving Marc Rich, CEO, a last minute pardon. Glencore is known for forced labor. VCS Mining had Hillary's brother on the board and there is a proven nexus of gold mining and human trafficking. Venezuela is using forced labor in its mines and their gold is headed where?

Gold is revealing itself to be at the heart of what is going on.

Even if we get a wall, there is enough of this stuff going on that we need to start seeing arrests now and for the next several years. The International Criminal Court plays politics while companies are getting away with slavery on an industrial scale, while the Catholic Church is getting away with sex abuse on an industrial scale; The American people are being shilled at 24/7 and the only thing you can do to combat it is start engaging on social media on every platform and decrying this obvious deception.

RINO's have got to go. Vote accordingly. Write letters. Call your representatives. Make noise. The right kind of noise. Not rioting in the streets. Bury LEO agencies in legitimate evidence. File IRS whistleblower forms against dark money fronts like Majority Forward. There are two issues that every American should be adopting. Pro-transparency and anti-war. We can all support the troops best by getting them home to their families. We can all have better informed opinions about government action when we are allowed to see the truth of government action. The truth needs a huge push for the right people to end up on the winning side. Every person pushing the truth helps.

16624920? ago

Looks like only 12 fags saw it.

16626843? ago

Anyone else notice the paragraphs spell out "PULLTHETRIGGER"?