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16445364? ago

I come here twice a day just to check if there is any real and relevant news... which is not so often anymore

16445964? ago

This 👆🏻 This won’t be a popular thing to say but I feel like /r/CBTS and /r/GreatAwakening were much more informative with anons providing better info than what we get on here. Sometimes I see something here that is interesting but most of the time it’s just bigotry.

16446140? ago

/r/GreatAwakening was my sweet spot. Actually, the New posts that group was my hangout spot so I could see what was coming in without censorship. Shocked the day we were banned and have not really gotten my mojo over here. But, also I am in a different place now in that I know it is a 4 year plan, with another 4 year plan right behind it; so I do not need the constant hits every day.

16446170? ago

I've been liking v/GreatAwakening lately, way less shills than here.

16446807? ago

There are less shills there because they are the shills. The mods are the shills. They come over here to cause trouble because they can't handle that everyone doesn't want to be at there playground.

16446815? ago

Oh what makes you say that about them?

16447031? ago

I just posted this but I'll copy pasta for you since you might not be able to find it being that its anon.

Current thread in v/Pizzagate. Just look at how srayzie and her shill buddies are bullying and brigading the Op. Just read through the thread until you see the names of the mods from v/GreatAwakening and take note of how they try to silence the Op.

They accused the Op of being a particular member in that thread when just 4 days ago, there was a thread on v/QRV about the same member being Jimmy Alefantis. I mean, seriously? Even though it's anon here, doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that the creature who created this thread is srayzie or one of her minions.

v/GreatAwakening is all about drama and power tripping. Sure wishing theyd keep it over there and stop turning v/QRV into their swampy stomping ground.

By the way, I'm not the member who's being bullied. I just like to point the light at injustice and all around asshole behavior when I see it.

16447254? ago

I'm trying to go over everything you said and see for myself, I don't follow mod drama and frankly think that its a type of forum slide. It feels like something important for users to debate, but isn't, and is just a distraction from what the actual purpose of the sub/thread/whatever.

Current thread in v/Pizzagate

I'm looking through that thread right now.

Seems to me like they're dragging out some bullshit drama instead of actually talking about pizzagate. I've literally dealt with the same type of mods on some discord servers I used to go on. Instead of issues all they'd talk about is jew hate, people shilling and underage e-thots. It got old.

You know theres a problem when someone starts a thread to investigate and bullshit drama is talked about more.

16447594? ago

Glad you're seeing the light and have witnessed this childish behavior before in other places. I think its more to it than just drama though. I think theres something much darker going on. Why would the PG mods be modding a Q board and want everyone there? I think its because they are supposed to be keeping tabs on research, then report back on the stuff that hits the target so they can report and have the evidence scrubbed. It's crazy fast how fast Instagram accounts and other things disappear fast as lightning. If we all spread out instead of keeping all research in one sub they cant keep up with all the threads and the scrubbing will slow down.

16447693? ago

I think its because they are supposed to be keeping tabs on research, then report back on the stuff that hits the target so they can report and have the evidence scrubbed.

That would make a lot of sense on here. The mod drama I saw was less insidious. Kids getting a hold of some popular right winged discord server and abusing their powers, couping each other, trying to get nudes, harassing people, etc.

It's crazy fast how fast Instagram accounts and other things disappear fast as lightning. If we all spread out instead of keeping all research in one sub they cant keep up with all the threads and the scrubbing will slow down.

Even the archive sites aren't safe anymore. I was wondering how long that would take.

16515581? ago

That is why I dont post my research anymore.

16447728? ago

Right on. Spread the word that we need to spread out. Q said we need to stick together but I dont think he meant all in one place. That just makes us sitting ducks.