16405353? ago

Wash. state is reaping what it has sown. No Common Sense, Wait till the Flesh eating virus arrives, They have just discovered at the Border from the Illegals

16405301? ago

Measles is only a serious disease for adults, not for children. Whoever gets measles as a child, like me, is immune for life.

So: DO NOT VACCINATE THE CHILDREN, but to enforce the disease as a child (about 2 - 3 weeks) and you have a lifelong protection!

16409507? ago

It is correct that once a child has had measles it becomes immune, at least that’s the common understanding and that if an adult contracts measles it could have more dire consequences.

My kids had no Vacs and "coincidently" as the story goes I was left with a situation where I had no safety or security lol, (my wife had left), but I found a guy who wanted his grass cut. He was (dead now) a professional Homeopathic doctor from India, explained to me how by taking certain homeopathic medicines, tinctures, etc act in the body as a defence against measles, he treated my kids and myself for free. Homeopathy for the main part is administered after the event with 99.99% success. I have many stories of Homeopathic Med in relation to Pharma, HM would put pharma out of business the next day, coz it works, that is why the British Royal family use it :)

16411418? ago

Thank you for this very good and honest comment, patriot. I agree totally - HP is a more effective way to stay healthy than conventional medicine. I wish you and your kids a healthy life and much love!

16403630? ago

The deep state people just talk, shills will carry it out. That way they don't get their hands dirty, do you really think you will see Adam Schiff out there with a machine gun mowing down crowds, no. None of the ruling class load the bombs, they don't use guns, they give the orders from far away in their walled off compounds where it is safe.

16403796? ago

The deep state people just talk

Eh, they also have access to the resources of the Earth's richest and most powerful Jew dynasties.

They also seem / seemed capable of bringing down aircraft.

They also owned a nuclear submarine.

16403569? ago

Yeah, hows those vaccines working out?

16403493? ago

Relax. Hillary lost. Trump would not allow the UN to step foot on US soil to confiscate weapons. Are you insane?

16403292? ago

Patriots, please prepare yourself for the worst.

If not everything "goes to plan" then the (((UN))), (((NATO))) and the (((EU))) will likely send "humanitarian forces" in an attempt to disarm us and destroy our farming infrastructure and sabotage our power plants. The (((Federal Reserve))) will simultaneously destroy our economy.

This will cause mass starvation and reduce America to a crippled, third world country within six months - unless we are prepared to stand up and defend our birthright from the Zionist World Order.

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16405314? ago

don't panic, dude...

16403969? ago

Good post and you are right, it don't take much for a short survival period. I like to add insulated coveralls if you in cold area. A bit pricey but works fantastic. Get some survival blankets is also something I would recommend. I survived 3 days in -53C/-64F without heat except 16 tea lights and heavy coveralls. I had unheated shelter.

16409579? ago

Do you remember "Jade Helm 15, Mapping the Human Domain" ? :)

16413337? ago

Yes I do.

16404000? ago

I survived 3 days in -53C/-64F without heat except 16 tea lights and heavy coveralls.

I experienced similar conditions while hiking half way up Mt Everest during winter. Most of my rations were oats and cubes of butter, but even at that temperature the lack of blood-flow to the muscles in my face meant I couldn't talk and even the butter was like eating ice cubes.

16404692? ago

I climbed Everest in just a thong and a pack of extra strong mints for warmth

16404723? ago

You must have lost 1,000 toes and 1,000 fingers during that excursion!

16404035? ago

But you made it :), Good job. I grew up in arctic so I knew how to deal with it :).