16629403? ago

Not worried a bit. Can't help you. Onwards.

16626678? ago

Hahaha, all these fucks thinking they are making a difference. Laughable.

16626645? ago

The final report on midterms hasn't been released yet. Initial report was given with follow up report due 45 days later It was mentioned in this hearing https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/hearings/open-hearing-worldwide-threats (I think this is the right one) It came up briefly - Dem asked about it- was given to committee chair and ranking member but not shared with the rest of the committee - Dem asked if the information would be shared with congress. committee chair said only with the committee in closed session IF that was permissible for security reasons. I I found it odd when I watched this hearing. Sorry can't remember when it was in the hearing but wasn't expecting it to come up. I just got the feeling when the final report comes out it's going to be ugly on the Democratic side. Already there were issues in a few elections pointed out - biggest in LA with Judicial watch- 1.5 million more registered voters than voting aged citizens in that county alone - bye bye Maxine. Non-citizens voted in two elections so far that made the press. I think there is more to come. Not sure how they are going to fix things but I see voter id coming but it wouldn't surprise me if voter id then re-dos on midterms due to election fraud. Wonder if the Dems would keep the house in a do over that's regulated and policed?

16626509? ago

Well, right here, people, is the epitome of an impatient moron, or a shill. Frankly, this dumbass outed himself in the last sentence. Using logic, which is it? These people are stupid....

16625995? ago

Votes work sometimes, Hillary is not in office.

16626067? ago

She's not in jail either.....

16625781? ago

You sir, are CORRECT. They are taking my gun rights and forcing everyone in the state who has a kid to put a camera in their home here pretty soon. My state is fucked and gone and I will probably have to leave to avoid the encroaching darkness. ALL the sheep here are doing nothing at all and walking around like all is well.

16627605? ago

guns r safe

  • QLarp

16628963? ago

Uuugh no shit. I will be a felon from the new gun laws coming to my state if they pass. Not looking forward to that. https://www.thenewawakening.org/ I kinda hope these nazis take over my area because I have a feeling they would let me keep them. Cheers.

16626091? ago

That's the worst part. The criminals who stole the elections are passing laws and making life difficult for Americans. The longer we go without arrests and justice the worse it's going to get. Everyone who cheated in the past election should be removed from office and any laws they put in place while in office should be nullified.

16626298? ago

The government will never... and simply CANNOT under any circumstances, "arrest itself" It simply cannot do it yet that is what we all think will happen even though it has never ever ever happened in history ever, not even once. Maybe this time is different. Time will tell.

16626374? ago

You're right. Expecting the corrupt Government to arrest itself for corruption is pointless. Nothing has changed. We are fucked.

16625767? ago

What if they did investigate and found no meaningful evidence to support fraud?

16626107? ago

Bullshit. Go search the Internet from Nov. 6-7, 2018. Search Twitter. Search Facebook. There is VIDEO of people cheating.

16625677? ago

Guess you will be going to the other side now - bye.

16626114? ago

Nope. I'm just not going to vote anymore.

16625562? ago

The democrats came out with the pussygate tape early October. Trump really got slammed in the polls, but he had time to recover. If democrats had delayed outing the pussygate tape 2 or 3 weeks, we'd all be saying Madam President right now.

Who wants to give democrats a whole year and a half to recover? Who wants the old democrats to go down in flames and new democrats to take their place and get established for a full year before 2020?

If that's you, you're fucking stupid.

16626133? ago

The Democrats who are in office (who cheated) are passing laws. Are those laws legal if the people who put them in place shouldn't rightfully hold that office? Just ask the people in states like Washington and Oregon who are losing their gun rights because of Democrats who cheated.

16626948? ago

The Democrats who are in office (who cheated) are passing laws.


Educate yourself on what it takes for "passing laws". House bills are meaningless.

Are those laws legal if the people who put them in place shouldn't rightfully hold that office?

It's a sad state of affairs when people freak out over a house bill that must also pass the senate and not be vetoed by the POTUS. Like I said, educate yourself.

Just ask the people in states like Washington and Oregon who are losing their gun rights because of Democrats who cheated.

You just switched from national politics to state politics, which have nothing to do with your original complaint.

16633814? ago

You are focusing ONLY on Congress. But, on Nov. 6th 2018 a lot of Democrats got into office in many different States. They did this by cheating. They are having an immediate impact on local laws and policies. This has nothing to do with the House of Representatives. What is being done to investigate all the cheating that happened at the State and local level? When are the Democrat Governors who cheated going to be removed from power? Those State Governors can sign State bills into State Law. The Dems who cheated need to be removed.

16640393? ago

I'm trying to put myself into your frame of mind. What would I think, what would I do if I didn't believe Q is real?

What would I do if not only the cabal has taken over the world, but that Q is a lie and Trump is part of the cabal, what would I do?

What would I do if I honestly believed that 70% of the population believed the MSM agenda and 30% believed Trump and Q and 0.00001% believed it was all 100% a lie?

I'm not exactly sure, but it sure as hell wouldn't be concern trolling every thread on QRV.

If the cabal is real, but Q is not real, you're completely fucked. You should be on the prepper forums, what the hell you doing here?

16625809? ago

Exactly this. This dude, due to his impatience which is a HUGE weakness, wants short term results just to be satisfied in the current news cycle. Still looking at MSM for his satisfaction. This is how you lose. Being short sighted in hopes of a weeks long win with affirmation from the fucking FAKE NEWS is a losers strategy and reeks of weakness. If you want permanent lasting change for generations (not weeks or years but generations) to come, the long game must be played at the right times for maximum impact to drive the change from a place of unity. The end goal is UNITY amongst the American people. Not this division we currently have. It must also look and feel organic and it has to be generated by the American people. Power back to the people. Actual power. This takes the long game to be played and must be played by strong non-emotional alphas.

16627756? ago


the end goal is the removal of the criminal deep state

the application of justice to them and other criminals

and the exposure of truth to the American people

unity may result, maybe not

but it will show us where who stands where and allow us to act accordingly

unity just for unity's sake is retarded

16626757? ago

The end goal is UNITY amongst the American people.

This bullshit is driving me farther away. So, if you do get all the Democrats to come over to your side, you're going to find a whole lot of people that you've driven away in the process. Unity is impossible at this point. There will never be unity in America again until sometime after the next civil war.

16626877? ago

Stop being obtuse with ridiculous extreme strawman arguments.

"all the Democrats". Who needs "all"? A simple majority suffices. Increasing the majority steadily over time suffices.

There will never be unity in America again until sometime after the next civil war.

The responsible gun owners are on the opposite side of your politics, so a civil war will never happen.

16633830? ago

so a civil war will never happen.


That's funny. Thanks.

16625524? ago

I was one of the ardent defenders of the 45 day (not the 90 day) / Executive Order passed on Voter fraud theory, and it really does suck to be completely wrong. You have my 100% apology. I will still do the fuckall worthless LARP of voting in 2020, but that's only to make myself pretend my hands are clean. This roller coaster is tiresome.

Unless someone knows insider information I don't, but the (D)'s literally got away with Bumfucking us up the voting public ass. I really thought there was to be an exposing of the fraud to be made public. It's very disconcerting. We lost a fuckton of resigned (R)'s to give (D)'s the house. Then we have this report coming out where Whitaker said, "Hey, fuck you wall. My role in the charade is fuck you over, and then be Scarmucci'd and replaced so that you can't do a goddamn thing about it but bitch. And guess who is going to replace me? Deep State Cunt BARR! Hahaha."

Sorry, but this doesn't feel like winning, even with the 53 - 47 we JUST GAVE ISRAEL GODDAMN 38 BILLION and our fucking 53 - 47 Senate just pushed back to keep us fighting the Kike wars all the while incriminating anyone who BOYCOTTS THE KIKE!

Ok, I really did appreciate a lot of the SOTU, but the 81 year old kike trotted out about the Holohoax...he was fucking 5 years old during the height of it all! I'm sure he survived 10 gas chambers, 23 death marches, and 55 shootings. This is even more disconcerting.

February 15th better be the political haymaker, and Covington better be what brings the CIA/Mossad fuck media to its knees. Mueller investigation is fucking driving me insane. This has been a torturous lesson in patience, but we literally have ZERO control. LOWER MY FUCKING TAXES by that 10% with a PERMANENT FUCKING TAX CUT to the MIDDLE CLASS!! END THE FUCKING FED! Where is the fucking Global Reset that the Goddamn Fulford types masturbate to on the daily? Jesus. So Goddamn frustrating.

16627580? ago

high IQ post

QLarp needs to put up or shut up

16626158? ago

Thank you.

16625844? ago

Man you are so emotional and angry. You know those are huge weaknesses? If you’re not up for this fight as it’s going to take a lot longer than your timeline of satisfaction, take a break and enjoy life a little and come back when you lose your anger. We will still be here

16626582? ago

Emotional weakness clouds judgement. If it's not a shill here to divide, it's one who cannot understand how deep this shit is. That this utter exposure to light is what is needed, and one that has zero competence or experience in planning, along with planning for all potential contingencies.

16626416? ago

if you're not up for this fight

wanna know the good thing about it, bucko? It doesn't matter a fucking bit how "up for the fight" you are, because even in your BEST CASE scenario, your job is "do nothing, be a free thinker but also unquestioningly obey and believe Q in all things, and no that isn't contradictory t.Q said so".

A literal baby so young the democrats want to infantacide it would be capable of being "up for the fight" as much as you are, or as much as that guy is. When you job is to do nothing everyone is equally capable.

16630153? ago

So we drop every fucking meme possible to everyone we can... Now what?

Exactly. Nothing we can do. It's all out of our control.

16631830? ago

Precisely. Frankly even that minor aspect isn't overly helpful. Why meme, when its clear in most all instances Q has NO intention of actually telling people whats going on, or giving them an idea what to expect when. I burnt so much credibility on the OIG report back at the start of last year. I wouldn't even bother trying to meme people at present. It's just not worth it with credibility lowered that much

16625513? ago

Hey fucktard.

Timing is important.

There ain't elections for another year and a half, go sit on your thumbs in the corner and take a chill pill.

16626252? ago

Meanwhile people in places like Oregon and Washington are losing their gun rights due to Democrats who cheated and stole the office. What about them? Are those laws going to stand? When will those people get justice? If you pass a law while illegally in office does that law get revoked when you go to jail? We are getting POUNDED IN THE ASS by Democrats and nothing is being done to stop it. The "wait till 2020" bullshit is getting tiresome. Fuck voting. It's meaningless. If this isn't resolved before 2020 then I'm not voting ever again.

16626998? ago

You just went from complaining about the midterms to Oregon and Washington local state politics.

Are those laws going to stand?

Tell me of one gun law that was proposed by the house, ratified by the senate and thereafter received Trump's signature making it a real law.

You can't, can you?

16633779? ago

Democrats stole more than the House of Representatives. They stole offices at every level in many different states. Nothing is being done about it.

16640278? ago

Only thing that matters regarding gun laws is the SCOTUS.

The people in those States are getting fucked over and POTUS does jack shit.

If the premise of Q is true, then you have nothing to worry about.

If the premise of Q is not true, you're fucked up the bung hole with a splintered broomstick repeatedly forever and there ain't a fucking thing in the world you can do about it.

Though I would like to hear what you think you are going to do about it. Let's see it, make me proud.

16625485? ago

WOW! The shills are out in full force. Apparently they do not hear very well. The part of the investigation dealing with foreign interference is over and found no foreign influence. This takes away the lefts excuse in 2020 to blame the Russians when they lose. The second part of the DHS investigation report is not due until 2/15 that deals with domestic tampering in elections. I would get all the facts before flaking out.

16626299? ago

The second part of the DHS investigation report is not due until 2/15 that deals with domestic tampering in elections.

Moving the goal posts again? Go search this forum. Everyone was saying 2/6 in December 2018.

Now you're picking a new date in the future?

16625784? ago

Where do you get the 2/15 date from!

16632988? ago

I'll admit when I am wrong. Was thinking of the government shut down date when I typed the 2/15 date. I believe the domestic part of investigation is classified and will be released at a later date which is not known at this time. Sorry for my confusion. Haven't had much rem sleep lately'

16625432? ago

Show me on the doll where the datefags hurt you.

16625403? ago

Uhhh actually they just updated the website showing the report has been submitted


However, the investigation was on FOREIGN election meddling not domestic. Plus it is classified.

I did read somewhere today that the report showed no signs of foreign interference but cant recall where i read it. Plus its questionable anyways since the findings are classified

16626322? ago

So basically -- NOTHING? A giant fucking nothing burger?

16626768? ago

In respect to foreign interference, yeah

16625363? ago

You put dates on shit you silly little faggot...when did Q ever date a God DAMN thing? Fuck you and your stupid bag of dicks shill buttfuckers.

16624898? ago

Y'all are fucking stupid and studying up... I was going to post one but durring my search I found many. Here is my search. I suggest you apologise for ignorant shilling around. All Of You.


16624913? ago

NSFW Anon National Emergency on Election Infrastructure Report Turned In (QRV) submitted 1.3 days ago by 3018025? Per the Executive Order last September, an analysis and report over the meddling in election infrastructure was due today.

Unfortunately, Whitaker declared that there was no significant impact, which concerns me, because we know this is not true.

Law and Crime reports: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/acting-ag-whitaker-foreign-interference-had-no-material-impact-on-midterm-elections/

Lo and behold: "The report concluded that any efforts by foreign countries to influence U.S. elections had “no material impact” on the midterm results, where Democrats took control of the House of Representatives and Republicans strengthened their hold on the Senate."

There are a number of documents that prove the Podestas were taking money from Russia, who then fund David Brock's media machine, which is designed to influence media. To this day, neither liberal or conservative media have laid out this connection, appropriately. We know the Russian who was paying into US politics.

His name is Ruben Vardanyan. He set up Joule Unlimited and paid Podesta using a company built on a phony premise of being able to produce clean energy from cyanobacteria. He was at the top of Troika Dialog, enriching Putin's friends, while paying The Podesta Group, where the collection #1 leak showed Rothschild and World Bank connections.

Everyone has access to this information. It is publicly available. https://twitter.com/webofslime/status/1087106015508627456

The news has barely touched the implications of what Mifsud and Papadapolous' interactions were and they all but leave out GCHQ operative, Alexander Downer was also involved in the Uranium One deal from the other end, where he signed away Australia's uranium to Russia.

Russian Intelligence and British Intelligence were both involved in targeting our elections and they are still working with the mainstream media to cover how disastrous the uranium deal was; which resulted in us currently being in a proxy war in Venezuela.

If you've never heard of Serco, you should look into them. Serco has voting machines. Serco maintains police vehicles in the US. Serco dispenses healthcare in the Australian Army. Serco maintains our prisons, including ones that had ballots handed out to prisoners during the midterms. Serco executes housing and other refugee related contracts. They make money by locking people up and they make money on moving people from country to country. They have their fingers in everything.

Glencore is another example. We've got human trafficking networks that are relied upon by the mining industry. Forced labor. Clintons have befriended miners for decades, even giving Marc Rich, CEO, a last minute pardon. Glencore is known for forced labor. VCS Mining had Hillary's brother on the board and there is a proven nexus of gold mining and human trafficking. Venezuela is using forced labor in its mines and their gold is headed where?

Gold is revealing itself to be at the heart of what is going on. https://www.verite.org/the-nexus-of-illegal-gold-mining-and-human-trafficking-report/

Even if we get a wall, there is enough of this stuff going on that we need to start seeing arrests now and for the next several years. The International Criminal Court plays politics while companies are getting away with slavery on an industrial scale, while the Catholic Church is getting away with sex abuse on an industrial scale; The American people are being shilled at 24/7 and the only thing you can do to combat it is start engaging on social media on every platform and decrying this obvious deception.

RINO's have got to go. Vote accordingly. Write letters. Call your representatives. Make noise. The right kind of noise. Not rioting in the streets. Bury LEO agencies in legitimate evidence. File IRS whistleblower forms against dark money fronts like Majority Forward. There are two issues that every American should be adopting. Pro-transparency and anti-war. We can all support the troops best by getting them home to their families. We can all have better informed opinions about government action when we are allowed to see the truth of government action. The truth needs a huge push for the right people to end up on the winning side. Every person pushing the truth helps.


16626931? ago

Well compiled. Intellectual input and support are welcomed.

16625599? ago

Wrong report shitfuck

16624920? ago

Looks like only 12 fags saw it.


16626843? ago

Anyone else notice the paragraphs spell out "PULLTHETRIGGER"?

16624699? ago

Look at this angry impatient weak ass date fag crying like a bitch because a dozen anons who were also date fagging got it wrong again. Don’t date fag you faggot. That’s not how this shit works. While your jerking off watching rick and morty re-runs while your mom heats up your Tostitos pizza rolls in the microwave with a side of ranch to feed your soy addiction, the plan will still be happening as planned.

16624807? ago

It's not just "datefags" -- Q also said a bunch of bullshit and never delivered:




16625375? ago

You obviously haven’t been paying attention to Q at all. He states many times that these are future proofs. Future proves past. These proofs will confirm Q when that part of the plan is rolled out. But you want it right now. Can’t win the long game by playing the short one. That’s like Hillary winning the popular vote but not winning the EC. It means nothing and she lost.

16625812? ago

Or, Q is full of shit psyop

16624673? ago

you mindless fucks keep falling for this stuff

16624691? ago

I checked out after the Nov. midterm elections. I stopped believing Q. I just come back now to rub it in the Qtard's faces. There are a lot of fucking liars posting bullshit here. Someone needs to call them on the bullshit.

16624744? ago

“I checked out after the midterms” yet here you are. This is what soy does to men. Turns them into weak women.

16624855? ago

Midterms are safe, sweetie, theres no need to get upset. Stay at home, make dinner, and I promise you I'll take care of the problem. Trust me, babe

16624820? ago

I like to come back just to say hi from time to time and remind people that Q is bullshit.

16625475? ago

Imagine being so angry about some “fake Q anon figure” that you have to come back from time to time to tell people he’s not real. It must eat you up daily. Always on your mind. Rent free. Drives your decisions and actions. You’re a liberal.

16624740? ago

It makes us docile, and will be used as a carrot for voting in 2020. We're being used.

16625484? ago

Used by who?

16624614? ago

So go ahead and vote for Biden next time. I’m so sad that your canadate lost the last election. But thank you for your service of hanging out here and trying as hard as you can to belittle those who are fed up with corruption. If we weren’t making a difference you wouldn’t be here. You aren’t trying to spread dissection in the Miley Cyrus fan site are you? Thank you for verifying that people are nervous and corruption is rampant.

16626539? ago

I fear you miss the point. Flagrant voter fraud in 2018 midterms was exposed, and sthf was supposedly imminent by Feb whatever. Faded away. Thus the outrage. I share it, by the way.

16626684? ago

I agree with the outrage over our apparent dual justice systems. But these people need to be given rope in order to hang themselves. There are decades of bureaucrats that refuse to lose control. They will over reach, similarly to the Virginia government attempting to pass after birth abortion and the NY state govt clapping enthusiastically for abortion up to birth. These people who think they are lawless will act accordingly. Shit will hit the fan. And if nothing happens, that’s what the second amendment was put there for. And shit will still hit the fan.

16624457? ago

Agreed.....I wont be voting again.

16625966? ago

Little Revolution perhaps. I can't voat again either though. I have lost my voting rights to ZONING of all things. My land was zoned out for residential construction and I live here anyway but without a legal homesite I can't vote so, my voting days are over for the forseeable future. I kinda hope the Nazis take the place over. https://www.thenewawakening.org/ These Nazis are pretty good guys and I bet THEY would let me build a house since I am white and having white children and living a quiet peaceful rural land with no jew debt on my own land. Nazis seem like REALLY great guys compared to the fucking mexicans and SAND NIGGERS and other brown sewage that is flowing around all over the place right now. I hope the Nazis win.

16624628? ago

Impatient “trump is not moving things on the timeline I feel that they should happen” weak ass BETA MALE. Let the leaders lead. They don’t have time for feelings.

16624701? ago

Let the leaders continue to do nothing and us alpha males will continue to lap it up!

16624772? ago

Yea because Trump is doing nothing? How mad are you that Trump put your boy Burrknee on blast last night about socialism? Make sure you get extra soy milk with your next latte.

16624621? ago

This is the clincher. This proves without a doubt that voting is absolutely fucking useless.

16624799? ago

The only clincher is your moms turd cutter when she’s getting pounded by a 250lb black man right above your bedroom.

16624514? ago

Richard Spencer 2020

16624403? ago

Voting is a waste of time.

vote regardless, they have to work for the rigging.

the more they do it, the more obvious it gets and eventually people will get tired and deal with it themselves.

16624442? ago

Nope. If nobody goes to jail from this rigged election -- I'm never voting again. Period. It's a waste of time.

16624539? ago

Did you dumb rothschilds really think this would work?

I can't imagine being this fucking STUPID?

The democrats wont ever win another election ever again.


16626010? ago

Oh yeah they will... I guarantee they will never lose again in many states and they know it. They just toss more and more ballots in the box until they win. Nothing like a vote-by-mail state with early voting authorized. This way they can get a peek at the numbers (early voting) and stuff the boxes (mail in ballots are 'stuffed' in ANY mailbox) All you have to do is know some gooks in China who want money. If you know gooks who like money they will print up some ballots for you and send them your way. Then you can take the whole fucking state. This is how Oregon was taken. Nothing but lead will take it back and all the sheep are eating grass.

16627004? ago

Try it again retards, make our election.

16628974? ago

I hope they nail these faggots to the wall is all. I really really really do.

16624633? ago

Are you fucking retarded?! They won the 2018 midterms by cheating and NOBODY has been removed from office.

16624718? ago

Caught like a rat in a money trap.

You wont EVER pull this shit again, please try it if you dare.

16624845? ago

What about the cheaters who are sitting in office RIGHT NOW passing laws that hurt the American people? When are they going to get some justice? Do you let the criminals remain in office and fuck over the people?

16625019? ago

Not happening until the supreme court is ours.

You would love it if we tried to prosecute them now wouldnt you?

16626437? ago


16625632? ago

How heavy are those goalposts you just lifted? See you in 2020 when you say "we need another term before anything happens"

16625759? ago

Say goodbye RGB.

16625230? ago

Exactly. This fag screaming about arrests but doesn’t realize that just because someone is arrested does t make them guilty and prosecuted. Q said this early in about the impatient faggots crying like liberals for arrests. Yea let’s arrest people now just so they can get off and let the corruption continue when Trump is no longer president. These short term impatient people will always lose in life due to these weaknesses.

16624526? ago

Spencer 2020. May as well.

16624651? ago

Nah. I'm seriously not going to vote anymore. It's just a waste of my time.

16625644? ago

Man what will we do? Thanks for letting us know that you have given up due to your weakness. This is why people like you can’t see the full picture. You see one Q post instead of the big picture they all lay out together. Tis a side affect of too much soy.

16624354? ago

Orange vests need to take to the streets. The gov is under a foreign occupation

16625810? ago

Very likely this is the case but not verified. I agree totally about the Orange vest movement. It needs to start. Not sure how but it needs to start.

16625545? ago

MUHHHH JOOOOZE ((((they)))) control Drumpf and Q is a Jooooish psyop to turn us into Joooish slaves.

You sound like a black person blaming the white man for everything. Imagine being a man and blaming another man for your problems. That’s absolutely pathetic. BUT ITS THE JOOOOZE MAN. SEE (((((((((((they))))))))))) GOT YOUR BRAIN

16626892? ago

Jew detected

16625796? ago

kys. YOU came HERE remember?

16626032? ago

No faggot. We came to QRV to discuss Q posts. You assholes came in here and started spouting your Nazi bullshit. Fuck off.

16626901? ago

Truth about jews = Nazi bullshit

Boy I swear you Qultists are low IQ retards

16626187? ago

Uhhh Nazis were here for like 5 years 'spouting nazi bullshit' you pussies came here after you lost your home on Reddit. We are a FREE SPEECH BOARD... YOU KNOW FREE SPEECH!!! You got censored on Reddit and come here. We don't censor so here you are and what is the very first thing you do??? YOU TRY TO CENSOR OUR SPEECH ON OUR BOARD! why is it so hard for you to see this?

16625908? ago

What does even mean? I’m pretty sure the post you responded to was making fun of people who blame the Jews for everything.

16626093? ago

I am one of the people who 'blame the jews for everything'. Have you ever wondered WHY someone would blame jews for stuff? Have you ever watched The Greatest Story Never Told? Have you ever read Henry Ford's book, The International Jew? Have you ever read the stuff that General Patton wrote about Jews? Have you ever wondered where all the 6million x 32 teeth went? Really... Where did the teeth go? Have you ever read the WELCOME page or Qresearch? You know THE PLACE THAT Q CHOSE TO GO TO. https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html In Particular the "We came here for a reason" part? Most importantly have you looked into these photos that I compiled and given them some thought? If you had dug into the above sources you may wake up. https://imgoat.com/uploads/597e50502f/193575.png kys is shorthand for kill yourself. It is a common reply from a board anon to a noob who does not know what they are talking about and are seriously lacking information. It is kinda a trap because people who are noobs will ask what kys means thus outing themselves as noobs.

16626936? ago

Great job, niggerfaggot! You just smacked this Qoomer upside the head with factual information but I bet money he will refuse facts and continue spouting the same programmed goyim NPC bullshit. If that aint a shill then I dont know what is. Many of these Qtards are either low IQ or straight-up shills for jews and israel.

16628253? ago

They are not shills. They are just brainwashed and not fully awake yet. That is all. Hell, I used to be exactly like this guy TBH. Like I said in my post, I woke up about the Jews starting with the teeth. That one just never set well with me. Its different for everyone. Someone calculated the quantity of crude oil it would take to cremate 600 million pounds of flesh, assuming 100 lb starved jews and there was more oil consumed for that then was used for the war. Like it would be a physical impossibility to do that you would need a nuclear fusion reactor to provide that much power that quickly (part of the war) I am not the math guy and stayed skeptical. IDK. Honestly I believe that Q is Trump or working for him very closely. I think they expected to sweep the house as well as the senate. Hell, I think they planned on getting a super-majority in both and simply fixing all this bullshit with the power of Congress, which is more or less infinite if fully controlled.

Who knows really, Time will tell. I kinda feel that The Government will Never arrest itself and that Trump would have been better served acting as more of a usurper and taking them on head-long and calling on the Anons as a fucking 10 million man army that is completely trusted at his back and working for free. It may come to that as well. Check this shit out though you may like it. https://www.newcaliforniastate.com/ These guys are trying to use the same methods that most states were created (like west Virginia from Virginia) to utterly destroy the left in Cali. If they pulled this off they will legally get like half the population and 90 % of they land they will ditch all the scum and get to form a clean state with most all the resources in Cali and minimal liberals. That means 2 new conservative senators and a swarm of house members lost by the libs and won by the good guys.

16624104? ago

You know what’s almost as bad as them stealing it is the fact you cared enough to come back and type all of that. Hahaha no one cares about your I TOLD YOU SO! You need a big hug.

16624124? ago

A LOT of people posted here telling everyone that Feb 6th was the date. They also promised action back in December. The numbers in this forum have dropped of drastically. Why? Because of shit like this. Promises of justice and action that never comes.

16624387? ago

It's a psyop to keep patriots behind the comp screen and try to get Trump re-elected.

16624491? ago

Agreed...psyop....I'm guessing we won't be hearing too much from Q anymore or he will find a reason to close out his LARPing. There is a show going on, but it's to keep us busy and to placate us.

16624257? ago

Who promised you?

16623880? ago

You were right - you may take your curtsy now.

16624085? ago

Thank you. I'm glad that someone around here remembers the fuckers who said "Arrests are coming".

One more day with NO DELIVERY. More proof that this whole thing is bullshit.

16625006? ago

Did they say when arrests are coming? No, you fags are just futurefagging and then bitching about your failed predictions.

16624600? ago

It will come out as the 2020 election rolls in. Maximum impact. You can hate all you want but I guarantee you we will have voter Id federal law on the books before the election in 2020 due to voter fraud findings. Just because radon anons were date fagging and you latched on to the words makes you a weak pathetic BETA MALE. Go cry yourself to sleep punching the air because you so angry at your false hopes of proving date fagging anons wrong.

16625863? ago

The ONLY way we will get Voater ID will be through the mechanism of REAL ID. This will be mandatory to Voat. This way everyone has to give up their DNA and everyone has to give up their fingerprints and everyone has to give up their retinal scans and ... and ... and ... This is how we will get Voater ID. In the end it all won't matter a bit because voting is fake as fuck anyway so we will give it all away and then swarms of libtard laws will come about and we will all be standing there stupefied while they run off with the last scraps of our nation and lives and freedoms. Sad to say it but this is what is most likely.

16624884? ago

What about the criminals who are in office right now due to cheating? We know they cheated. We have proof. But, we're going to do nothing? Just let them continue to pass laws to hurt the American people? When are they going to be removed from office? If nobody is going to jail then the rule of law is dead.

16624219? ago

But did you see? Almost a week ago Q posted a stock photo of a fighter jet!!!!!1 Isn't that cool???? And trump gave a great speech last night especially the parts about pandering to isreal and everyone getting a bigger piece of the pie except white men. Who cares if the only ones being arrested are people associated with trump. I'm sure when they eventually move on to his supporters and maybe even his family, that will be some 6.02*10^23 D chess moves too. Don't be a shill!

16624308? ago

Easier just to say [D]5 chess