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16424080? ago

If somehow the Q team is taken out, what is their recourse?

If not everything goes to plan and President Trump and his inner circle are assassinated, we are the "Plan B".

All of the cowardly Republicans will flee for safety and the Democrat Speaker of the House will resume the Zionist World Order's 16 year plan to destroy America and cripple western civilization.

This is why we must make ourselves ready for war, because the moment we resist the Deep State will call in the (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and probably (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" who will attempt to disarm us while destroying our farming infrastructure and sabotaging our power stations. The (((Federal Reserve))) will utterly destroy our economy and millions of us will starve to death within six months as we become a third world country.

(((They))) will all blame this destruction of President Trump.

This is why we must stockpile guns and ammo and supplies, in case we need to join the fight in the streets.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.