16445893? ago

Yea, it couldn't possibly be the record low temperatures heading our way. It is MUCH more likely he's referring to some super secret agent shit than the projected 15 below zero.

16443510? ago

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence...... Lol

16443465? ago

Hey, Eric what about the chemtrailing storm overhead? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

16442647? ago

Any fucking day now.... still waiting...

16442031? ago

everyone seems to forget that the current guard in place has deeeeep roots world wide,that have been there for the last 60+ years at least... frankly, if the team actually pulls this off in an eight year presidency, i will consider it a miracle and thank GOD for it! my only concern is what they replace it with better not have a jew within a thousand yards of any authoritative position. but it seems like with trump, this may not be the case.

16441843? ago


16441807? ago

Quit jerking our dicks and go arrest someone.

16446683? ago

2/15 is when grandjury on Brannon comes out

16448003? ago

That doesn't mean that shit will be done to the traitors though. They are still free.

16448096? ago

They're really only free so long as they have public support. Once their backing sees they're being investigated they'll start to question them.

16454792? ago

I don't believe it. They will never believe it.

16443936? ago

only shills wanna see arrests!

16444245? ago

I'm fine if these bastards keep dying of "natural causes".

16442588? ago


16441165? ago

I'm sure he's not just talking about a weather situation at one of their properties. I'm sure he's sending a coded message to a bunch of under educated wal-mart people on the internet. These people are stupid.

16440808? ago

The only storm is the cold storm! It's over! No DECLAS, nothing! No Q. No nothing. But cave to Fancy Pants who thinks she is above the president. Well DJT's actions actually now suggesting she may be right.

16440718? ago

https://archive.ph/eZ9SO :

Eric Trump on Twitter: "Record-breaking cold temperatures headed for the Windy City! @TrumpChicago and our amazing team are ready for the storm! πŸŒ¬οΈπŸ€›πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ€¦ /ccRauiAOGL"

This has been an automated message.

16440531? ago

The fucking do something other that allowing the Deep State to use America like a glory hole!

16444192? ago

I want to see the arrests and results as well but it seems like if you express any skeptism or disappointment with lack of results you get called a shill and concern troll etc. It's ridiculous. I'd expect that from the left and their hive mind shit but I hold our group to a higher standard. We should be questioning the lack of arrests and indictments. It doesn't mean we're against Q or Trump it just means we're growing impatient and if we don't see shit happening soon we may want to organize and take matters into our own hands.

16443449? ago

Yes, and you were proved to be a filthy shill, over and over again, on that thread.

16443461? ago

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or if you are a parody of yourself.

16443502? ago

Again. "Think Mirror"


16440793? ago

This panicking shill is TRIGGERED.

16440856? ago

I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic or not, but you just proved his point - all you need to do is ask for evidence and you'll get called a shill.

16440877? ago

No, the shill proved my point, as are you.

You "muhjoo" shillfucks never provide any evidence that links an individual's race with their actions.

You just muhjoo all day because you're PANICKING.

You fear Q.

16440928? ago

Why would a shill be panicked and fearful of Q when all they do is get paid to post Shareblue talking points?

Shills don't care one way or the other - they just want money.

16440964? ago

They are panicking precisely because this is what they do for money.

16441067? ago

I don't understand.

Do you believe shills are fearful and panicked of Q because they think Q will go away and their services will no longer be needed?

16441098? ago


16441148? ago

Why do they care when they only want money? The shills won't be arrested for posting on Twitter and Voat.

I'm still 100% unclear why you believe shills are scared of Q and panicking... when they'll just need to go work at McDonald's if their shilling gig dries up.

16441176? ago




16441829? ago

The fact that they shill is them PROFITING. Clear?

16441882? ago

Panic stricken shilling is not inconsistent with money payments for said panic stricken shilling, clear?

16441266? ago

Not at all.

You seem delusional.

16443391? ago

This person you are talking with is literally crazy

16442631? ago

Other reply to you is from a "muhjoo" shillbot panicking so badly it "muhjoo" shills everyday.

16442655? ago

I love those posts because it gives me an opportunity to share even more facts to red-pill truth seekers.

16442677? ago

The only useful thing about these sick fucks is that they show us which info data points are the most threatening to them, and therefore the most real in their understanding.

Kind of like if you want to know where the richest places are, look where the thieves and hobos hang around the most.

16441842? ago

Congrats you just interacted with "the guy formerly known as the all caps kike" (TGFKATACK)

16442615? ago

Found the "muhjoo" shill who is my slave!

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.


Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


16441275? ago

Hahahaha, yep, you too are TERRIFIED

16441502? ago

I don't click links from panicking shillfucks like this ^ one

16440530? ago

POTUS tweeted a few hours later, mentioning that people couldn't last outside more than a few minutes.


16449635? ago

Jr had an extra R. Sr was missing an R. Coincidence?

16442566? ago

Awww, look at the poor lonely Liddle SHILL down here at the bottom of the page! Where are all your 'friends'?? Did the SHEKELS RUN OUT???πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚

16445369? ago

So who's the loser...the lonely shill, or the idiot who takes the time to respond...which actually makes him a shill.

16443536? ago

Itz der joooze!!!!!!!

16440491? ago

We were ready for the storm over a year ago.

16443141? ago

No you weren't. When society is conditioned a bit more to some of these fucks going to prison, then we'll be ready.

16445377? ago

Many are irreversibly brainwashed. Gonna have to deal with the fallout from those types anyhow. Holding out longer isnt going to help.

16443488? ago

Has that happened at all?

I ask because President Trump's support is solid but it hasn't seemed to changed much since the election.

When will this conditioning you speak of start?

16445062? ago

-"I ask because President Trump's support is solid but it hasn't seemed to changed much since the election."- Really, you posted that? Where you been keeping your head, up your ass? Didn't you watch the the midterm election campaign tour last year? You seriously need to pay attention there concernfag.

16445096? ago

Didn't you watch the the midterm election campaign tour last year?

Yes, President Trump lost the House and gain only three seats in the Senate which supports my claim that President Trump's support is solid but it hasn't seemed to changed much since the election.

Pro-tip: use the > character when you quote someone.

16443629? ago

It's begun. The president continues to connect HRC to "charges for lying" … crooked "James Comey" etc. I have been using the same type of rhetoric for redpilling - without a malicious tone - and it works well. Strangely, it's like some people know it's coming. Anyway, I've been using name association games, since I started red pilling decades ago. Remember how he "branded" everyone during the campaign? Lying Ted Cruz, Low energy Jeb, Little Marco. It's what we have to do. I try to take the president's lead. I like words, so this is something I've done for a long time. "Clinton, soon to be convicted"
Have fun with it. My neighbor Viv voted for Hagatha, and she'll mock me in fun saying, I know "lock her up". Nonetheless, it's in Viv's head now.

16444661? ago

Branding. It's why the President has catchy little names like Cryin' Chuck. They stick in everyone's brain and start a kernel of belief. I like seeing clever anons come up with their own. It's more potent than most realize.

16443835? ago

he president continues to connect HRC to "charges for lying"

Yup, he's been doing that for almost three years with zero effect.

People around me don't believe anything treasonous happened.

That's my point - I see no evidence of the social conditioning that you spoke of to have been effective either.

16440600? ago

Study the First American Revolution. Front inception to end it took over 30 years...

16443285? ago

So what you're saying is we can expect Hillary Clinton to be arrested in 2046.

16444803? ago

Hahahahaha! These fuckers have nothing for you.

16441804? ago

all comms were hand carried on horseback or on foot. comparison is invalid.

16442869? ago

Not invalid. Culture takes time to develop. Philosophy takes time to mature. Waking people up to the FACTS takes time. Period.

16440461? ago

More action and less talk.

16440388? ago

Referencing the sub-zero weather headed for Chi-town, Eric Trump says "our amazing team is ready for the storm!" Foreshadowing or just a coincidental choice of words?

Ideally, the super-cold weather would be a good time to move. It's hard to motivate protesters out into severe weather.

16447835? ago

He wrote, β€œteam are ready.”

16451891? ago

It's Eric.

16463736? ago

I was hoping someone would step forward and say his misspellings and grammar nonsense mean something too....

16444804? ago

Good point

16443350? ago

My thoughts exactly. The pussy hat crew wouldn't last long in the cold.

16462272? ago

The news will cover them protesting from Starbucks.