16417874? ago

We finally not only got a President that represents the will of the people AND keeps his promises AND is leading a world-wide nationalist movement against globalism... and you're calling for a violent revolution now?


You're that stupid?

Rather than doing exactly what the Jew World Order want, let's give President Trump a chance to lead his world-wide nationalist, anti-globalist movement and at least wait to see who's names are on those 72,000 sealed criminal cases.

Why throw away what may be our best chance to save America and western civilization?

Don't be a nigger.

16417965? ago

A good reply. Let's see in 2020s who is right and wrong here.

16418139? ago

I agree.

If President Trump isn't will or capable of solving this problem then We The People will need to a bloody revolution.

Unfortunately the Jews and their Deep State puppets will use that as an excuse to open the doors to (((UN))) and (((NATO))) and (((EU))) "humanitarian" forces who will try to disarm us and destroy our farming infrastructure and sabotage our power stations while the (((Federal Reserve))) destroys our economy... and they'll all blame Trump.

Millions will starve and our country will become a third world nation within six months if we aren't prepared to defend our nation and our birthright.

Patriots must arm themselves and be ready in case not everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16424880? ago

Any attempt at a "bloody revolution " of the kind you describe will fail.

16419219? ago

I'm a 70 year old woman and can't get out to stand for our freedoms, but I will blow the head off any intruder.

16419502? ago

That's what I love to hear.

As long as patriots arm themselves and are prepared to fight for their freedom, I doubt any foreign country could touch us.

The Chinese have more than two million troops, however there are over 300 million Americans. Even if a few percent of us are armed and prepared, they wouldn't stand a chance.

"To invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle." - Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

16419458? ago

You go, GranAnon!

16418215? ago

Excellent. Thanks for linking.

16417666? ago

Stalin did nothing wrong