16436546? ago

No. It is a COVERUP.

16435250? ago

Apparently these DOCS were given to the DOJ inspector general Horowitz who is conducting a joint investigation with Huber

16433331? ago

If there is an ongoing investigation it surely would be sealed. If not then would only be sealed if they're hiding something.

16432264? ago

Good thread on some of the ways Mueller is compromised. (with meme) https://twitter.com/PolitiJim/status/1089989327080341506

16431777? ago

Muellers dirty too but trump will pardon him.

16431352? ago

This ruling confirms; Mueller is turned. The Stone indictment set the stage.

Mueller operates under an amorphous Ethics Waiver, deliberately worded to give no indication of the underlying Conflict of Interest making waiver necessary. Every indictment generated through the investigation has relied upon the indictees being out of country, procedural violations or derived from crimes committed in connection with prior administration. EVERYONE that has been brought in under these processes are known to possess first hand knowledge and evidence of known and documented "questionable" activities. All actions performed to this date are entirely consistent with the exfiltration of informants and establishing legal standing and venues to overcome legal hurdles and establish provenance and validity promoted through a singularly motivated Media industry. Also, Huber...

Stone's indictment seals it though. Classic Trojan Horse. All of the indicted offenses rely upon and underlying crime having taken place. If there was no initial crime, there can be no obstruction, False statements, or Solicitation of False Statements to conceal a crime. Venue has just been established for exculpatory evidence to be presented and publicly vetted - SECURELY because of the absolute and unblinking scrutiny which is assured. Collusion with Russians... LOL. Russian "hacking" of the DNC server. Does anybody realize the door opened and red carpet that has just been laid out?? https://www.thenation.com/article/a-new-report-raises-big-questions-about-last-years-dnc-hack/

The metadata shows that the transfer of the emails off of the DNC server exceeded physical network capacity. It is impossible to have occurred from the next building, let alone out of country. The transfer speed had to have occurred locally, directly from port to drive. Remember, his name was Seth Rich.

Julian Assange now has standing to provide Deposition to be entered into evidence, PUBLICLY. This is his ONE chance - there is NO way he does not take it.

IMHO the last chance to derail occurred when Pelosi was ordered out of country. The shills' desperation to provoke violent action in the wake of that failure has robbed their posts of any subtlety of nuance. Read their posts here, and savor the exquisite anguish sweating from each keystroke.

The over-the-top theatrical seizure of Roger Stone and indictment issued were the final warm up act. OOOH BOY just wait for who sits center stage when the curtain rises, narrating the prelude! As The Show commences, and we sit in the theater whooping and cheering at the antics of the actors, maintain compassion for those sitting in shocked disbelief. Offer comfort and be empathetic that the trailers for this production completely misled, and the underlying lore must be explained to them. We must help them to stand, offer a steadying hand, and together attend the after show Memorial.

Posthumous awarding of the Presidential Medal of Freedom will re-establish the unifying cultural mythology of The American Hero: The Courageous Every-man, obligated to action when faced with injustice, selfless to sacrifice in defense of the Constitutional Republic, motivated by his unconditional love for all of his fellow Citizens. Life Myth displacing the insidious and subverting Death Myth, cauterizing the vast open wounds inflicted to divide our Citizenry.

The underlying theme constantly playing, affirming the Power to Govern is Derived from the Consent of the Governed; The resulting renewal of consent sparking Constitutional Renewal and Reestablishment, through challenges overseen by the realigned judiciary now in place.

16429464? ago

Shills keep attacking Freemasonry. Here's why I think that's not such a good idea: Freemasonry exercises a man's conscious selection of Free Will over Bondage. To become a Freemason, you cannot be bound, cannot be a slave, cannot be owned. You must be Free and Accepted. Acceptance means that the lodge to which you belong is in good standing, and steadfastly follows the By-Laws which are available for viewing to the public. Moreover, the example by which you live your life and display good citizenship is another merit of the Freemasons. However, not all Freemason lodges are in good standing. If you are part of a lodge in good standing, you will not be encouraged by your lodge to visit lodges not in good standing. In fact, you might be barred from intermingling with them. The reason why Freemasonry is attacked is because Freemasons use a system of allegorical recognition for other members, and other means to recognize a member. If you look at the decay of our universities, it is because Freemasonry also created the college fraternal system as a direct offshoot. The two share many aspects and elements of their initiation. Now, as you see the decline of Patriots graduating from universities, why do you think this is so that there are fewer and fewer college fraternities? And it would appear that the fascists are against the Freemasons, and are whittling away at college fraternities,too. This is no surprise because autocratic governments, which hate individualistic expression always attack Freemasonry - each and every time!

16445617? ago

And here you are shilling for freemasons.

Stop that.

16429061? ago

This can be a good thing. Think of all the work Mueller is putting in, let him keep it up for now. Then when his is done, unseal all documents implicating him and the Clinton Foundation, prosecute them, convict them , and jail or dispose of them. With a conviction, all of Robert Mueller's indictments and work will be void and null and then opens up a whole slew of civil suits. Mueller is rich by the way.

16428346? ago

Retaliation on whistle blower.

16427603? ago

Fuck yeah! Shills are going nuts on here! Open bomb bay doors! We're over the target.

16427459? ago

The Daily Caller!?



16429627? ago

Confirmed multiple sources.

16429739? ago


All Alt - right conspiracy sources.

16429964? ago

AH, found the leftist commie SOROS shillbot!


16430005? ago


16430166? ago

This ^ NPC is glitching.

Types in gobbledygook as if it has already proven itself to NOT be what it is,which is a NPC shillbot.

16430455? ago

You stupid shillbots don't understand rule #1. Never click any link from a shillbot.

Not even once.

Try harder, WITH LOGIC AND EVIDENCE this time.

16430740? ago

You stupid shillbots don't understand rule #1. Never click any link from a shillbot.

Not even once.

Try harder, WITH LOGIC AND EVIDENCE this time.


16426955? ago

Trust Sessions.

Trust Huber.

Trust Wray.

Goodbye Mr. Mueller.

It's all total bullshit a total deep state psyop!

The FBI CIA NSA DOJ MSM are all still out of control & working for the cabal.

Patriots are not in control.

Banana Republic.

We are being played.

Stop supporting the cabal larps Trump & Qanon.

Then when Trump's support tanks with his base we shall see then who freemason Trump & Qsyop are really working for? If there's still no declas no mass arrests no evidence of voter fraud no Huber report no mass unsealed indictments no wall FBI CIA still rogue and gestapo Herr Mueller witch hunt still ongoing we will know for sure we have been played by cabal larps.

16429649? ago





16427680? ago

Is Pres. Trump a Freemason? Where's your sauce? This seems to be a new shill tactic - Trump the Freemason. Every single Freemason I've known have all been honorable men who have dedicated their lives to serving their communities. All of them were straight, and all of them Conservatives, and none of them were ILLUMINATI dickhead shills.

16428036? ago

FUCK YOU! Clearly you don't know fuck all about the satanic Illuminati freemasons you are just another dumb fucking ass know nothing American idiot who i have no time for.

16429263? ago

Shill, I want sauce. Get me sauce. I spent the better part of a year researching FMs, and all fake. Do it, then come back and tell me that you're full of shit because you are. Freemasons BUILT this country! Every single large building has a cornerstone placed by a Freemason. You're just another mentally deserted fuckwad that wants to destroy yet another honorable institution. So go piss up a rope, and fuck off. We see you, shilly.

16427522? ago

IF what you're saying is true, what would be the point? Kicks and giggles? You're coming off as an idiot.

16428177? ago

The truth hurts don't it?

Now run along Qfag by all means continue sucking Trump larp and Qpsyop's cocks.

16428274? ago

Do you get paid in blowjobs or ass-ramming?

16426635? ago

No.. It's because of corruption. The only indictments about to be unsealed are the ones to attack trump supporters.

16429619? ago


16432942? ago

Q is But a hireling who serves the will of the empire. He has fled at the sight of wolves and has led you to your death. Only in the end when they come for your children will you understand. You had a moment of reprieve from Christ and instead chose to follow the hireling of an archon. You have failed your task.

16435319? ago

This anti-Q NPC shillbot is absolutely terrified.

Look at it try to spew the false dichotomy of "Q or Jesus, pick one".

Nope, false dichotomies are called false dichotomies because there are more choices than one or the other.


16470911? ago

*waves at larping QPC bot

You have failed in your larping you fucking piece of shit spook ;)

16426540? ago

This is Just so wrong When are these evil people going to Jail and that includes corrupt judges !!

16426687? ago

When you demand it and take action.

16425990? ago

Stay on target! Hahahaha. Hornet's nest just got poked.

16425848? ago

Q drop 2505...
Someone Leaked Story about Prosecutor Huber Meeting with Clinton Foundation Whistleblower 2505

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 30 Nov 2018 - 9:27:58 PM To the person who leaked Huber > [Clinton Foundation] Whistleblower' DO NOT reveal more. MONDAY. Q.... There is an investigation. No question about it.

16425694? ago

Unacceptable. When do we storm?

16426693? ago

When the witch tries to take our firearms.

16427500? ago

Which witch? There are so many.

16427971? ago

Hildabeast.. The whore of the deepstate empire that intends to terminate every single man woman and child that stands against the satanic nwo. When she reaches for your gun.. BURN HER AND EVERY CUCKED SLAVE SHE SENDS TO ENFORCE HER WILL!

16425652? ago

Answer no. He's a corrupt judge, a playa!

16425645? ago

Nope, the reason is not because of an ongoing investigation. The Judge would not know about any. It's because we have lost the country to the swamp members and will never be able to take it back.

16429641? ago

OP must be over the target, look at these panicking little NPC shillfucks!


16427274? ago

It's called a Sidebar. Yes, the judge would have been informed. Sealing her justification would be consistent with notification of an ongoing case, which informed her ruling.

16425389? ago

No its because the kikes in your government are never going to give your country back to you.

16431216? ago

Attention all new visitors:

Don't pay attention to people who try and tell you how to interpret ideas on here.

Just think for yourself, research, and realize if someone is trying so hard to keep you from believing somebody's comment, their fear comes from being exposed.

16429598? ago

No, it's because of another investigation taking place OUTSIDE of the DC swamp.

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.


Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


16431117? ago

Please, keep telling us how to think. My fluoride brain can't do it by itself anymore.

16431234? ago

"keep telling"?

Think for yourself, not what collectivists tell you to think about people you don't even know.

16431354? ago

Yes. You've been shitting up the board with these comments.

Your big nose is exposed. You guys aren't as smart as you think.

Stop saying "collectivist", it's a dogwhistle exposing your position and it similar to Juden Peterson push toward individualism.

Boy, y'all really don't want whites to unify.

16431502? ago

This "muhjoo" NPC is TRIGGERED.

Look at it having a meltdown.

Telling me to stop saying "collectivist".


Unification based on all of us being God's children.

Not warring races despite what your COLLECTIVIST masters want you to think.

Think for yourself shillbot!

16449784? ago

Working as a collective is how the Jews took over the monetary system, the media, the government, religion and education. With the later two they created useful idiots like you all over the world.

16431581? ago

You are trying too hard.

16431620? ago


This is easy for me.

You people are stupid.

To stupid people easy things do look difficult.

16431655? ago

The name calling doesn't help you. Your clearly a kike. 🇮🇱🥓🤔

16431677? ago

Projecting name calling shillbot is projecting.






I command, it answers.

16431698? ago

Sounds like a Jew to me. The original slave matters.

I'll pray for you, homie.

16431732? ago

This ^ NPC is typing what its collectivist overlords tell it to type.

It sounds terrified.

16431810? ago

Collectivist - noun, used to describe a person who's ideas threaten the establishment who yields to minorities

16431881? ago

A collectivist is someone who perceives and treats other people not as individuals who are innocent until proven guilty, but by the "group" the collectivist perceives them to "belong", as if a person can ONLY act "in furtherance of" said abstract concept.

Oh, you cry out in pain as that knife is driven slowly into your heart? You say you deserve to live? Fuck you, a collectivist would say, you are only saying that to ensure the white race has enough members, and that collectivist sees evil in that concept.

16426951? ago

3 downvotes??? Wake up QVR

16429612? ago

Aw, what's the matter NPC?

Soros shilling not working?

16431129? ago

If we know anything about team Soros, it's that they always accuse is of what they are guilty of.

Who's your master?

16431192? ago

Not who, what.

Objective reality is my master.

16431246? ago

Not Jesus Christ?


16431369? ago

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

Objective reality = "God".

Jesus is but one story.

Humans were God's creation before Jesus.

Before Jesus, humans did not have Jesus as their master.


Reality through individual ratiocination.

Same path to peace and enlightenment as the best religious books ever written.

16431417? ago

Only way to God is through Christ.

Your Jewish wizardry is broken here.

16431424? ago

Not jewish, but at least I know Jesus was a jew.

16431576? ago

More Jewish than any "jews"

16431651? ago

Not a jew, you just can't tolerate logic and evidence, so all you "muhjoo" shills can do is "muhjoo".

I was born into a Christian family.

What did Jesus teach us to do?

Love thy neighbor.

Jesus was a jew.


oh no!

16431678? ago

I love all creation, but I'll stand up for righteousness. I'll even throw motherfuckers out of temples.

We are coming, big nose.

16431763? ago

Righteousness in Christianity is had BY THE INDIVIDUAL, not the entire human species let alone specific races.

You stupid shillbots pretending to be Christian don't even know Christianity.

Each and every individual is responsible for their own actions, not entire races.

You shillbots are dumb fucks aren't you.

16431842? ago

In but judging any races. I'm just very pro white. YOU are there only one projecting.

Righteousness is given by God through the sacrifice of his son. It is ours if we want it. What's your confusion there?

16431907? ago

In but judging any race?

You are having a meltdown you fucking "race baiting" shillbot.

You are no Christian either you fraud.

Christianity contradicts your rhetoric.

Try harder Soros shillbot.

16432253? ago

I'm only talking about whites. You keep trying to tell me how I'm judging other races.

You aren't helping your side.

16432355? ago

Nobody cares what race you are you fucking shillbot.

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

For all anyone knows, you could be something other than white and only lying because you know you dun fucked up and now are sloppily trying to clean up the gigantic clusterfuck of a mess you call your shilling here.

You are not talking about anyone when you talk about whites.

White is an abstraction.

Which whites? Germanic, Caucasian, etc?

What if a person you perceive as white had a black maternal great grand-parent but you can't know based on your eyes and flawed view of humanity?

You dumb fuck race baiting shills HAVE LOST THE NARRATIVE.

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "race baiting" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.


Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


16432631? ago

Haha. Kike

16432645? ago

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Joofag" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is anti-semitic or even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.


Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Joofag" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:



16432818? ago


16432827? ago

^ ^ ^

Sexual preference anxiety issues.

16432860? ago

Have a beer on me, buddy

16432892? ago

I don't drink.

Drinking dulls the mind.

Just look at many of the French.

16425355? ago

Yes that would be the reason

16426253? ago

Treason is the reason.

16425312? ago

God only knows.