16565510? ago

Notice Verizon with AI ROBOTS...

16561734? ago


16561669? ago

We should keep a lookout for adverts promoting UN humanitarian forces because I believe they will be one of the Jew World Order's most dangerous weapons if something goes terribly wrong and we are forced to fight in a coup or a civil war.

The (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and the (((EU))) will send their "humanitarian" forces to "help" by trying to disarm us while sabotaging our power stations and destroying our farming infrastructure. Meanwhile the (((Federal Reserve))) will destroy the economy and the (((Jew fake news))) will blame it all of President Trump.

We'll need to fight these Jew World Order troops in the street.

Please hope and pray for the best but prepare for the worst.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16561571? ago

What phone company was it that fucked over the California firefighters? If it was Verizon then they are just trying to spin PR to make it out like they give a shit because everyone knows if you saw it on the television looky box then it is true.

16562103? ago

Then that is all it was... PR. Just like the Facebook ads taking about how much they care about people's privacy.

16561658? ago

Exactly this ^