16425921? ago

There is no plan, other than the Return of Christ. POTUS/Q are not going to release a Declas trove of data which will help people have an epiphany, and if they did most people simply are not going to care. Look at the sheer insanity rampant on the left, some of it even on the right. People who would vote for a Bernie or Cortez or Cuomo have long ago demonstrated they don't care about the Rule of Law or the sanctity of Human Life, they don't care about sex trafficking and illegal aliens or morality of any sort, they cannot even identify their own biological reality.

We may well see a most unCivil War break out but we should not expect government to restore our Republic via honest government prosecuting criminals; we lack honest government and the will to impose such a thing does not exist among half or more of the population. The depth of corruption is simply too great, and we only have about a year left.

POTUS may get another Justice seated but that's about it, his recent reversal on the Wall and his refusal to release Declas before the election prolly made him a one term POTUS, and in about a year the Enemy isn't gonna allow him any room to do anything, heat of the campaign season and all manner of vile silliness will obtain. Then, no matter who is eventually elected the Enemy will resume their agenda, which is already picking up steam under pelosi; they blocked the Wall, they blocked the shutdown, they still own the media.

POTUS has about a year to get something done, but his recent habit of backing up doesn't seem to be helping here.

There is no magic data dump coming, and if there were it would not change the reality in our streets. Half the population will never even hear it or understand it if they do hear it, many will not care. Remember, we are a country that kills Human Babies right up to the moment of Birth. People simply don't care.

As always, we await the return of Christ, nothing else will offer us relief.

16425289? ago

Then we go back to the original plan, which was a military coup.

16424605? ago

There is no Q team, and there never was. The fact people still believe Q is beyond insane

16425050? ago

There are no shills, and there never were. The fact that you just wrote this is beyond insane.

16425110? ago


16424477? ago

option? Don't make us laugh. The Q team's only option is to vacate the WH after impeachment and removal, this spring (and/or hire criminal defense lawyers...)

16424443? ago

If the witch had won, the military Generals would have had to do the unthinkable. Citizens would have been in harms way. The DS minions do not care about humanity. Satan hates humans, not God. His evil is against our creation, jealousy of the power God breathed into us. We have forgotten our power in working together, and were intentionally mislead-Holy See. DS worships Satan, and we are the feeders to their power(Matrix movie) Torture, sex sacrifices, eat children, abortions for food-Satanic black magic. The wall stops the ratline trafficking, removes their easy access for black magic rituals. Other trafficking being dismantled and money removed WW. Trump won, glory to God in the highest. Prayer cover needed at all times. God's power in a praying united populace unleashes all God's might. Light will always trump evil, but God requires us to pray. We have to want it with ALL our heart, soul, and strength. Watch what He can do through us. In Jesus name.

16424433? ago

Which Q team, the deep state psyop Q team, or the LARPing autists Q team? Where is Q anyway? Maybe the "team" has been taken out already.

16424228? ago

I think that MI had a coup planned if all else failed.

16424080? ago

If somehow the Q team is taken out, what is their recourse?

If not everything goes to plan and President Trump and his inner circle are assassinated, we are the "Plan B".

All of the cowardly Republicans will flee for safety and the Democrat Speaker of the House will resume the Zionist World Order's 16 year plan to destroy America and cripple western civilization.

This is why we must make ourselves ready for war, because the moment we resist the Deep State will call in the (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and probably (((EU))) "humanitarian forces" who will attempt to disarm us while destroying our farming infrastructure and sabotaging our power stations. The (((Federal Reserve))) will utterly destroy our economy and millions of us will starve to death within six months as we become a third world country.

(((They))) will all blame this destruction of President Trump.

This is why we must stockpile guns and ammo and supplies, in case we need to join the fight in the streets.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16424072? ago

Then we, the American People, finally get to go colonial on these redcoat fucks.

We are the failsafe.

16428149? ago

Just a thought... how would the military chain of command (white hats) know who we are, in order to mobilize a citizen army in the event all hell breaks loose? How would we communicate with each other to form-up?

16424015? ago

That's a great idea, if Q is taken out, then declas happens!