16441016? ago

The US treasury sanctions announced today of Venezuela's PDVSA corrupt state run oil company will force ownership transfer from Maduro (black hat) to Juan Guaido (white hat). This is a triple blow to knock out deep state funding by Rothschild, China, and Russia. This take down is almost at the same level as Saudi Arabia's corruption take down of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.


How is Rothschild involved? Exposed in the hacker leak of 773 million e-mail accounts and passwords (refer https://voat.co/v/QRV/2987333), Rothschilds account with Tony Podesta's firm (podesta.com) used the password "pdvsa1". [email protected]:pdvsa1. PDVSA oil is likely leveraged by Rothschild for money laundering and kick-backs to bribe corrupt democrat politicians like Nancy Pelosi.


"Rothschild & Co. is approaching Petroleos de Venezuela SA bondholders in a bid to form a creditor group and draft a proposal for a voluntary swap of about $8 billion of the oil company’s short-term debt."

China also owned at least 50% of PDVSA:


"State-run oil company Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) told Reuters that China would lend Venezuela $10 billion in the coming months for a financing deal and development of oil fields."

"Beijing has loaned Caracas around $56 billion. In return, Venezuela sends China around 550,000 barrels of oil a day,"

Russia owned the other 50% of PDVSA:


"PDVSA last year used 49.9 percent of its shares in coveted U.S. subsidiary Citgo as collateral for loan financing from Rosneft. In total, Rosneft has lent PDVSA between $4 billion and $5 billion, but the details of those deals have not been disclosed."

16435480? ago


Please read this so that you are informed on the topic. It leaves me with the same questions as this post asks.

16434672? ago

I've got friends in Venezuela and they want fucking Maduro OUT!

16433809? ago

The deep state and the globalists will do everything in their power as long as they still walk the streets. They all need to be outed and prosecuted with extreme prejudice, until then their crimes and corruption will continue. MAGA.

16433784? ago

Thats called a loaded question. The most common Libral tactic. Your glowing idiot. On the topic of pedos we have you wanting to rape small babies. Why? We are so used to you guys pulling that shit it's pathetic.

16433772? ago

Not at all sure the cabal wouldn't be thrilled to work the collapse of Venezuela. After all, they've been thrown out of Haiti and the Sudan. They have to get the kids from somewhere.

16433597? ago

It is. The same shit they did Iraq and Syria. Trump works for the Deep State.

16433983? ago


16433596? ago

Ah , Venezuela concernfagging ... from the style of your posting - Im pretty sure youre the same person that posts over and over the same thing ...

How utterly dumb do people need to be to support regime that actually "steers" the country with worst economy in the world ? How stupid do people need to be , to think that Maduro was put there in fair way immediately after the Chavez death ? How stupid do people need to be , not to logically connect Cabal's assasination of Chavez , propping up the Maduro , then ruining the country ?

16433798? ago

Why is it the concern of the USA? Muh Russia is what you’ll say. Then I’ll counter with Russia already has Cuba and Russia ain’t shit. Stay out of foreign wars and nation building. America First

16433906? ago

How many times does it need to be repeated ? You and others do not understand that Swamp is inrooted worldwide - and you cannot even have it drained fully in USA , without draining it simultaneously in other countries ...

What , now the Maduro is good ? Regime , with worst hyperinflation at the moment , is good ? I do understand the worries around the MiC , but you should maybe start using logic - and see the sequence of happenings I mention above . Maduro was and is always a Cabal puppet ... Cabal likes misery and suffering , because the populations become easier to control then .

16434780? ago

I hope the people rise up and dispose of Maduro themselves, perhaps their neighbors who are affected more directly can help. Do you think the USA should go after foreign leaders? Sure I think we should battle them with ideas and diplomacy, but we can’t fight everybody and need to only use the military as a last resort. America first. There are plenty of problems here at home.

16435106? ago

There are many other ways aside military options . I am against the military option , too ... its pointless , even , at this moment . The population of Venezuela strongly dislikes Maduro , and his removal is more of an "organic" way of happenings now .

The "wars" arent waged anymore with guns blazing around ... you see that for many years now ... theyre waged through economies , as economic wars . Theyre even capable to make bigger dents on countries than any military conflict . Besides - military conflicts are costly , and have turned into a lose-lose situations . The only ones who profited off them was Cabal and MiC , as in weapons selling . They wont occur anymore - Syria is the last one .

16435164? ago

I don’t think it helps either for it to appear like USA is leading regime change.

16436096? ago

People in Venezuela have been leading their own regeim change by rioting for basic necessities (like toilet paper, and food) and getting killed in the streets by their own government since before Trump was even president!

Whoever is suggesting that the demonstrable failure of their socialist government is somehow related to "muh imperialist Americans" is simply blowing commie propaganda up your ass.

That is the exact same bullshit excuse that every single one of these failed marxist wanna be empires has used for the last 70 years to explain why socialism always fails.

16435239? ago

I dont think anyone , including Trump , will take "advices" from Bolton or similar folks seriously ... optics are important , and there are other ( above ) ways that seem much more efficient and less destructive .

Besides , seems like France is in similar scenario of Swamp draining for months now ...

16433477? ago

Trump is pursuing American interests. He wants a government he can work with there instead of the current regime. I’m sure it makes our country richer somehow.

16433628? ago

Yeah, they have more oil than anyone on the planet. More wars for oil!

16438126? ago

Follow the money, and oil is money. When the Middle East winds down South America will rise large. There are huge reserves offshore Brazil also.