16505494? ago

my question is how do we know when its time to rise up and stab them with our plastic forks? im ready but when and where is the fight to start? surely we all are ready to offensively defend but we have no organized leader or voice to inform us that its go time.

16501741? ago

Hey concern troll, what makes you think we give a fuck what faggots like you think

16503749? ago

hey fucking lazy piece of shit faggot - what makes you think that us REAL patriots are going to come save your ass when you're surrounded by a million fucking muslims and drowning in millions of shekels of debt?

16499975? ago

All waiting on the tipping point. When that's reached......

16499602? ago

I did pay my 18 year-old grandson the $40 that I bet that two of the people receiving envelopes at Bush's funeral would be arrested by Christmas Eve. I haven't seen anything to confirm this, so I paid him off. I still have faith in Q and that arrests will happen...and not just the Info Wars bunch.

16499571? ago

Because Q is a larp and knows you obese boomers will believe anything.

16499486? ago

if you had balls you would have done it already but all you fuckers just look around waiting for some other homo to do it first eh

16499678? ago

I have the donor lists for all the dem politicians in my state.

Who needs to be obvious? Still waiting on Q to take out the trash though.

16499298? ago

Every day some agent posing as an impatient follower tries to incite us to violence.

16499386? ago

Eat a dick boomer faggot.

16498846? ago

What makes you think you have a choice?

16499547? ago

What makes you think you don't, slave?

16498813? ago

Always that hollow threat of violence from overweight walmart people on oxygen. Eventually one of you is going to get all worked up and do something stupid. Then the rest of you mouth breathers can call it a false flag and play info hero. These people are stupid.

16499612? ago

You mean like the ones that backed um down at the Bundy ranch? The government fags were out gunned and out classed . No more Waco texas or Ruby ridge bull shit !

16499402? ago

overweight walmart people on oxygen.

You keep telling yourself that, pantifa.

16498454? ago


16498345? ago

Who asked you to wait for anything...Your in a movie and its only partially interactive, wait your stage call like a good little Goat.

16499410? ago


16499633? ago

and "it's"

16498299? ago

We don't need Q you shill he is done "Exit stage left." We already have it all. Go shill somewheres else.

16498758? ago

And what are you accomplishing with that information?

16498294? ago

That is literally the conditions the protocols of the elder elders of Zion says it needs before people will accept an emperor. Completely corrupt govt, laws to protect the invader and the criminal. People fighting for justice framed and jailed, state sanctioned and funded infanticide.

IDK about y'all but I was already ready for an emperor when I learned the Holocaust was mostly made up and they are trying to ethnically cleanse us. It has to be a European emperor that represents family based and honor based values.

Ironic that it's a Jewish book that you can buy at Jewish book stores and they have been pushing it along, but they will not sit on the throne.

16498206? ago

Trump/Q could have arrested everyone long ago. But that doesn't change people's hearts and minds.

Democrats literally killing children after they are born changes people's hearts and minds.

Democrats look/act insane. They will lose in 2020 big time ... and when they are brought to justice, the people will feel they deserve prison.

16505869? ago

democrats will lose big in 2020

Oh, yeah, just like the safe midterms? Boy, Q really showed them what for!

16506272? ago

If you knew anything about Q you'd know the objective was the senate.

And fuck you for being a cheerleader for the cabal.

16507257? ago

Uh huh. Sure looks good in the senate, what with that solid majority of strong fiscal and social conservatives! Boy, I'm sure glad we have all those guys like Romney, Collins, Lee, and Murkowski (just to name a few), people we can truly trust to totally not fuck us over and vote with Schumer. What a relief! And here I was thinking that the republican party was every bit as corrupt and evil as the democrat party! Well thank you, kind sir, for setting me straight!

And if pointing out the shortcomings of Glorious Plan is cheerleading for the cabal, then so be it. It couldn't be that I think Q is complete bullshit and hate the cabal all at the same time, right? I suppose you, in your vast wisdom, have transcended such limiting, mortal nuances of thought.

16517027? ago

cheerleading for the cabal, then so be it

That's what I said.

I think Q is complete bullshit and hate the cabal all at the same time

Your emotional investment in the outcome dictates that the results affect you personally. That's why you're here and not on the flat earth forums trying to debunk it or any other of the 1000s of "complete bullshit" theories out there. Why proselytize against Q otherwise? Paid troll.

As if I haven't been dealing with your ilk since the "I'm conservative but I think Trump is bullshit" ergo pro-Hillary stance stooges.

I suppose you, in your vast wisdom, have transcended such limiting, mortal nuances of thought.

I'll show you how transcended I am. Oh, you think the earth is flat? That's nice.

16521348? ago

Paid troll.

Nah. Hate the cabal too, remember? I'm here because this "movement" is far more damaging than flat earth silliness, and frankly, it can be entertaining to make you puppets dance to my tune. Besides, some flat-earthers can actually argue their positions, which is more than can be said about this board.

"I'm conservative but I think Trump is bullshit" ergo pro-Hillary stance stooges

Once again, you've demonstrated your absolute mastery of nuanced thought and political discourse. How silly of us lamentable, unlearned wretches to think that perhaps another possibility exists, one where a man can think that Trump is far from ideal while also believing that Clinton would be an absolute disaster. What utter folly!

16521879? ago

I'm here because this "movement" is far more damaging than flat earth silliness

Q only punches left. Shoulder stings does it?

it can be entertaining to make you puppets dance to my tune

Nothing you have to say compels Q followers to change a single thought.

one where a man can think that Trump is far from ideal while also believing that Clinton would be an absolute disaster

Bingo, I called it.

You don't hate the cabal. 3 SCOTUS appointments (Ginsburg announcement in waiting). GITMO expanded. Thousands of child traffickers and pedos jailed. These are all merely academic "so-what's" according to the "muh conservatism is better than Trump's conservatism" shill points.

The concern troll character you play when you're not chugging soy milk isn't plausible or even slightly believable.

16500168? ago

You're just so stupid.

16498197? ago

...you type as if you have a choice.

16498179? ago

Q never said they're here to "save us." Q is here so we can--

Wake Up (veil lifted/Good vs evil)

UNITE, (We The People/Together We Are Strong)

Which equates to...

WE get to Save Ourselves (WWG1WGA!!)

16505842? ago

Oh, so THAT'S the plan?

We had the power within ourselves all along!

Gee whiz!

16498150? ago

Q's job is not to hold our hands. We have to fight for what we believe in. Not be told. The awakening is happening with or without Q surfacing again.


16500821? ago

I feel what was once called a "Reckoning" coming. Not from Q. From us.

The satanists cheering and clapping and lighting up the NY skyline BABY PINK was the end of it for me...anyone else? This has TO END.


Or... Patriots, it's time to organize

16498115? ago

DON'T WAIT. Start talking to people. Start recruiting locally from friends and civic groups.

16498104? ago

it would make things less complicated if they surrounded us, if my home was surrounded by 2000 liberal baby killers the only problem I would have is disposing of the bodies before my wife complains about the smell.

16499515? ago

They already smell! Dead or alive.

16498254? ago

There won't be any problems unless they shoot at me. Lets hope they shoot at me

16498041? ago

You will wait because the remedy is so much more painful. It may move slow but, the legal way is so much more rewarding. Until whites and other Americans need to protect the Constitution violently, shouldn’t we try the way of peace and law first? It is close but, not terminal in the protection of the Union.

16499520? ago

If you believe that tyranny will yield way peacefully and lawfully, you are of all men/women most deluded. Tyranny knows nothing but force. It is all that it understands.

16499642? ago

Tyranny? Now? Where? I will fight against “ tyranny” within the borders! Where is It?

16498029? ago

Who's "we"? You don't speak for me.

16497993? ago

Hello Rothschild!

You can't force trumps hand.

16497987? ago

Hopefully things will get rolling soon, or we will need to go 'yellow-vest', and be determined to stick it out.

16500237? ago

yellow vest hahahaha For a second, you almost appeared to be an American.

16497898? ago

Yes, your want to relax. Trump and his bitches got this. DS operates on a 5, 10, 20, 50 year plans and Trump may need 4 - 8 years. Besides, shit is habbanin, open your eyes. True patriots will hold back until it is time to go. People going out and carrying on is going to fuck this up.

How about instead, make sure you are approved to vote. Help others understand they need to get the fuck out and vote. Vote mother fucking red. Volunteer at voting prescient, keep an eye out for fraud. 2020 is right around the corner and now is the time to make sure the local election commission understands that people are coming in to watch over things. This is our right and now is the time to contest any protest of the commission. Need more computer / data people testing and watching over the machines.

You wanna go out and start something? Quit your whining like a whiny lil bitch and DO THAT!!!

Anything else would indicate you are a troll, inciting violence and it would be best if you just go jump in front of a train.

How do you know when it's go time? Just like porn, you'll know it when you see it :D MAGA bitches

16497820? ago

Punch a commie, for mommie

16497795? ago

Here's a message for you straight from the President:


16497551? ago

There is no Q.

16505852? ago

John DeLancie would like a word.

16498314? ago

Haha. You dumb fuck.

16497543? ago

We create "dis order" so the people will demand "order".

We know all. We see all.

We are the Supreme Council.

We are the Quadrivium

We are the Quator Coronati

We are the Quadratum

We are the Quorum.

There is nothing wrong with your mind. Do not attempt to adjust your thinking. We are controlling you and the world. If we wish to make it more chaotic, we will bring in the activity. If we wish to make it more peaceful, we will tune it to a whisper. We control the narrative. We will control the chaos. We control the political and religious realm, we can make it fail, we can make it succeed. We can change your focus to a blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.

We are Q

We own you.

We infiltrated you.

We are watching all of you.

We have all of you under the target.

1733 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20009

1733 Q St NW Washington, DC 20009

Q 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Masons

16497664? ago

Hey, that sounds like the beginning of Twilight Zone!

16497892? ago

I think it sounded like the beginning of "The Outer Limits."

We're screwed. I checked those addresses. One is the Temple in Washington and the other one is a Mansion. That means they have been collecting our data and know who we are. That means we just went on the FEMA Reprogramming list and this is all a Psy-Op collection like Jade Helm 15.

16499500? ago

we just went on the FEMA Reprogramming list

Nah, I'll be killed resisting arrest. I'm not going to a fucking camp.

16498261? ago

Our data has been being collected since our mom's first prenatal visit. Your point?

16498295? ago

Torture isn't fun. Trust me. I know first hand.

16498380? ago

I certainly didn't mean to make something like that sound trivial but we all know that they all know everything about us already. What changes now?

16498426? ago

Nothing changes.

It just means we are back to square 1 again.

The only real hope we have is in the ONE.

16498450? ago

Where we go ONE we go all!

16498511? ago

The ONE I am talking about

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

16498730? ago

Can't wait to see that!

16499034? ago

I either. I gotta hit the rack. Work tomorrow.

May our Father bless you in all things noble and good. May he keep you all safe and sound always in all ways. Peace & good night.

16498120? ago

Ooooh Outer Limits does sound more like it.

What do you consider screwed? Death is about the furthest you can go in this body and that's far from being screwed! Don't be scared, you're immortal!

16498271? ago

I don't fear death. Death is the easy part. I just don't like all the torture before the death. It isn't fun. I had nails driven into my knees and hands, then they jammed wooden match sticks under my toe nails and set them on fire. Then they tied me up to a beam and dipped me in pig shit while the leeches sucked my blood in the tropical heat. I never gave in and passed out every time they put me to the torture test.

16499250? ago

I'm very sorry,

16498009? ago


16497979? ago

I think it tastes like butter

16497540? ago

Wait a minute. There’s military on the border to deal with the invaders. Solved.

Pelosi is being dealt with. She hasn’t even been in office a month for fucks sake.

Once RBG’s death is actually announced, and Trump puts another on the court, Roe v Wade’s days are numbered.

Record numbers of human traffickers are being arrested. Search for the news. There were just over 300 arrested in fucking CA.

What gun grabs?

You are inciting violence in an attempt to discredit Q and Trump supporters, when in fact, the things you mentioned are being dealt with. Why would anyone revolt against the government or whatever the fuck else nonsense you’re advocating?

16505934? ago

military on the border to deal with invaders

Uh huh. Solved the problem of invaders crossing the border unescorted, perhaps

another trump scotus nominee

Another jew or jesuit this time? Choose your poison: God hater, or heretic?

human trafficking arrests

Bread and circuses. Wake me up when Podesta gets no-knocked and drug out in chains

what gun grabs?

Pay attention! The incident in Maryland a couple months back (the "red flag" thing), and another one just a few days ago (plainclothes cops in a no-knock raid)? Test cases

You have your head in the sand.

16527571? ago


16535656? ago

Good chat. Remain "woke" lol

Fucking qtard

16499458? ago

the things you mentioned are being dealt with

Where is our wall?

16499631? ago

“Being built.” - POTUS. Fucking POTUS.

16497991? ago

Washington St, Idaho? Gun grabs

16498147? ago

I mean, if your guns were taken by the state, contact NRA and ask for help filing a lawsuit. Go to SCOTUS. You’ll win.

I haven’t heard of what you’re talking about though.

16498420? ago

The sheriff in Washington is not enforcing but the local police are. I heard of mid north Western state over there also but I have no sources, based on memory.

16499266? ago

What did they confiscate? Why?

16505937? ago

Because they can. Pushing the limits. Seeing what they can get away with.

16499935? ago

Power, why for power.

16497473? ago


No you are not supposed to wait until you are surrounded.

16497917? ago

But we could shoot in every direction that way!

16498070? ago

A play on my fav quote. well played.

16498680? ago

Chesty Puller, USMC, Korea, hoorah!

16497401? ago

You ain't gonna do shit but pull on your dick thinking about a Hillary/AOC lesbian encounter.

16499463? ago

Fuck you for putting that image in my head.

16501014? ago

You're welcome.

16498093? ago

That image is in my brain now. damn it.

16498466? ago

“I said EAT MY PUSSY YOU STUPID SPIC” “I AM” “That’s my wrinkly skin, try again COTEX!”

16497373? ago

It's a good question because I'm feeling that President Trump is playing with fire by using Q to tease justice starved masses with promises of bread.

Some time soon, a cop is going to arrest a veteran for swearing or jaywalking (while the Dems continue to commit high treason and laugh in our faces) and that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back and we'll see Washington DC burned to the ground.

When people are starved (for justice) for long enough - they get crazy.

16504354? ago

NOT while our beloved POTUS is there though!!!!!!!!

16499687? ago

I'm going to Trust the Plan as long as possible, but the image of DC burning to the ground is Glorious.

16500036? ago

The only problem with burning DC to the ground without President Trump being in charge would be the risk of the Soros flooding our streets with mercenaries and (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" invading to steal our guns and sabotage our power plants and destroy our farming infrastructure while the (((Federal Reserve))) bankrupts the nation... all while blaming President Trump.

If that happened then our neighborhoods would literally become the last line in a fight to save western civilization from the Jew World Order.

16500745? ago

Then we fight, literally for our lives. I'm in.

16500929? ago

Thanks, got alot of that already covered. but it's good to have that info out there.

16498063? ago

It already happens. I was stopped for walking to my mail box.

16499491? ago

Forgot to tie your robe?

16497283? ago

You think Q will read this?

Insomnia made me read this.

16497480? ago

Where the hell are you? It's like barely 6pm

16497282? ago

Did your woman leave you for premature ejaculation? Q is fitting a war, not getting a quick piece of ass.

16497741? ago

Fuck u

16498182? ago

Not my type, you might try a hooker, they don't mind limp dick quick fucks.

16498191? ago

I didnt say I wanted to fuck u. I said "fuck u". Cant read, anon?

16498221? ago

Fuck you bitch ass punk, go play in the street.

16498802? ago

Tough guy eh...

16497264? ago

"Trust the plan".

(((Do nothing. Q will save you.)))