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16525028? ago

I doubt it because we'll be fighting the Jews for generations.

These are the richest and most powerful (((dynasties))) in human history and they won't go down without a fight.

The most dangerous time for us will be when we end the Fed because the whole world will be watching to see if Israel will nuke us.

And if Israel can't nuke us then they'll false-flag nuke our allies in an attempt to forever entangle us in economically crippling wars.

Get prepared people - this will end in the Temple of Israel being cleansed, but we're in for a long fight.

Please prepare yourselves by stockpiling guns and ammo and supplies because the moment that not everything "goes to plan" will be the moment the (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and the (((EU))) will send "humanitarian" forces to try to disarm us and destroy our farming infrastructure and sabotage our power stations.

You will need to fight in the streets to stop the Jews from slitting America's throat.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16525240? ago

Just nuke every single thing attached to them. Hunt them down like animals and shred them into a thousand pieces. I would accept any mission of the sort. At some point we have to stop dicking around with these faggots and do what is necessary.