16539079? ago

They need time to replace her with a synthetic.

16527282? ago

Roberts going down publicly is good for optics since he was Republican nominated. RGB is added insurance. Courts should be solid 4-3 until RGB and Roberts successors get in.

16537851? ago

If FISA judges dirty, and Roberts covering it up, do we have a “good behavior” issue?

16527143? ago

Stop, just stop making predictions like this. These "soon" posts are what is driving away all the skeptics like myself. Just let things play out and stop guessing and getting people's hopes up.

16526620? ago


16526604? ago

Seriously we need to stop with the datefagging. [NEXT WEEK] never ends up being right. We’re not going to know, and I question if it will ever been massive moves all happening at once.

16528647? ago

night of the long dark crystals

16528686? ago


night of the long knives

dark crystal

long dark tea-time of the soul

nice compression!

16525858? ago

7 catholic majority on scotus? Smart, cant see anything bad happening.


16526420? ago

There is still no seated Christain

16528630? ago

unfortunate typo

16526430? ago

America the blind.

16525047? ago

Don't raise expectations beyond what the facts are pointing to.

Rumors abound whether she is dead, medically induced coma, or permanently incapacitated. We don't know what the truth is. As long as she is not declared dead, she keeps a seat on the SC and then only the SC can make rules about how limited her access/contributions will be.

She has to be declared dead before the seat becomes open. The DS will do everything in its power to keep her alive or the appearance that she is still alive. I don't know how this is going to unfold, but it's obvious to me that the MSM doesn't want to report on her condition for fear of what they might discover.

At some point, I think the truth will be leaked--the question is will anyone report it.

Hope you are right.

16527311? ago

If RGB is good enough to work, she should call into a news show.

16533991? ago

As if we could trust a "news show" - LOL!

16526438? ago

So let's declare her being dead until proven she's alive.

16525028? ago

I doubt it because we'll be fighting the Jews for generations.

These are the richest and most powerful (((dynasties))) in human history and they won't go down without a fight.

The most dangerous time for us will be when we end the Fed because the whole world will be watching to see if Israel will nuke us.

And if Israel can't nuke us then they'll false-flag nuke our allies in an attempt to forever entangle us in economically crippling wars.

Get prepared people - this will end in the Temple of Israel being cleansed, but we're in for a long fight.

Please prepare yourselves by stockpiling guns and ammo and supplies because the moment that not everything "goes to plan" will be the moment the (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and the (((EU))) will send "humanitarian" forces to try to disarm us and destroy our farming infrastructure and sabotage our power stations.

You will need to fight in the streets to stop the Jews from slitting America's throat.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16525240? ago

Just nuke every single thing attached to them. Hunt them down like animals and shred them into a thousand pieces. I would accept any mission of the sort. At some point we have to stop dicking around with these faggots and do what is necessary.

16524868? ago

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Posted by Q February 12, 2018.

10 days to go ... then she will be announced dead.

16527295? ago

This is more than likely going to be the case. I don't expect it to be on that exact day, but pretty close to it.

Though "Pretty close" from one year is go is nothing to shake a stick at. It still shows that they knew this would happen. Sometimes I wonder if dates and times that are a little off is simply to maintain some degree of plausible deniability for the team.

I mean, if the Q team were too exact, too often, it would receive extreme backlash from those who did/do not take it seriously as a threat. Because right now it can be dismissed as just a conspiracy theory and not not used against Trump as "evidence" that he's attempting to establish a dictatorship through deceit and lies. At least, that or something along those lines would be what the media would spin it as.

Though they have been being more and more obvious, especially lately. Who knows? This could be a very exact one to push further to forcing the "Q" from the media. Someone has to ask eventually. People will start to question them for not asking the president about this thing if it starts to smell really fishy.

You can only label something as a cult and conspiracy theory so much when stuff like the "Q 0" Air Force One flight starts popping up frequently. It won't be too much longer with proofs like these before indifferent and/or skeptical normies will begin to raise some eyebrows.

16530887? ago

"Q 0" Air Force One flight starts

And the air-Q drawn by POTUS, and Q Christmas tree stocking, and painting of Santa with a hammer signed Q.A., etc. etc.

16532332? ago

...and the baker with the image of a frog on them, and the Q badge in an image on Pence's offical Vice President Twitter Account, and knowing John McCain's time to death to the exact minute 30 days in advance, and knowing the FISA declass announcement would be during the Emmy's almost 4 months in advance...

The list of Q solid proofs goes on, and on, and on. So much so that it's reached that point where calling Q a "LARP" is a red flag that the person is simply gross ignorant and uneducated on the subject. It's become very clear that the probability of Q not being who they say they are is pretty damn slim. Which is a small group of people very close to the president, with the majority of which being military. Namely Military Intelligence.

We are now waiting for the media to ask POTUS himself about Q. However they know that if they do that, it will effectively be putting a bullt in their head with all that Q has revealed about them that would then be confirmed to be truth to the normies. Not to mention exposing the fact that all of this time they have been labeling Q as conspiracy they, and Qanon as a cult was simply them never doing their job to actually investigate it.

So yeah. There is a reason we are seeing the exact same media blackout on asking Trump about Q as we are with the media refusing to talk about the yellow vests in France. It's because both are a direct threat to the establishment's control; should the truth of these things get out to the public. Which is fucking sad, really. But as Gorge Orwell put it ever so accurately: "Truth is treason in the empire of lies."

16524790? ago

I hope you're right. Had been wondering about Roberts, knew they had something on him.

16524588? ago

Nah, there wont be shit revealed next week. Stop overexhaggerating shit and making gullible boomers excited. This has been a slow burn and will continue to be a slow burn.

16527981? ago

Just one. Just one big “fuck you” to these guys. Not a “oops” moment that the media can get them off the hook on. Not a speculation. Something they can’t twist. ONE. Just one. We can slow burn everything else. I would take a 7:1 ratio on slow burn to big reveal. I know it doesn’t or won’t work that way. That’s just what this selfish MAGAM would like. (That’s MAGA MAN, btw)

16524568? ago

“Expect nuclear level news bombs to drop this week. Mad rush for the exits by the guilty”

Prepare to be disappointed like so many others who have said “this is the week”

16524529? ago

They also have Roberts because he skirted Irish adoption laws. Ireland does not allow children to be out of country & all adoptions have to go through public agencies. Roberts hired a private firm who flew 2 Irish lasses to Brazil where they gave birth & the kids were then adopted by Roberts. For this, we got Obamacare & cabal got Roberts' balls in a vise grip.

16525195? ago

all this bullshit gay ops because his wife is barren or didnt want to get preggo. sheesh.

16526578? ago

and they had to have white children.

16524398? ago

Ruth Bader Ginsberg was a radical Supreme Court Justice, that's for sure. She probably couldn't last long seeing the legacy that she worked so hard at leaving behind destroyed by a shift in the politics of the populace. She's going to make a deal with the Devil for a few more years on this Earth to try to salvage the last of her toxic agenda, but then she'll realize the full price that she's going to pay later. I can't say that backing her into a corner was not satisfying, if she does somehow manage to escape the Fire for a short while longer.

16524389? ago

Where is she? Polar Vortex?

16524243? ago

with RBG down the court system should be cleared from jewish control.

i wouldnt be surprised if we needed one more justice to fall however.

16524541? ago

Trump said Ginsburg wouldn't be on court long to due her age & Sotomayor wouldn't be on long due to her diabetes (which she has managed since childhood). So something tells me he has dirt on Sotomayor.


16532287? ago

That means we have at most 2 judges who are only pretending to be on our side.

I wonder who those are?

16530906? ago

Sotomayor is 64. Average life expectancy for a woman is 81 years. Type 2 diabetes lowers this by 6-10 years and type 1 lowers up to 20 years. Sotomayor has type 1. She is within the risk zone now.

16540983? ago

Ty for the info

16524214? ago

Will this be the SOTU where Trump says the storm is upon us? XD

16524540? ago

No. Expect Trump to deliver an impassioned but reasonable, well argued speech. He will come across as the sensible 'adult in the room', thus making the Dims seem even more outrageously gonzo and dangerous. Trump is brilliant and will prevail. We long for some epic dramatic move; maybe at some point, but not now.

16534097? ago

POTUS is probably going to limit his SOTU to only talking about his achievements and progress he's made in Making America Great Again. He'll talk about "the humanitarian crisis" at our southern border and push the wall (again), but I don't think that's even the best angle (it's not effective in creating a sense of urgency AT ALL).

If POTUS spouted actual dollar figures for how much FINANCIALLY these illegals are costing us every year, if he emphasized violence against AMERICANS (instead of the poor wittle caravan members who got kidnapped/trafficked along the way - who are NOT even Americans), and if he emphasized a national security threat of hostile foreign nations building up a military presence within Mexico - or things along those lines - I think his message about our southern border situation being a REAL crisis would have a far stronger impact. But that's just my opinion.

16526472? ago

And then he'll be followed by the GA loser Abrams! What a shitshow she's gonna present. But the media will eat it up

16524160? ago

GLORIOUS times for the USA and the world!

shills best stack your crackers, we are ready when you seek food

16524676? ago

No mercy for shills. Feed them to the dogs. Smithers, release the hounds.

16525221? ago

I would love to watch as shills are bled out upsidedown into a pool of blood. Illuminati style. I'd laugh and piss into the pool while shitting on their twitching hanging corpse. Fuck you democrats. Die painfully.

16523918? ago

Think of how much better the world has become without RBG.

Now imagine what a paradise it would be without any Jews.

16524192? ago

^amazing insight

16524317? ago

If there's one thing that cooking frozen pizza has taught me, it's that some problems can be solve by popping them in the oven.