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16386156? ago

It's cute the OP assumes what little he knows is the whole story...

...when the truth is we are trying to understand the chess game being played while looking through a keyhole.

I will trust President Trump 100000% until I have a rational and informed reason not to.

In the meantime, I will continue to prepare myself for civil war - in case no everything "goes to plan".

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

16386189? ago

Care to enlighten us with the "whole story"

16386978? ago

take out SES, control oil flow, lower oil cost for the US, defund cabal, win time to release new technology, defeat old NWO by building new economy, new NWO.

16386573? ago

He doesn't know, he is trusting in the Q's magical mysterious "The Plan".

16386514? ago

The point of my comment went right over your head... so let me explain it again in a way that even a Somali can understand:

We don't know 90% of what really goes on in the White House. All we can do is try to make theories and understand what is happening based on what little we are allowed to know.

16386332? ago

7d chess

16386532? ago


Yet President Trump hasn't put a foot wrong yet.

16387541? ago

Yeah, totally. Luckily the elections were secure and we got that wall! Trust Sessions. Trust Kansas. Trust the Plan!!

Are you tired of winning?


16398152? ago

The WINNING has been awesome!

I'm not sure what POTUS has planned for the Dems regarding them taking the House, however we are about to get the wall through either emergency or military spending and President Trump is only half way through his first term.

After the wall, the only remaining big budget campaign promise will be massive infrastructure renewal... and then he'll have delivered on all of his major promises.

16386415? ago

I thought we were at 17d